• 那段激动人心岁月里,他经历了伏击(1778年的布鲁·克斯之),被俘(布曾为肖尼人所俘,后来逃脱),营救绝望保卫

    These were stirring years of ambushes (such as Blue Licks in 1778), captures (Boone was seized but escaped from the Shawnees), rescues, and desperate defenses.


  • 我们的读者问道:“知道你们帮我找到《危情》里头卡梅隆·迪亚兹的那个斜挎包么?

    Reader Lindsay writes, "Hi, I was wondering if you could find out what crossbody bag Cameron Diaz had on in the movie Knight &Day.


  • 不久就破格进入国家队,并1955年9月18日巴西1-1智利的比赛中完成了国家队处子秀。

    It was not long before Garrincha broke into the national team, making his debut on 18 September 1955 in a 1-1 draw against Chile.


  • 这场勾心斗角的暗中,克里克火速沃森改变历史论文递交了《自然》杂志,生怕富兰克来访伦敦DNA信息泄露出去

    In this dastardly sideplot, Crick raced to submit his and Watson's history-changing paper to Nature, in fear that Franklin would leak DNA information when Pauling visited London.


  • 挪威人为遭遇以来致命袭击震惊不已时,32岁犯罪嫌疑人安德斯·贝·布列维克的照片已经开始浮出水面

    As stunned Norwegians grappled with the deadliest attack in the country since World War II, a portrait began to emerge of the suspect, Anders Behring Breivik, 32.


  • 同样保罗他自己信息带给圣徒时说:“你们那里,又软弱,惧怕,又甚兢。”

    Likewise Paul spokeof himself in bringing the message to the Corinthians, "I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling."


  • 英国媒体报道,厄姆英国位至今仍健在老兵之一,还是英国空军唯一一位健在的创办成员

    Allingham is one of only two surviving World War one veterans in the United Kingdom and the last surviving founder member of the Royal Air Force, according to British media.


  • 次全面打击中疯人摧毁了缪尼特的防御力量表面进行了一次毁灭性轨道轰炸,把彻底夷平地。

    In a coordinated strike, the Yuuzhan Vong destroyed the forces guarding Muunilinst, and pelted its surface with a devastating orbital bombardment, reducing it to rubble.


  • 弗格森爵士信任票投给了斯周末主场的德比首发。

    Sir Alex Ferguson will put his faith in Chris Smalling when he prepares his back four to face Manchester City in Saturday's blockbuster at Old Trafford.


  • 美国著名风景园设计师作品理论具有非常广泛影响

    Lawrence Halprin is a well-known American landscape architect in the postwar years. His practice and theory has wide influence.


  • 每晚影子都重复在行进金字塔之下

    Every night the shadow war was waged anew beneath the stepped pyramids of Meereen.


  • :“我们现在看到一场迫在眉睫大城市争夺特别是首都大马士革。

    PETER HARLING: "What we see now is a looming battle for the big cities -- for the capital in particular."


  • 10月30日新泽西州登·罗斯·希尔公墓美国海军士兵弗朗西斯科o杰克逊灵柩静静地躺洞穴

    The casket of US Marine Corps LCpl. Francisco Jackson rests at the bottom of his grave at the Rosehill Cemetery on October 30 2010 in Linden New Jersey.


  • 在信上告诉这位最高统帅部长官:保卫现在结束马上就要自杀,决不投降;希姆莱已经背叛了;他己任命邓尼茨作为继承人

    OKW that the defense of Berlin was now at an end, that he was killing himself rather than surrender, that Goering and Himmler had betrayed him, and that he had named Admiral Doenitz as his successor.


  • 第二次世界期间马来西亚资源遭到严重地破坏,结束以后,马来西亚迅速开展了热带经营采伐的研究

    Forest resource in Malaysia was destroyed seriously during the Second World War. Malaysia begun to research on forest management after the Second World War.


  • 七15并且提多想起你们众人顺从,就是怎样恐惧兢地接待的心肠就越发倾向你们了。

    Cor. 7:15 and his affections are abundantly toward you, he remembering the obedience of you all, how you received him with fear and trembling.


  • 舰队中的都以一位疯神祗的名字命名只有云-舒诺,云-尼和云-内舍尔没有享受到荣誉

    Each battle group of his Armada was named after a Yuuzhan Vong deity; only Yun-Shuno, Yun-Lingni and Yun-Ne 'shel were not honored in this manner.


  • 前不久,伊利诺伊州市的外老兵俱乐部里,偶遇一个年轻人沙莫斯,身高足有2米,相貌英俊,目光清澈,笑容可掬

    A while back, I met a young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline, Illinois. He was a good-looking kid, six-two or six-three, clear-eyed, with an easy smile.


  • 前不久,伊利诺伊州市的外老兵俱乐部里,偶遇一个年轻人沙莫斯,身高足有2米,相貌英俊,目光清澈,笑容可掬

    A while back, I met a young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline, Illinois. He was a good-looking kid, six-two or six-three, clear-eyed, with an easy smile.


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