• 奥尔德不久跟随阿姆斯特朗舷梯成为月球上登第二个人

    Aldrin soon followed Armstrong down the ladder to become the second man to stand on the moon.


  • 1928年,陈列史密森艺术工业大厦北厅内圣路易斯精神”是查尔斯·首次创造独自不着横渡西洋飞行时使用过飞机

    Spirit of St. Louis, the plane in which Charles Lindbergh made the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight, was installed in the North Hall of the Smithsonian's Arts and Industries Building in 1928.


  • 儿子正在美国军服役而且很快伊拉克去。

    Palin said her son has enlisted in the Army, and will be deploying soon to the region.


  • 最后终于发现了,曾佩琳朋友日军抓获了,结果日军他们送到了夸贾环礁岛——当时著名执行

    Finally spotting land, Mr Zamperini and his Pal were captured by the Japanese, who sent them to kwajalein-then known as Execution Island.


  • 1969年巴兹·奥尔尼尔·阿姆斯特朗设置月球位于张图像中心,一块儿很小的白点箭头所指处)。

    The lander set down on the moon by Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong in 1969 is at the center of this image, a small white dot [arrow] with a long shadow stretching to the right.


  • 杨金,采取这些措施为了防止中国经济硬着

    These measures are aimed at preventing a hard landing for the Chinese economy, he said.


  • 气球最终距离50地方着时,里面竟然的。

    But when the balloon eventually came down around 50 miles from the family home in the town of Fort Collins it was empty.


  • 探险家马休·弗德斯也一样,30年后弗雷泽岛。

    Likewise explorer Matthew Flinders, who landed here some 30 years later.


  • 顿小姐公司研究发现男性女性网站寻找菜谱清扫以及衣物除建议。

    Ms. Tharrington said company research found that men were going to women's Web sites to find information on recipes, cleaning the house or getting a stain out of a shirt.


  • 这项研究旨在强调停止砍伐成熟减少生态系统排放重要作用,认为可能成为重要政策方略

    ''This framework underscores the importance of eliminating harvesting of old-growth forests as perhaps the most important policy measure that can be taken to reduce emissions from land ecosystems.''


  • 1945年1月菲律宾吕宋岛前夕,美军宾夕法尼亚号战列舰(uss Pennsylvania),身后跟随巡洋舰,列队向加延湾(LingayenGulf)驶去。

    37the battleship USS Pennsylvania, followed by three cruisers, moves in line into Lingayen Gulf preceding the landing on Luzon, in the Philippines, in January of 1945. (U.S. Navy).


  • 2007年,中校保罗·英武装力量杂志armed Forces Journal》发表了文章,对规避风险倾向进行了引人注目的解说

    In a 2007 essay in the Armed Forces Journal, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Yingling offered a compelling explanation for this risk-averse tendency.


  • 事件发生小时邮箱账户gov.palin@yahoo.com以及另外一个账户gov.sarah@yahoo.com都被删除因而不能

    Some hours after the breach occurred, that e-mail account, gov.palin@yahoo.com, and another used by Palin, gov.sarah@yahoo.com, were deleted and could not be accessed.


  • 阿姆斯特朗同行的宇航员巴兹·奥尔德(Buzz Aldrin)离开沿轨道运行阿波罗11指挥舱(迈克·斯驾驶),乘坐“”号登月舱实施了

    Armstrong and fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin left the Apollo 11 command module (piloted by Michael Collins) in orbit and performed a landing in the lunar module Eagle.


  • 必须带领人民前往西边古老- 卡多。只有在那里你才能对抗黑暗力量,拯救世界水深火热之中。

    You must lead your people west to the ancient lands of Kalimdor. Only there can you combat the shadow and save this world from the flame.


  • 您别看现在的一个乡镇

    At present Zhanglin is an inland town.


  • 比起地上,熟悉兰德家族的飞空艇在其中滑翔天空

    You're more at home in the skies aboard a House Lyrandar airship than you are on the ground.


  • 参议员要求调查昨天写给监察长。

    Senator Clinton requested the investigation yesterday in a letter to the Army Inspector General.


  • 美国东北部沿海温带阔叶气候

    The northeastern United States coast is a continental climate temperate forest.


  • 住宅与等高线平行,位于橄榄末端海滨地带起点之间作为海洋建筑通道

    The residences were placed parallel to the elevation contour lines, between the end of the olive grove and the start of the seaside terrain, functioning as a passage from the land to the sea.


  • 阿姆斯特朗奥尔点燃了登月舱火箭引擎,喷降低了登月舱速度向下朝着地点,登一个被称为静海区域里。

    Armstrong and Aldrin fired the lander rocket engine. The firing slowed the spacecraft and sent it down toward the landing place. It was in an area known as the Sea of Tranquility.


  • 阿尔·方式控制双双自动。登引擎命令飞跃,脱开!引擎臂,脱落。413进入

    Aldrin: mode control, both auto. descent engine command override, off. engine arm, off. 413 is in.


  • 由于好奇,晓芬去咳嗽医院咳嗽。让怨天怨地咳嗽,年前咳嗽了她命竟然或的咳嗽她男朋友

    Lin checked the records of the hospital. To her surprise, the donor who saved her nine years ago was actually her boyfriend.


  • 飓风艾琳星期天早晨布鲁克的康尼纽约市并没有遭到艾琳的强风袭击。

    New York City was spared hurricane force winds when Irene made landfall early Sunday in Coney Island, Brooklyn.


  • 天然牧草欧亚大美洲杰克爱尔兰混合草种可以忍耐各种各样土壤维护

    Native grasses: Selected from grasses that are native to Euroasia and the Americas, the Jacklin Irish Links Mixture tolerates a wide variety of soil and maintenance regimes.


  • 10月30日新泽西州登·罗斯·希尔公墓美国海军战队士兵弗朗西斯科o杰克逊灵柩静静地躺洞穴

    The casket of US Marine Corps LCpl. Francisco Jackson rests at the bottom of his grave at the Rosehill Cemetery on October 30 2010 in Linden New Jersey.


  • 10月30日新泽西州登·罗斯·希尔公墓美国海军战队士兵弗朗西斯科o杰克逊灵柩静静地躺洞穴

    The casket of US Marine Corps LCpl. Francisco Jackson rests at the bottom of his grave at the Rosehill Cemetery on October 30 2010 in Linden New Jersey.


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