• 们的读者中没有多少人会选择在如此低温下游泳,但在某些国家,冰泳已经流行了好几个世纪。

    Not many of our readers would choose to go for a swim in such low temperatures, but in some countries, ice swimming has been popular for centuries.


  • 为了初步体会可能产生某些困难我们讨论几个突出的困难以及一些可能解决方案

    Just to give you a taste of some of the difficulties that can arise, we'll discuss a few prominent ones and some potential solutions.


  • 或许曾经有过这样的同事,能力某些工作绰绰有余,缺乏追求卓越的动力甚至几个月之后就辞职了

    You've probably worked with someone who had all the skills necessary for a given job but lacked motivation to excel or even quit after a few months.


  • 与其说几个重要因素人所忽视,倒不如说出于某些原因价值大部分时间里没有明确地传达给人们。

    And it's not so much that these important factors have been left out, but for some reason it seems like their value is not clearly communicated most of the time.


  • 某些极端情况下,可能几个甚至是朋友断交

    In some extremes, you'll have to move away from old friendships or even groups of friends.


  • 如果处理几个涉及大量文件不同任务一起提交某些更改,那么后者非常有用。

    The latter is especially useful if you are working on several different tasks involving large Numbers of files but want to commit certain changes together.


  • 斯特某些作品很容易地卖掉特别是出现几个竞标者很快同一件作品上抬价其它一些作品则会慢些成交。

    Some of Mr Hirst's pieces will sell easily, especially if several bidders descend on the same work at once; others will be knocked down more slowly.


  • Web动人之处在于您经常遇到某些资源几个星期之后不禁感叹如果没有这些资源自己该如何好。

    The most wonderful thing about the Web is how often you run into some resource, and a few weeks later wonder how you ever managed without it.


  • 什么时候什么区别着呢,英国某些地区人们几个不同时间吃饭一些地方,dinner的是lunch,supper就是dinner

    What people eat and when can vary greatly -in some parts of the UK, people may eat their meals at different times, and in some parts of the UK, 'dinner' means' lunch ', and 'supper' means' dinner '!


  • 例如ChangingThePresent内容很多类型每种类型都有自己的名称、或长的描述某些常见表示属性以及几个定制属性。

    For example, at ChangingThePresent, we have several types of content that each have names, short and long descriptions, some common presentation attributes, and several custom attributes.


  • 虽然API适合许多应用程序但在某些情况下需要组合几个源文档

    While this API is suitable for many applications, in some cases you need to combine several sources. Some examples include.


  • 已经语言除去几个标记 ),甚至除去了其它标记某些属性(如H1标记align属性)。

    Several tags have been removed from the language (like ), and even some attributes of other tags have been removed too (like the align attribute of the H1 tag).


  • 电视有限表现手法——观众通常只能几个小时我们希望能借助电视人们打开一扇通向某些宏伟思想的大门。

    Television is a limited format - you're only working with a few hours - but what you can hope to do is to open people up to some big ideas.


  • 规模有助于此总是某些地方拥有一些工厂能够默默地盈利几个,再接受维修工人们一次开门大扫除。

    Its size helps: it always has some big plants somewhere that could benefit from a few months of quiet so that maintenance workers can open them up for a good scrubbing.


  • 出于某些原因过去几个礼拜里没有过太过紧张激动的情绪,而是有点无聊

    For some reason I didn't feel especially nervous or excited, mostly bored, as I had been for the past several weeks.


  • 大卫最近我们几个已经注意一个现象,奥斯卡陪伴某些病人时间比较多。

    David, lately a couple of us have noticed that Oscar has been spending a lot of time with certain residents.


  • 几个月来安全调查人员指出如果某些网站上的使用真实身份你访问其他网站时,也认出

    In recent months security researchers have shown that if you use your real identity on some sites, you can be identified when you visit others.


  • 输入输出信息包含字段数组时,可以数组中的每个元素执行某些转换或者几个输入数组合并一个输出中。

    When there is an array of fields in the input or output message, certain transforms are available to perform an action on each element of an array, or to merge several input arrays into one output.


  • 每隔几个月,好像能看读到类似这样故事。故事中提到某些卖掉捐献了他们几乎所有财产,将他们个人拥有财产的总项减少100以内。

    Every few months, it seems like I read another story about someone who has sold or donated nearly everything they own, reducing their total number of personal possessions to under 100 items.


  • 因为某些原因那里几个星期最大原因之一就是一个亲戚搬家,清理她的房子

    While there are several reasons I am here for a few weeks, one of the big reasons is to help a relative get a jump on cleaning out her house.


  • 几个例子:每天同事电子邮件感谢他们某些事情

    Some examples: Write e-mails to your co-workers every day thanking them for something they have done.


  • 接下来的几个月内因为计算机产业发生某些更深层次的动荡,业界内有更多大鱼开始尝试吞吃那些濒死的小鱼。

    In the months to come, more big fish will seek to swallow smaller fry. That is because something deeper is going on in the computer industry.


  • 传言说,外管局已经注意力转移到了某些资产类别,这类传言几个不断造成市场的波动。

    Rumors that the reserves administrator has shifted its attention to certain asset classes have repeatedly roiled markets in recent months.


  • 有时候我们某些东西弄坏了只是几个星期后我们发现到我们缺少的东西,需要东西替代

    Sometimes something we have will break and only after giving it a few weeks we'll realize we don't miss it and it doesn't need replacing.


  • 联邦调查局加紧调查抵押贷款欺诈今后几个月里,美国律师某些司法辖区里无疑有的

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation has stepped up investigations of mortgage fraud, and the U.S. Attorneys in several jurisdictions will no doubt be busy over the coming months.


  • 某些领域谈判陷入僵局,欧盟冻结了好几个谈判回合。土耳其拒绝承认塞浦路斯,而塞浦路斯是欧盟成员国

    Some areas are stalemated: the EU has frozen several chapters of the talks, and Turkey refuses to recognise Cyprus, an EU member state.


  • 几个星期,同某些个股挂钩产品获得监管层放行包括保证金交易做空交易

    Regulators in recent weeks permitted trading of products tied to selected individual stocks, including margin trading and short selling.


  • 几个星期,同某些个股挂钩产品获得监管层放行包括保证金交易做空交易

    Regulators in recent weeks permitted trading of products tied to selected individual stocks, including margin trading and short selling.


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