• 三轮比赛93中平,卡伊内罗单发决赛击败了美国罗德·金伯莉德国的克里斯蒂娜·林克尔

    Cainero defeated American Kimberly Rhode and German Christine Brinker in a shoot-off after the trio were tied for a total of 93 hits.


  • 阿波罗11宇航员(由左):尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong),迈克尔·(Michael Collins)巴兹·奥尔(Buzz Aldrin)。

    Apollo 11 astronauts (left to right) Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz aldrin.


  • 今天很多学者包括弗兰克同事克尔斯坦质疑城门属于所罗门时代的说法,其他一些学者(例如阿米哈伊·玛扎尔)认同这种看法。

    Today, many scholars (including Franklin and her colleague Finkelstein) doubt that all three gates are Solomonic, while others (Amihai Mazar, for example) think they could be.


  • 的父亲也为此前妻大打口水战,克尔-罗汉甚至将迪娜形容为“瘾君子”,而迪娜则反击,称前夫是个“疯子”,还指责迈克尔自己女儿的新闻炒作。 而迈克尔禁止探访戒毒过程中的赛-罗汉。

    Michael has been banned from visiting Lindsay while she is in rehab by Dina with her daughter’s consent.


  • 克尔卡罗如果可以听见我说话,我会什么

    Michael, Caroline asked me what would I say if I knew you could hear me.


  • 好啦,终于轮到了,终于机会这个博客里说出真相啦:喔,也许莎拉·不是克尔·佩亲戚,可我呀,因为妈妈第二代表姐妹妻子

    Which finally, finally gives me an opportunity to mention on this blog that though Sarah Palin may not be related to Michael Palin, I am, because my mother's second cousin is his wife.


  • 德国技术合作公司也门地区董事克尔为了制造粘土灌溉设备建造了座烘干。 后来发现粘土灌溉设备市场太小了。

    Michael Klinger, the former country director of the GTZ in Yemen, built a kiln with the intention of making clay irrigation equipment, the market for which proved to be too small.


  • 克尔·阿姆斯特朗奥尔一起乘返回舱坠入太平洋时曾说:“地球海洋如此壮丽。”似乎无人有异议。

    Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins's thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin "Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth."


  • 克尔·科阿姆斯特朗奥尔一起乘返回舱坠入太平洋时曾说:“地球,海洋如此壮丽。”似乎无人有异议。

    Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins’s thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin “Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth.


  • 皇家地理学会会长,并且是演员播音克尔·将要星期二启动展览

    Actor and broadcaster Michael Palin, President of the Royal Geographical Society, will launch the display on Tuesday.


  • 根据知情人士话说父亲的会面-罗汉自己意思,而母亲克尔前妻——娜当时人纽约

    Sources close to Lindsay say it was her idea to meet with Michael, while her mother and Michael's ex-wife Dina was in New York.


  • 所以父亲一样,迈克尔成了名数学家

    So Michael Brin became a mathematician, as his father had been.


  • 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗巴兹·奥尔德允许踏入白宫克尔·只能开车在白宫外转圈圈

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were allowed to set foot inside the White House, while Michael Collins was forced to drive around in circles outside.


  • 亲近母亲娜的人士,为了不再克尔一发不可收拾地媒体哭诉有多见到自己的女儿,计划准许父亲前来探访

    Sources close to Lindsay and her mother, Dina Lohan, say she plans to grant him visitation priveleges so that maybe he'll stop his repeated public pleas for her to allow him to see her.


  • 以上克尔·全国公共广播电台路易莎汉城报道,迈克·舒斯特和斯科特·纽曼报告

    With reporting from Michael Rhee and NPR's Louisa Lim in Seoul, Mike Shuster and Scott Neuman.


  • 随时在风口浪尖麻烦小天后赛-罗汉早几年前便于父亲克尔-罗汉关系闹僵,没有影响迈克尔女儿的演艺之路出谋献策

    Michael Lohan has been estranged from Lindsay for a number of years, but that hasn't stopped him from piping up with advice for his troubled daughter.


  • 此次鲍文一同升空的还有指挥官史蒂芬·首席宇航员飞行员埃里克·鲍伊,以及宇航员阿尔文·德鲁,迈克尔·巴拉妮可·斯托特

    With Bowen aboard the shuttle are commander Steven Lindsey, the former chief astronaut, pilot Eric Boe, and astronauts Alvin Drew, Michael Barratt and Nicole Stott.


  • 来自麻省梅休因市克尔很想这个水母其名叫沃力

    Lynn Nicholson, of Methuen, Mass., wanted to name the jellyfish Wally.


  • NASA图片来自“臭氧空洞监测”,说明部分克尔·卡罗威帕特里克·奇提供

    NASA image courtesy Ozone Hole Watch. Caption by Michael Carlowicz and Patrick Lynch.


  • 2009年6月起诉瑞典作家弗雷德里克·克尔廷,因为他出版了一本号称《麦田守望者续集小说

    In June 2009, Mr. Salinger also sued Fredrik Colting, the Swedish author and publisher of a novel said to be a sequel to "the Catcher in the Rye."


  • 在纪念日的那个,至少有60本以肯为主题的书籍上市,克尔•伯盖姆所写的上百万字的传记也将于届时在网上发布。

    More than 60 Lincoln-themed books are being published to mark the bicentennial month, and Michael Burlingame’s 1m-word biography is about to go online.


  • 现年五十的迈克尔希望前妻蒂娜卸下经纪人一职,以便全身心的做好母亲

    The 50 year old also hopes Lindsay's mother Dina quits in her role as her manager so she can work on being a good parent.


  • 业界第一如苹果史蒂夫乔布斯(Steve Jobs)、微软比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)以及戴尔电脑的迈克尔•戴尔到现任掌门代,如谷歌拉里•佩奇(LarryPage谢尔盖•布(Sergey Brin),概莫能外

    Everyone from Steve Jobs (Apple), Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Michael Dell (Dell) in the industry's first generation to Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google) in the current one has so far complied.


  • 就改变营销游戏规则,索尼影业首席执行官克尔顿(Michael Lynton)

    That changes the marketing game, says Michael Lynton, head of Sony Pictures.


  • 6月20日肯尼迪航天中心阿波罗登月模拟装置中的指挥舱领航员克尔·

    June: Command module pilot Michael Collins in the Apollo Mission Simulator at Kennedy Space centre.


  • 1969年7月16日美国航空航天局工作人员佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心观看阿波罗11号发射升空,本次前往月球的旅行携带了宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗奥尔克尔·

    Out of this world: NASA staff watch Apollo 11 blast off from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on July 16, 1969, heading to the Moon carrying Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.


  • 不幸的是,他们不再黄色刺刀模型克尔·柯斯·阿波罗11号期间使用

    Unfortunately, they no longer make the yellow bayonet model used by Michael Collins during the Apollo 11.


  • 不幸的是,他们不再黄色刺刀模型克尔·柯斯·阿波罗11号期间使用

    Unfortunately, they no longer make the yellow bayonet model used by Michael Collins during the Apollo 11.


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