• 初步分析了山砂形成的构造动力机制

    The tectonic dynamic mechanism of Jishan Sand Body is analyzed tentatively.


  • 构造动力作用引起地壳局部地带一系列能量转换

    The tectonic dynamic process can cause a series of transitions of energy.


  • 油气盆地构造运动学过程受控于大地构造动力背景

    The tectonic kinematic process of the oil-gas bearing basins is controlled by tectonic dynamic conditions.


  • 板块俯冲碰撞理论花岗岩构造动力学、地球动力研究主线。

    Subduction and collision theory of Plate tectonics is a basement of the study of granite tectonic dyna mics and geodynamics.


  • 内形变理论指导运用构造几何学构造动力学分析手段方法

    Guiding the theory of intraplate deformation, the thesis applies the methods of structural geometry and structural kinematics.


  • 特提关闭印度板块持续推挤中国西部前陆盆地形成构造动力背景

    Closing of Tethys and continuous compressing and squeezing of Indian plate were the tectonic dynamics background for the formation of foreland basins in western China.


  • 构造动力体制转换带动下,多种成矿参数联动转换形成大型矿床机制

    Driven by transition of tectonic and dynamic regime, the induced transition of multi-parameters serves as one of the mechanisms for forming large-size deposits.


  • 构造运动往往伴随岩浆活动流体构造动力岩浆热力的驱动下产生活化转移

    Tectonic movement sometimes go with magma activity, and make fluid which include ore elements occur activation and transfer with the tectonic dynamic and magma heat.


  • 复杂构造动力作用地壳一点应力状态视为两个三个多个应力状态的叠加

    The stress-states at a point in the earth's crust can be considered to be superposition of two, three or more stress-states, under complex tectonic dynamic action.


  • 元素地球化学行为地球构造动力之间耦合作用认识构造开合地球化学响应理论基础

    The coupling between the element geochemical behavior and the tectonic dynamics of the Earth the theoretical basis for understanding the geochemical response of tectonic opening-closing.


  • 构造动力成矿系统理论为基础,通过构造成因演化过程说明海西-燕山期充水裂隙形成重要阶段;

    The structural information and evolution of the fissured-water pour-in on the basis of theory about Zhaoping structure mineralized dynamic system are analyzed.


  • 大浪滩梁中矿床青藏高原区域性隆升构造动力背景下,逐渐统一柴达木盆地中分隔出来而形成次级盆地。

    The Dalangtan Liangzhong deposit is a secondary basin gradually divided from the united Qaidam basin, under the background of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau's regional uplift tectonic motion.


  • 矿床在海西早期的构造动力条件与整个闽西南区域性的主体构造动力条件不同,并且经历过明显沉积构造变动。

    The tectonic dynamic condition of Makeng, which is different from the regional tectonic dynamic condition of southwestern Fujian, experienced an alternation with an obvious syndepositional structure.


  • 印度波音公司资深研究人员科学家工程师一起开创印度航空构造学、空气动力以及电子网络的新天地。

    Boeing's research in India will break new ground in aero structures, aerodynamics and electronic networks with a team of senior researchers, scientists and engineers.


  • 机械构造中学到了管理企业关键完整结构组成,合理的配合,要有动力

    The structure of a mechanical watch has taught him keys to running a business: completeness in structural components, close cooperation between different parts, and strong motivation.


  • 本文提出了构造成矿作用动力研究递增应力流变学方法。

    An incremental stress rheology model is developed to study the dynamics of tee-tonic mineralization.


  • 介绍了体系结构特点初始预张力确定动力特性荷载作用下的力学性能以及主要节点构造

    The structural features of the system, determination of initial pre-tension, dynamic functions, mechanical behaviors under load and the construction of main nodes, are introduced.


  • 并对组成喜马拉雅造山带各种主要沉积盆地进行构造沉降分析,研究盆地演化动力机制

    The tectonic subsidence analysis and dynamic mechanism of the basin evolution are processed in the main sedimentary basins across this belt.


  • 碳酸盐岩次生渗透性成岩作用、构造作用、水动力作用及生物化学作用综合结果

    The secondary permeability of carbonate rocks is the result of comprehensive process of diagenesis, tectonics, hydrodynamics as well as of biochemistry.


  • 形成构造格局主要动力来自新生代以来南海拉张作用以及澳洲板块南北向的推挤作用。

    The main driving forces for generating the fault structure pattern are the seafloor spreading of the South China Sea and the northward subduction of the Australian Plate.


  • 引起地质环境圈闭条件应力状态改变动力构造应力场

    Stress field is the power of structural deformation and movement, which causes the change of geologic environment, trap conditions and stress state.


  • 煤层气保存则取决于底板封盖能力构造活动、水动力环境等条件。

    The preservation of CBM pool is mainly controlled by the sealing capacity of roof and floor plate, tectonic activity and hydrodynamic environment.


  • 考虑到印度板块推挤重力应力场共同作用可以较好地解释青藏高原构造变形特点动力学机制。

    Considering stress field caused by combined effect of northward push from Indian plate, gravity and thermal stress, tectonic deformation features in Qinghai Tibet plateau can be understood better.


  • 将根据植物向光性动力机制构造模拟植物生长算法应用于输电网规划

    A new power transmission network planning approach employing a plant growth simulation algorithm as the means of optimization is described.


  • 生物的捕食系统出发,提出斑块生境具有异质捕食风险的新机制,构造了一个动力系统模型

    Starting from natural predation systems, we present a new mechanism involving heterogeneous predation risk, and develop a new dynamical system model in patchy habitats.


  • 通过大地构造演化区域动力背景分析煤田预测勘查规划提供必要地质学基础

    Analysis on the tectonic evolution and regional dynamics background provides necessary basis in geology for forecast and planning of coal field.


  • 沙波形成主要潮流底动力作用控制构造抬升有关

    The formation of sand waves is controlled mainly by underset of tidal current, and also related to tectonic uplift.


  • 神经元模型构造神经网络动力行为可以联系一些神经生理现象心理现象。

    Some physiological and psychological phenomena are connected with the dynamic behaviors of the neural networks which are constructed with this neuronal model.


  • 本文主要介绍动力代数方法构造多原子分子势能面的理论方法,及其不同分子体系中的应用

    In this paper, the theory of constructing PES of polyatomic molecules by dynamic Lie algebraic method is presented, and its application in different molecular systems is introduced.


  • 实验基础上进一步探讨了构造动力变质作用自由基浓度瓦斯突出预测中的作用。

    The dynamic metamorphism of disturbed coals and the effect of radical density on coal gas outburst prediction are discussed.


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