• 亚伯拉罕·林肯美国历史上伟大总统之一。

    Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents in American history.


  • 林肯陈述清楚直接毫无疑问,代表1850年代大多数美国观点

    The Lincoln statement was clear and direct, and it doubtless represented the views of most Americans in the 1850's.


  • 一年由于得到美国批准林肯肖像首次出现便士

    That year, Lincoln's likeness made its debut on the penny, thanks to approval from the U.S.


  • 1861年林肯当选为美国总统后,他们出租了这所房子并卖掉了大部分家具。

    After Lincoln was elected President of the US in 1861, they rented the house and sold most of their furniture.


  • 1865年,林肯遇刺事件震惊美国

    Lincoln's assassination in 1865 shocked the whole nation.


  • 他们可能穿传统服装,就好像美国亚伯拉罕·林肯那样的炉灶帽子

    They are as likely to wear traditional clothes as Americans are to wear stove top hats like Abraham Lincoln.


  • 我很惊讶知道伊莱沙·凯恩如此特别是认识葬礼美国历史上最隆重的时候,这个葬礼仅次于伯拉罕·林肯

    It is astounding that Elisha Kane is known to so few people -especially considering that his funeral was said to be the largest in US history, second only to that of Abraham Lincoln.


  • 正如马克吐温一样,林肯铸就了我们今天认为美国风格东西直率有节奏性强壮美丽不仅仅是漂亮

    Lincoln, no less than Mark Twain, forged what we think of today as the American style: forthright, rhythmic, muscular, beautiful but never pretty.


  • 短的时间内,我们新德里区域办事处紧急应对中心,在亚齐海岸派出的美国林肯航空母舰上部署专家

    Within a short time we had experts positioned in an emergency operations centre in the regional office in New Delhi and on board the US aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln off the coast of Aceh.


  • 站在个人立场上,林肯厌恨奴隶制作为共和党人奴隶制逐出美国土地,冀望一举措变为将奴隶制度彻底消灭之过程”的一步

    As an individual, Lincoln hated slavery. As a Republican, he wished to exclude it from the territories as the first step to putting the institution “in the course of ultimate extinction.


  • 然而总体来讲,林肯当选最为直接结果表明美国公众奴隶制观点发生不可抵制巨大逆转,一点更为重要。

    Yet, on the whole, no doubt the great importance of the election is less in its immediate results than in showing that the tide of public opinion is turning against slavery in the States.


  • 林肯要求菲尔德·斯科特将军退休担任美国陆军最高指挥官。

    Lincoln asked him to be head of the army when General Winfield Scott retired.


  • 我有美国亚伯拉罕·林肯号攻击型航母上起降的经历所以知道在航母上进行的航空操作所有海军操作具挑战性同时也要求最高

    Having landed on and been catapulted off the attack carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, I know that carrier air operations are the most challenging and demanding of all naval operations.


  • 但是开国元勋较走进天堂亚伯拉罕·林肯警告他们说,美国可能无法长久地维持统一。

    But Abraham Lincoln, who had made his way up to heaven later than the founders, warned them that a nation undivided cannot long endure.


  • 美国内战内战时期首歌纽约全国各地都非常流行很快它成了伯拉罕·林肯最爱

    Before and during the war, the song was a huge hit in New York and across the country, and quickly became one of Abraham Lincoln's favorite tunes.


  • 约翰.麦凯恩九月一直妄下定论,“美国经济基本要素坚若磐石”,比起林肯,真是小巫见大巫了。

    John McCain’s ill-fated assertion in September that “the fundamentals of our economy are strong” seems mild by comparison.


  • 1858年,美国联邦参议院候选人林肯道格拉斯伊利诺伊州进行了多次辩论双方在辩论中各自提出自己观点。 后来,人们把这种辩论方式称为林肯-道格拉斯式辩论。

    The style of debating where each side presents an argument gets its name from the 1858 debates in Illinois between U.S. Senate candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.


  • 10月份林肯美国市场的销量增长了6.3%,而整个汽车行业同期销量增长10.6%。

    Lincoln sales are up 6.3 percent in the U.S. on a unit basis through October, versus a 10.6 percent rise for the industry.


  • 正如1928年《大西洋月刊》编辑所说的那样,“如果一个能让美国希望了解他的一切就是亚伯拉罕林肯”。

    As The Atlantic’s editors put it in 1928, “If there is one life of which the American people wish to know everything, it is Abraham Lincoln’s.”


  • 当时美国著名的诗人沃尔特.惠特曼(Walt Whitman)这样描述当时的情景:“看到了林肯先生他身穿一身双手颤抖,…,看来悲伤,…,仿佛他正在将一切交给别人似的 。”

    Poet Walt Whitman gave this description: "I saw Mr. Lincoln, dressed all in black. He was shaking hands...looking very sad... as if he would give anything to be somewhere else.


  • 那段紧张时期美国的舆论制造者着力强调林肯语言中的自由思想,不是平等思想。

    In these tense times at home, it was Lincoln's language not of equality but of freedom that U.S. opinion-makers emphasized.


  • 黑人公民准备就职华盛顿林肯担任职位时,美国历史无人遗忘的一个闪亮时刻

    And when a black citizen prepares to fill the office of Washington and Lincoln, that is a shining moment in our history that can be lost on no one.


  • 林肯随后有关美国不能再以一半是奴隶制一半是自由形式存在的声明辩护,他的意思并不是每个习俗制度都必须一样

    Lincoln then defended his statement that the United States could not continue half slave and half free. He said he did not mean that customs or institutions must be the same in every state.


  • 我们方法就是加强扩张林肯美国的市场,接下来也可能考虑全球市场寻找机会

    Our approach is to enhance and expand Lincoln here in the U. s. and then we can think about maybe looking at global opportunities.


  • 我们方法就是加强扩张林肯美国的市场,接下来也可能考虑全球市场寻找机会

    Our approach is to enhance and expand Lincoln here in the U.S. and then we can think about maybe looking at global opportunities.


  • 林肯体现了威廉斯口中“美国的成功权利”,所谓“成功权利”,威廉姆斯就是功成名就,你可能功成名就”。

    Lincoln also embodies what Williams called the American "right to rise" -- the idea that "if you wanted to be someone, you could be, " he said.


  • 林肯体现了威廉斯口中“美国的成功权利”,所谓“成功权利”,威廉姆斯就是功成名就,你可能功成名就”。

    Lincoln also embodies what Williams called the American "right to rise" -- the idea that "if you wanted to be someone, you could be, " he said.


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