• 所有这些使得第二人生变成了一个极速增长经济如果相信设在旧金山游戏供应商实验室数据的话。

    All this transformed Second Life into an extremely fast-growing economy, if you believe the Numbers of Linden Lab, the service's San Francisco-based owner.


  • 积极评价东盟—中国自贸区今年如期建成,认为自贸区进一步密切双方经济化程度

    Surin made positive comments on the establishment of the ASEAN-China free trade area on schedule this year, holding that the free trade area will further keep closer bilateral economic integration.


  • 垂直角度分析了造纸企业实现收益成本

    From the aspect of vertical integration, the article analyses the profits and costs of forestry and paper integration appearing in paper industry.


  • 住宅三个木质覆层构成,矗立藻岩山一侧,藻岩山——俯瞰着北海道首府的观光胜地,幽树茂,山色秀丽。

    The house, which comprises three timber-clad blocks, is positioned on the side of Mount Moiwa – a forested mountain overlooking Hokkadio Prefecture's capital city.


  • 南京2500建城素有六朝古都、朝都会的美誉,于一的生态型历史文化名城。

    Nanjing has a history of nearly 2500 years, and is known as the capital of six dynasties, or ten regimes, whose landscape incorporates mountains, water, city and forestry.


  • 山、险滩急流可以领略典型喀斯特秀美风景。

    There has Mountain, water, hole, forest, lakes, waterfalls, dangerous shoals, rapids at an organic whole, and you can enjoy the typical karst scenery's beauty.


  • 生物学家安得鲁。培植出一种新的生命,这暗示着即使在木星木卫二冰层底下极为恶劣环境生命存在。

    A new form of life developed by astrobiology researcher Andrew Ellington, indicates that life could well exist in the hostile environment underneath the surface ice of Europa, a moon of Jupiter.


  • 尽管他们结合方式多种多样,但是都一个共同特征广泛建立造纸原料基地它们作为造纸企业第一车间,实行一条龙经营管理。

    Despite the alliance modes are different, they have a common character: establish raw material base and make it as the first workshop of paper enterprises, and then develop management integration.


  • 基于实验已确定萃取条件,采用逆流萃取技术分离特布他

    Under the determined extraction (conditions), a new process of countercurrent liquid membrane extraction technology was adopted to separate (terbutaline) enantiomorph.


  • 所有这些使得第二人生变成了一个极速增长经济如果相信设在旧金山游戏供应商实验室数据的话。

    All this transformed second life into an extremely fast - growing economy, if you believe the Numbers of linden lab, the service 's San Francisco - based owner.


  • 目的制备盐酸他克(THA)酰化药物提高其透过屏障(BBB)能力

    Aim to synthesize acylated prodrug of tacrine hydrochloride (THA) to improve the infiltration ability across the blood brain barrier (BBB).


  • 1983年生理医学诺贝尔授予芭芭拉·麦克·托克。因为进行了玉米的染色实验发现了玉米中成熟DNA

    The 1983 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Barbara McClintock for her experiments with maize and her discoveries regarding the mature of DNA.


  • 三倍毛白杨生长特性研究基础上,系统分析了产业化关键技术

    On the basis of study of triploid Chinise White Popular's growth characters, key techniques of 'forest-paper' industrialization were analysed synthetically.


  • 家具产业实力增强

    Lin board furniture to enhance the integration of industrial strength.


  • 中国茶花文化园是一个以茶花文化主题的,融山水、卉、筑、览、等于一的游览休闲胜地。

    China camellia culture garden takes the camellia culture as its theme, including landscape, garden, flowers, architecture, exhibition, and peacock garden.


  • 纸企业资产重组产业融合、产业集群网络化组织角度阐明了纸一化的组合机理

    Finally, FPI combination mechanism is analyzed from the angles of assets recomposition, industrial merge, industrial cluster and networked organization.


  • 目的评价乌斯注射液CD 8 +T细胞影响

    AIM: To study the influence of Utilin "s" on human CD8 + t cells.


  • 译坛泰斗不仅聊斋小说中刻画为数不少的侠士,而且本人具有极其鲜明可敬可佩的侠义风范

    Lin shu, a great master of translation, not only described a large number of paladins in his "Ghost-style" novels, but also showed himself as a very distinct, respectable and admirable wushu master.


  • 分析了传统自营模式问题难点,提出了两种新的纸一化造模式。

    The problems and difficulties for the traditional self-support forestation model are analyzed and a new model of forestry-pulp-paper integrated forestation is put forward.


  • 针对项目第三物流建立战略同盟进一步论述了浆纸一化项目物流外包对第三方物流的必要性

    This paper is to discuss on the necessity for integrative wood-pulp-paper project to make strategic union and foreign contract with Third Party Logistic(TPL).


  • 通过研究风险规避产业竞争力,阐明了、纸企业外部化动因;

    Then, the external FPI agents are studied in the aspects of external risk avoidance and industrial competitiveness.


  • 结论应用乌斯注射液CD 8 +T细胞无显著影响

    CONCLUSION: No evidence suggests that the Utilin "s" has significant influence on human CD8 + t cells.


  • 目的观察斯(草分支杆菌注射液)预防糖皮质激素(激素)敏感型肾病综合征(SSNS)复发的疗效探讨机制

    Objective To observe the effects of Wutilinsi injection(Mycobacterium phlei injection) on anti-relapse in steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome(SSNS) and investigate its mechanism.


  • 浆纸实施办法深入探讨收购订单模式提出了实施建议

    The paper provides an in-depth exploration into the bulk acquisition and order forestry model as the forestry-pulp-paper integration implementing methods and offers a proposal for its enforcement.


  • 瑞典卡罗斯卡医学院表示三位科学家解决了生物一个重大问题染色细胞分裂怎样避免退化

    The Karolinska Institute in Sweden said the three scientists have solved a major problem in biology: how chromosomes are protected against degradation during cell division.


  • 麦克·托克这两个人认识研究基因染色之间关系非常重要

    McClintock said both men recognized the importance of exploring the connection between genes and chromosomes.


  • 方法小鼠醋酸电刺激大尾部疼痛模型考察卡巴匹镇痛作用;

    METHODS The analgesic effect of carbasalate calcium was evaluated by body wring test of mice and electrostimulating test of rats.


  • 结果小鼠口服卡巴对腹腔注射醋酸致扭反应明显镇痛作用,作用强度剂量相关

    RESULTS Carbasalate calcium administrated orally has evident analgesic effect on the mice treated with acetic acid, and its potency is correlated to dosages.


  • 结果小鼠口服卡巴对腹腔注射醋酸致扭反应明显镇痛作用,作用强度剂量相关

    RESULTS Carbasalate calcium administrated orally has evident analgesic effect on the mice treated with acetic acid, and its potency is correlated to dosages.


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