• 犁头基金会核能专家林乔日本危机正处于紧急阶段

    Nuclear expert Joseph Cirincione of the Ploughshares Fund says Japan's nuclear crisis is in a critical phase.


  • 日本已经疏散了处于险境的核电站周边平民百姓,但是林乔,如果局限这次危机的努力失败核辐射可能蔓延远离日本的地区

    Japan has evacuated civilians from areas surrounding the troubled plant, but Cirincione says radiation could spread far beyond Japan if efforts to contain the crisis fail.


  • 葬礼密苏里州举行

    The funeral will be held in Joplin, Missouri.


  • 贾尼斯•就是众所周知摇滚乐大师。

    Janis Joplin was known as the High Priestess of Rock.


  • 贾尼斯·60年代摇滚歌手典型

    Janis Joplin was the personification of the '60s female rock singer.


  • 音乐切分音大师斯考特·,他是位非裔美国作曲家二十世纪之际在圣路易斯地区附近谱写很多曲子。

    The master of syncopation in music was Scott Joplin, African American composer writing a lot around the area of St. Louis at the turn of the twentieth century.


  • 180起龙卷风,导致177死亡,其中157人在密苏里美国海洋大气的统计,这场横跨15个州的特大灾害已经造成了不低于70亿美元的损失

    Total losses across 15 states were greater than $7 billion, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


  • 路上看到的景象任何痛苦变得不值一提,我这个城市今年早些时候遭到飓风的重创。

    Sights on the road have also put any pain into perspective. I went through the city of Joplin, which was ripped up by a tornado earlier this year.


  • 母亲米德尔顿57岁一家电子公司业务员。 她:“封信所用的语言不是那种孩子理解的语言”。

    His mother Jocelyn Middleton, 57, a clerk in an electronics company, said: ''The language in the letter is not the sort of language a child would understand.


  • 他们23年婚姻初期阶段,试图通过唠叨或者桌子底下改变丈夫饮食习惯

    In the beginning of their 23-year marriage, Ms. Breeland tried to change her husband's eating habits by nagging or kicking his leg under the table.


  • 萨拉·句子不仅的对手·登(此人是公认的嗦)更长而且比奥巴马先生的句子

    Sarah Palin’s sentences were not only longer than those of Joe Biden, her supposedly verbose rival, but were slightly longer than Mr Obama’s.


  • 1947年后,美国致命单个龙卷风袭击了密苏里州造成125死亡。大约900人受伤以及更多的人失踪

    The most deadly single tornado in America since 1947 hit Joplin, Missouri, killing at least 125 people. Around 900 were injured and more were missing.


  • 之前曾经摇滚女歌手的伟大榜样蒂娜·特纳尼斯·从来没有能够表演诗歌如此天衣无缝地组合起来。

    There had been strong female role models in rock before, from Tina Turner to Janis Joplin, but no one had ever combined performance and poetry in such a visceral way.


  • 涂鸦一种人们觉得无法公开表达自我时所采取方式。” 伯大学流行文化教授·奥斯汀这样

    Graffiti is a way for people to express themselves when they don’t feel they can do so publicly,” says Joe Austin, a professor of popular culture at Bowling Green State University.


  • 涂鸦一种人们觉得无法公开表达自我时所采取方式。”伯·州立大学流行文化教授·奥斯汀这样

    "Graffiti is a way for people to express themselves when they don't feel they can do so publicly," says Joe Austin, a professor of popular culture at Bowling Green State University.


  • 也是新书互联网未来应对之策》的主题的作者,是哈佛大学伯克曼互联网和社会中心创始人之一纳森·齐特

    That idea is the subject of the Future of the Internet and How to Stop it, a new book by Jonathan Zittrain, co-founder of Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society.


  • ·布诺出演过哈吉斯2007年电影决战以拉》,他告诉哈吉斯一直做一些极端事情

    The actor Josh Brolin, who appeared in Haggis's film "in the Valley of Elah" (2007), told me that Haggis "does things in extremes."


  • 一个拥有大约49 000坐落奥索卡山区边缘城市

    Joplin, a city of about 49, 000 people, sits at the edge of the Ozark Mountain region.


  • 说到使用切分音大师,我们自然想到斯考特·,位多产的美国黑人作曲家,二十世纪初居住圣路易斯地区

    Now the master of syncopation, of course, in music was Scott Joplin, African American composer writing a lot around the area of St. Louis in the turn of the twentieth century.


  • 儿子患重症堪萨斯医院接受治疗迫切地想离开看看她儿子怎么样了。

    Her son was critically ill in a Kansas City hospital and she was desperate to leave Joplin to check on him.


  • 昨天斯顿韦尔·科姆收藏馆哲学家ac·格雷进行公开讨论之前《观察家》发表了讲话

    Pachauri was speaking to the Observer before a public discussion at the Wellcome Collection in Euston with the philosopher ac Grayling yesterday.


  • 灾难救援队表现出色高效

    Joplin's disaster teams have performed phenomenally and efficiently.


  • 他们估计受损度为35%,而主要收损地域则是邮政编码64804那个区。

    They estimate that 35% of Joplin was destroyed, mostly in the 64804 ZIP code.


  • 身边位消息人士:“•迈金尼斯毫无遮掩的新书把萨拉•佩了,使全部谎言掩饰秘密大白于天下。”

    A source close to the former vice presidential candidate said: 'Sarah Palin has been destroyed by Joe McGinniss' no-holds-barred biography. It exposed all her lies, cover-ups and secrets.


  • 例如我小时候很讨厌贾尼斯。别的,只因为爸妈喜欢

    I hated Janis Joplin with a passion for much of my adolescence, for instance, for no other reason than because my parents loved her.


  • 例如我小时候很讨厌贾尼斯。别的,只因为爸妈喜欢

    I hated Janis Joplin with a passion for much of my adolescence, for instance, for no other reason than because my parents loved her.


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