• 大小对杏树产量品质影响进行了讨论。

    The effect of leaf-fruit ratio on the fruit yield and quality of apricot was discussed.


  • 氰不敏感呼吸成熟度有关,未熟绿半熟成熟

    The ratio of cyanide-insensitive respiration to total respiration changed with fruit maturation. Green fruits showed higher cyanide-insensitive respiration than half-mature and mature fruits.


  • 事实上个人见证讲道效,因为未信者牧师为“专业推销员”,却是满意顾客”,所以你有更高的可信度

    Actually, your personal testimony is more effective than a sermon, because unbelievers see pastors as professional salesmen, but see you as a "satisfied customer," so they give you more credibility.


  • 保罗一世最近南非世界杯赛期间破天荒地连续正确预测了八场赛一举成名,包括决赛西班牙10战胜荷兰捧杯。

    Paul I shot to fame by defying the odds to predict eight successive games during the recent World Cup in South Africa, including Spain's 1-0 triumph against the Netherlands in the final.


  • 就是绝大数时候同一个图像存储Webp中的像素存储在JPEG中的少多

    The result is that fewer pixel values need to be stored in most WebP image files than in a JPEG file of the same image.


  • 电视天下变得从前了。

    The world becomes smaller than before because of TV.


  • 另外,《营养杂志最新发布研究表明午餐期间半个牛油那些没有吃的更不容易下午感到饥饿。

    Plus, a recent study published in the Nutrition Journal found that people who ate half an avocado at lunch reported feeling less hungry throughout the afternoon than those who didn't have one.


  • 幅小―需要过多引起肌肉紧缩因而使肌纤维膜过度紧张疼痛

    Lack of Stroke Length- strokes that are shorter than what is required cause too many contractions and therefore excessive muscle fatigue and pain.


  • 夏威夷脂肪含量蛋白质含量提升生物体有用

    Cashews and macadamia nuts are higher in fat than protein content, but can also be useful to the ascending biology nonetheless.


  • 他们发现较多蔬菜那些少量甚至不吃人发生心脏病发作几率30%。

    People who ate more fruits and vegetables had a 30 percent lower risk of heart attack compared to people who ate little or none of these foods, they found.


  • 举止优雅,卧起都会挑美丽舒适的环境,斯特要讲究

    She is elegant, always choose nice place to sit sleep etc, more particular than Ghosty.


  • 研究人员核桃其他如花生开心更多更好抗氧化剂

    Walnuts Have More, Better Antioxidants Than Peanuts, Pistachios, Other nuts, Researcher Says.


  • 糖葫芦是。这种甜食看上去起来还要更美味,亮红色山楂串,看上去就喜庆,外面包裹的糖衣日光下闪闪发光。

    Sold by the stick, the dessert-to-go tastes great and looks greater — bright red haws line up on a skewer in auspicious shapes, their sugary outer layers glimmering in the light.


  • 适度工作

    Hika said that a modest work.


  • 甜瓜类型立架栽培指数爬式栽培的高。

    The shape indexes of fruit for both melons in vertical-culture were all greater than those in creeping-culture.


  • 黄金白银只有满足只有真正开心眼中

    I want You more than gold or silver, Only You can satisfy, You alone are the real joy-giver, And the apple of my eye.


  • 但是花费很多的,并且e不一定选用特定几种更好。

    But it will cost a lot of money and the effect is also not necessarily better than choosing specific several media.


  • 今天所读的箴言内容提醒我们团队事工往往独自工作

    Our proverb today reminds us that we are more effective when we work as a team rather than as a lone ranger.


  • 还有什么清楚的呢?明日生活,孕育于今天态度抉择之树上

    Who could say it more clearly? Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.


  • 谋士点了点头,说道:“主人本来已经十分尊贵了,如今贵,次花,结两次还要严重得多啊!

    The adviser nodded his head and said: "Master, you've already got a lot of honour. But now your glory has just doubled! This is more worse than the trees' blooming twice a year!"


  • 国内红豆杉树树皮紫杉醇含量较高曼地亚红豆杉全株部分含量均红豆杉价格黄金还要贵二十

    The domestic yew has high content of paclitaxel only in its bark, while Taxus media has high content of paclitaxel in its all parts and its fruit can ask a high price, 20 times higher than gold.


  • 国内红豆杉树树皮紫杉醇含量较高曼地亚红豆杉全株部分含量均红豆杉价格黄金还要贵二十

    The domestic yew has high content of paclitaxel only in its bark, while Taxus media has high content of paclitaxel in its all parts and its fruit can ask a high price, 20 times higher than gold.


- 来自原声例句

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