• 可敬枢机现在

    Their Eminences will see you now.


  • 枢机主教团举行了秘密会议选举教皇

    A conclave of cardinals was held to elect the new Pope.


  • 认为阴阳重点枢机不利

    The other is also the depression Yang of Shaoyin, but the emphasis was placed on the obstruction of cardinalate.


  • 当地枢机主教费迪南·派里埃一开始持怀疑态度

    The local Archbishop, Ferdinand Périer, was initially skeptical.


  • 君主教皇十六世侍从,枢机团长苏达诺主教。

    The ruler was Pope Benedict XVI and his courtier Angelo Sodano, the dean of the college of cardinals.


  • 这位奥地利人批评达诺枢机,达诺枢机梵蒂冈前任国务卿仍是教会要人

    The Austrian had taken to task Cardinal Angelo Sodano, a former Vatican Secretary of State who remains a powerful figure in church circles.


  • 纳吉枢机瑞士弗里堡的讲道中,众多迹象显示开罗袭击事件其实早预谋。

    In his Fribourg homily, Cardinal Naguib said evidence suggested the October Cairo incident had been planned.


  • 西斯廷教堂烟囱冒出,表明枢机主教一轮投票中未能选出教皇

    Black smoke has emerged from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel, signifying that the cardinals selected to choose next Pope have not reached a decision on their first try.


  • 枢机主教团主持牧师表示,只有所有红衣主教到达罗马确定教皇选举日期

    The dean of the college of cardinals says the date for the conclave won't be set until all cardinals are in Rome.


  • 选举教皇枢机主教团体帮助教皇管理教会教皇职位空缺负责管理座。

    The body of all the cardinals that elect the pope, assist him in governing the church, and administer the Holy See when the papacy is vacant.


  • 今天早些时候枢机主教进入教堂开始选举教皇程序,并吟诵圣徒祷文

    Earlier today, cardinals chanted the Litany of Saints as they filed into the chapel to start the process of electing anew Pope.


  • 今天教皇弗郎西斯梵蒂冈西廷斯教堂主持了首场弥撒仪式,众多枢机主教参加。

    At the Vatican today, Pope Francis led his first mass for cardinals in the Sistine Chapel.


  • 目前教区上下我们挚爱的枢机祝祷,我们决定廿五周年庆祝活动全部举行。

    As the whole Diocese is praying for our Cardinal J. B. WU, we decide to postpone all our 25th Anniversary celebrations to a later date.


  • 任教会文书(Curial Secretary),之后,在选为教皇之前,成为了枢机

    She had become a Curial Secretary, then a Cardinal before being elected Pope.


  • 处理好男人枢机街道监狱巴黎匹马飞跑屋顶的一位教练全速前进!

    Handle the sword against the men of the Cardinal on streets and prisons of Paris, on a horse in gallop or on the roof of a coach thrown at full speed!


  • 秘密会议开始枢机主教进行了保密宣誓纽约枢机主教蒂莫西·多兰是第一批宣誓主教之一。

    New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan was among the first to recite the oath of secrecy before the start of the papal conclave.


  • 因为退休了他没有那样做,以前一样,保留办公室7枢机主教,枢机主教已经过了75岁生日

    He has not and, with similar inertia, has kept in office seven cardinals who, having passed their 75th birthdays, are due for retirement.


  • 教会不过是从1917年规定枢机必须先晋铎,我们有一看到进一步改变女性担任教会内的枢机职?

    Given that it is only since 1917 that ordination has been a requirement for cardinals, might we one day see further changes that bring women into that level of service in the Church?


  • 宣布24任命枢机主教名字其中年龄80岁以下枢机主教20位,他们获得选举教皇权利

    He announced the names of 24 new cardinals, including 20 below the age of 80 who will thus get the right to vote in a papal election.


  • 最初成立于1940年,姐妹介绍目前大楼启用1964年财政援助枢机柯兴大主教波士顿的时候

    Originally founded in 1940 by the Presentation Sisters, the present building was opened in 1964 with the financial assistance of Cardinal Cushing, who was the Archbishop of Boston at the time.


  • 记载显示梅第奇压着牧师不让获得主教升迁,直到老爹,一个枢机主教还清了他们父子欠债

    On one occasion, the records show, the bank got the elevation of a cleric to a bishopric delayed until his father, a cardinal (yes), had repaid his own and his son's debts.


  • 退休教育工作者陈培佳对传媒的负面报道感到很难过,驱使修院以祈祷支持枢机。 这位教友指出,陈枢机高尚情操是人所共知

    “I trust in the cardinal’s integrity and noble character,” said Peter Chan, a retired educator who visited Salesian House to show his support.


  • 2002年,教皇本十六世当时还是枢机主教约瑟夫拉辛格德国记者彼得泽瓦尔德,“我们是否可以使用动物甚至动物?”

    In 2002, whenPope Benedict XVI was known to the world as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger,he was asked by German journalist, Peter Seewald, “Are we allowed tomake use of animals, and even to eat them?”


  • 2002年,教皇本十六世当时还是枢机主教约瑟夫拉辛格德国记者彼得泽瓦尔德,“我们是否可以使用动物甚至动物?”

    In 2002, whenPope Benedict XVI was known to the world as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger,he was asked by German journalist, Peter Seewald, “Are we allowed tomake use of animals, and even to eat them?”


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