• 斯莱特林则欢迎雄心勃勃的学生

    Pupils who are ambitious are welcomed by Slytherin.


  • 林则表示竞选搭档美国劳工队伍是强壮的。

    Palin said her running mate was referring to a strong American workforce.


  • 萨维反诉扎克伯格从未补还其2万美元的原始资金,不仅如此,还自己花掉了

    Saverin countersued, claiming that Zuckerberg never matched his $20, 000 in seed money and, further, used that money for personal expenses.


  • 这两位一线明星今天穿随意,儿子穿着皮夹克,牛仔裤配蓝色运动鞋潮味十足

    Both A-listers dressed down for their day out while little Flynn was the most stylish of them all, clad in a leather jacket and turn up jeans with blue trainers.


  • 弗兰处理行李萨拉埃莉诺回家了。

    While Franklin saw to the luggage, Sara took Eleanor home.


  • 一边生活着无边浓密藏着鹌鹑郊狼灌木丛以及其他成员

    On the other side of the rise, an endless impenetrable thicket of poison oak and coyote brush hides quail and other members of its guild.


  • 的父亲也为此前妻大打口水战,迈克尔-罗汉甚至将迪娜形容为“瘾君子”,而迪娜反击,称前夫是个“疯子”,还指责迈克尔拿自己女儿的新闻炒作。 而迈克尔禁止探访戒毒过程中的赛-罗汉。

    Michael has been banned from visiting Lindsay while she is in rehab by Dina with her daughter’s consent.


  • 总之我们在那儿呆了大约个把钟头,只有状况还好,享受这儿的优惠,柯菲尔留在楼下姑娘们聊天。

    Anyway we stayed there an hour or so, and as I was the only one in condition to enjoy the privileges of the house, Collins and Fillmore remained downstairs chattering with the girls.


  • 斯基,而其他公司工作安排进行重新设计,将公司激励措施奖励员工工作成果挂钩——而不是他们公司露面时间

    Other businesses are redesigning work such that incentives and rewards are aligned with the results that an employee delivers — not the hours that they show their faces in the office, Galinsky says.


  • 而在电视广告中,代表加州画外音告诫企业家不要猪身上口红(引用萨拉·的话)所愚弄。

    In another television AD, California is a pig, and the voice-over tells entrepreneurs not to be fooled (to quote Sarah Palin) by the lipstick being put on it.


  • 法官表态,尽管被告在身体上伤害他人,但他恐吓顾客行为整个社会来说依然一种威胁

    Judge Dolinger said that even if Mr. Borker had not physically harmed anyone, he could still be a threat to society given his habit of terrifying his customers.


  • 然而格,哥伦比亚大学校长拒绝收回邀请

    But Lee Bollinger, Columbia's President, refused to withdraw his invitation.


  • 而第三贯穿于伯身体力行之中,必须全面得以理解,而不能当成堆公式;毫无疑问,这一理念正是魅力的一大来源

    In personal form, that third conviction-that people are to be taken in full, not in formulae-runs throughout, and was surely one source of Berlin's charm.


  • 如果说贝利巴西人奉为有史以来天赋球员那么藉其勇猛灵气世人铭记

    If Pele is regarded by Brazilians as the most technically gifted player of all time, then Garrincha will always be remembered for his impudence and inventiveness.


  • 儿子患重症堪萨斯医院接受治疗迫切地想离开乔普看看她儿子怎么样了。

    Her son was critically ill in a Kansas City hospital and she was desperate to leave Joplin to check on him.


  • 如果说海明威美国文学老道冷硬,像个煮了的鸡蛋,重新柔软起来,像个溏心鸡蛋。

    But if it had been Hemingway’s roleto make American writing hardboiled, it was Salinger’s to let it be soft, evenrunny, again.


  • 他们的家境并不好。威妻子斯泰西一大早便出门救世军孩子们圣诞礼物

    The family was poor, and Willingham's wife, Stacy, had gone out to pick up a Christmas present for the children from the Salvation Army.


  • 合作赋予了印度未经授权的核项目合法性印度跻身于强国扫除主要障碍

    The second made its unlicensed nuclear programme more legitimate, removing the main objection to India’s presence among great powers.


  • 另一美国荣昌高官,沃尔塔·威廉姆斯的场。

    Another officer at Americans for Prosperity, Walter Williams, often guest-hosts for Limbaugh.


  • 美国国务卿希拉里•罗德姆险胜阿拉斯加州州长萨拉·电视节目主持人普拉·温弗瑞,连续第九被评为“最受尊敬的女性”。去年也是击败这两位竞争对手而荣登榜首的。

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most-admired woman for the ninth year in a row, edging out former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and TV host Oprah Winfrey, as she did last year.


  • 上个星期判入狱·洛翰只不过是高调明星换下名设计师设计的服装,穿上橘黄色狱服到监狱走一趟的新闻而已。

    Last week's sentencing of Lindsay Lohan marked yet another instance of a high-profile celeb trading in designer duds for an orange jumpsuit.


  • 怀疑治疗引起坏死时,停止治疗,并且考虑使用肝素治疗。

    Warfarin therapy should be discontinued when warfarin is suspected to be the cause of developing necrosis and heparin therapy may be considered for anticoagulation.


  • 茨勒留在

    Mr Reitzle says he wants to stay at Linde.


  • 希望可以九月份斯托斯校区,希望在明年一月份转过去。

    Lin expects to transfer to Storrs in September, and Li in January.


  • 另外一撞上位于弗吉尼亚州顿的五角大楼。

    Another aircraft crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.


  • 之后检察长ashcroft召开了那戏剧性新闻发布会会上宣布受到一投诉

    A few weeks later, Attorney General Ashcroft held one of his dramatic press conferences, in which he announced a complaint being filed against Lindh.


  • 来自布鲁克曼哈顿检查官针对雷曼高层910号的会议上(即雷曼申请破产保护)作出评论展开调查。

    Prosecutors in Brooklyn and Manhattan are looking, among other things, at comments Lehman executives made during a Sept. 10 conference call five days before the company filed for bankruptcy.


  • 来自布鲁克曼哈顿检查官针对雷曼高层910号的会议上(即雷曼申请破产保护)作出评论展开调查。

    Prosecutors in Brooklyn and Manhattan are looking, among other things, at comments Lehman executives made during a Sept. 10 conference call five days before the company filed for bankruptcy.


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