• 告诉家人我生病他们为了保护自己离开林蒙,一个拒绝透露真实年龄的男子对AFP40多了。由于害怕自己会危害别人的健康以及想到自己可能时日不多,决定辞掉工作。

    "I told my family and they asked me to leave home, as they wanted to protect themselves, " Meng, who refused to reveal his exact age but said he was in his 40s, told AFP.


  • 现在加州一位名叫·克莱斯的软件顾问表示,风筝可能与此有关

    Now a Californian software consultant called Maureen Clemmons has suggested that kites might have been involved.


  • 从来没有穿过皮鞋,为了节约成本,就在批发市场附近附近买了一套套装,加高跟鞋鞋大概是75块钱

    The girl, who had never worn leather shoes before, begrudged the 75 yuan she spent on a trouser-suit and a pair of high-heels near the wholesale market.


  • 特全家都被卢卡斯府上请去吃饭卢卡斯小姐一片好意,整日陪着先生谈话。

    The Bennets were engaged to dine with the Lucases, and again during the chief of the day, was Miss Lucas so kind as to listen to Mr. Collins.


  • 空中传来轰隆隆的雷声尽管碧空万里无云。想,雷尔就这样明目张胆,好像这么巨大的暗影朝着勒斯移动不够似的。

    Thunder rumbled overhead, though the sky was cloudless and blue. Ryel, making his presence known, Armon thought, as though the vast black shadow advancing toward Lesslyn were not enough.


  • 1902以来,北方饭店欢迎商务休闲旅客市区大纳

    Since 1902, Northern Hotel has welcomed business and leisure travelers to downtown Billings, Montana.


  • 高斯德兹寄给的录音小样中,听见了“一种诚实成熟之声”。表明那时起,这位歌手就已经决定了在这张专辑事情

    Recalling the demos Mendes sent him, Gosling said he could hear "an honesty and a maturity" that made it clear the singer had decided by then what he wanted to do with the record.


  • 特全家都被卢卡斯府上请去吃饭卢卡斯小姐一片好意,整日陪着斯先生谈话。

    The Bennets were engaged to dine with the Lucases, and again during the chief of the day, was Miss Lucas so kind as to listen to Mr.


  • 好莱坞年轻明星麦莉塞勒斯、阿丽提斯代尔罗韩今年跻身该榜,而去年榜海蒂格和杰西卡奥尔芭则跌榜单

    Young Hollywood stars Miley Cyrus, Ashley Tisdale and Lindsay Lohan all edged out Heidi Montag and Jessica Alba who appeared on last year's list.


  • 加彦帮指甲

    Xiao Meng asked Lin Jiayan to clip his finger nails.


  • 前一24无论是犹太人、或希利尼人基督总是能力,神智慧

    Cor. 1:24 But to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.


  • 为了艾滋病毒发现权,塔尼争夺多年卡罗斯卡医学院做出决定之前,孰是孰非其实已有结论

    In order to the discovery of HIV, Gallo and fight for montagny has for many years, the Karolinska medical school to make a decision before the charge is already a conclusion.


  • 七21一个奴仆召么?

    Cor. 7:21 Were you called as a slave?


  • 前七25关于童身没有命令我既怜悯成为忠信的,就题意见

    Cor. 7:25 Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who has been shown mercy by the Lord to be faithful.


  • 制片人·德洛夫卡尔顿·库斯事先过,第六DVD里面有超出剧集时长20分钟特别结局

    Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse said in advance that the final episode's storyline would continue on a season six DVD with upward of 20 minutes of additional material.


  • 七20各人什么身分仍要留身分

    Cor. 7:20 Each one, in the calling in which he was called, in this let him remain.


  • 一定后者塔克是斯快迪奇队长石内普肯定确定安然无恙。

    Surely the latter... Montague was Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, Snape would want to make sure he was all right.


  • 球队2001赛季输掉了比赛,队里主力球员强尼·杰森吉昂杰森·艾斯豪瑟也相继成为自由之身而转投豪门

    After falling short of winning it all in the 2001 season, the a's lose key starters Johnny Damon, Jason Giambi and Jason Isringhausen to free agency.


  • 不仅如此,根据达拉斯克莱斯研究所(Crestmont Resaerch)所长埃德·伊斯特(EdEasterling)支配理论”(governing theory),市场遵循长期牛市长期熊市周期

    Instead, the governing theory of Ed Easterling, head of Crestmont Research in Dallas, is that markets follow secular bull and bear cycles.


  • 十一7男人既是形像荣耀,就不该女人男人荣耀。

    Cor. 11:7 For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is God's image and glory; but the woman is the glory of the man.


  • 最大孩子·斯顿,7岁,他的尸体干燥机里发现;年龄稍小的个孩子分别是两岁的伊万·汤斯顿·柯1岁的杰里拉·汤斯顿,他们的尸体是在洗衣机里发现的。

    Thee oldest, 7-year-old DeMond Tunstall, was found in the dryer and the younger two children - 2-year-old Ivan Tunstall-Collins and 1-year-old Jinela Tunstall - in the washer.


  • 2006年6月,女儿纳·萨斯加德出生他们全家纽约布鲁克

    They have a daughter Ramona, born October 3, 2006, and live in Brooklyn, New York.


  • 高斯德兹寄给的录音小样中,听见了“一种诚实成熟之声”。表明那时起,这位歌手就已经决定了在这张专辑事情

    Recalling the demos Mendes sent him, Gosling said he could hear "an honesty and a maturity 7" that made it clear the singer had decided 8 by then what he wanted to do with the record.


  • 最大的孩子·斯顿,7岁,他的尸体干燥机里发现;年龄稍小的个孩子分别是两岁的伊万·汤斯顿·柯1岁的杰里拉·汤斯顿,他们的尸体是在洗衣机里发现的。

    The oldest, 7-year-old DeMond Tunstall, was found in the dryer and the younger two children - 2-year-old Ivan Tunstall-Collins and 1-year-old Jinela Tunstall - in the washer.


  • 最大的孩子·斯顿,7岁,他的尸体干燥机里发现;年龄稍小的个孩子分别是两岁的伊万·汤斯顿·柯1岁的杰里拉·汤斯顿,他们的尸体是在洗衣机里发现的。

    The oldest, 7-year-old DeMond Tunstall, was found in the dryer and the younger two children - 2-year-old Ivan Tunstall-Collins and 1-year-old Jinela Tunstall - in the washer.


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