• 他们肤色被晒成黄褐色的相片相比大多数同学更喜欢他们在完成老师的蔬菜水果实验样子

    More students liked the way they looked after having eaten the fruits and vegetables than they did when they had a tan.


  • 新鲜果实白色多汁,干以后的龙眼深棕色黑色越南人龙眼做饭甜点,这种水果对于放松身体非常有效

    The fresh fruits are white and juicy where as the dried longans are dark brown or black. Vietnamese make desserts with this fruit. These fruits are very effective in relaxing body.


  • 事实上紫外光线能反映水果外皮有助于鸟类判断果实是否成熟至可以食用

    In fact, the way that UV light reflects off the waxy outer layers of fruit helps birds determine whether fruit is ripe to eat.


  • 根据特性提出了一基于色彩空间参照适用水果采摘机器人视觉系统果实目标提取图像分割算法

    Based on these features, an algorithm to extract fruits object from images, which is based on the approach of color space reference list, was put forward.


  • 这种植物果实果皮制成蜜饯用于糖果水果蛋糕

    The fruit of this plant, whose rind is often candied and used in confections and fruitcakes.


  • 饭后错误概念饭前水果

    Eat fruits after meal is a wrong concept. Fruits should be eaten before meals.


  • 有时候水果可以用来用于制作甜食但是植物果实部分比如说大黄。 。

    Occasionally the term 'fruit' may be used to refer to a part of a plant which is not a fruit, but which is used in sweet cooking: rhubarb, for example.


  • 通过不同水果使用非织造布套与其它材质套袋应用比较说明了纺粘法非织造布具有良好的性能果实套袋应用方面具有广阔的市场前景。

    It is explained that nonwovens have excellent properties and wide prospect in fruit bag application through the comparison between two kinds of different materials used as fruit bag.


  • 通过研究,在成熟水果识别匹配定位方面取得了较大进展,提出一种果实收获机器人障碍物检测方法

    Through the research, some achievements have been made. Such as mature fruit recognition, match and location. This research also provides a method for fruit harvest robot to detect obstacle.


  • 为了展现苏维翁-布朗克可爱而美味水果特性,我们会精心挑选酿酒的果实并且与任何橡木接触。

    To show the lovely delicate fruit profile of Sauvignon Blanc, careful fruit selection was done, and no oak was used.


  • 释迦所含糖度占了果实38%左右,热量水果,尤其以需要控制血糖特别控制食用

    With a total sugar content of around 38%, the custard apple is not a low calorie fruit. People who need to keep tabs on their blood sugar levels should especially avoid eating too much.


  • 果实许多生理失调病害水果组织中的含量有关。

    Many physiological disorders and diseases caused by postharvest pathogens are related to calcium deficiency in the tissue of fruit.


  • 分析测定结果表明黑桃果实不论大小,成熟时水分含量均高达88%左右,为多水果

    The nutrients of Prunus persica cv. Heitao fruits was determined and analyzed. The findings showed that black peach was a juicy fruit whose moisture was as high as 88% regardless of its size.


  • 明亮水果葡萄酒,充溢浓郁覆盆子果实的味调,随之迩来的是柔软的中度酒体,最后以一种愉悦的辛辣收尾

    A bright an fruity wine with strong notes of raspberry and blueberry, followed by a soft medium body and a pleasant, peppery finish.


  • 就是成熟果实促使其他果实快速成熟以及水果储藏运输过程中成熟得以控制的原因。

    This is why ripe fruit stimulate other fruits to ripen quickly and this process can be controlled to some extent for fruit storage and transport.


  • 一次他们面临愤怒乌鸦他们不惜一切代价保持自己喜欢的水果果实鸟类

    This time they are facing the Angry Crows who will stop at nothing to keep the Fruit Birds from their favorite fruit.


  • 童年为了水果并不总是等待直到成熟树木顶部百年手表不能等待挑选的未成熟果实青涩淡淡的苦味

    Childhood, in order to eat the fruit, not always wait until the top of mature trees to climb Breitling watches, can not wait to pick unripe fruit, and the Sentimental me, with a touch of bitter taste.


  • 各种各样蔬菜水果使祖父整个果实生长期特别忙碌

    The variety of fruits and vegetables kept my grandfather busy for the entire growing season.


  • 背后连结水果包装想法一半表示果实的核心作为产品果实

    The idea behind Quick Fruit packaging is a fruit sliced in half showing the core of the fruit as the lid of the product.


  • 塑料 薄膜 覆盖使果实干净减少运输销售过程中清洗水果而花费时间精力因为 塑料 薄膜 覆盖完全防止了降雨泥土果实上。

    Mulch keeps the fruit cleaner and reduces the time and effort that goes into preparing the product for shipment and sale because rain splashed soil deposits are virtually eliminated.


  • 亮丽带有宝石闪硕的红色,象红色的水晶果实口感柔和圆润带有水果糖渍水果的特点,一款圆润,平衡葡萄酒

    Brilliant purple colour with ruby reflections - Crystallized red fruits Supple and round mouth which develops fruity and compote notes round, balanced wine.


  • 醉人芳香甜甜的味道甘菊果实水果药草拼配得名

    From intoxicating aroma to sweet taste, the fruit from the chamomile, fruits and herbs, blending the name.


  • 醉人芳香甜甜的味道甘菊果实水果药草拼配得名

    From intoxicating aroma to sweet taste, the fruit from the chamomile, fruits and herbs, blending the name.


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