• 好坏愚蠢荒谬的,人只有两种——迷人或者乏味

    It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.


  • 这家公司一直通过商业杂志广告扩大客户

    The company has been expanding its customer base using trade magazine advertising.


  • 在垃圾堆上嗅去。

    Dogs nosed around in piles of refuse.


  • 不要讨厌鬼告诉不要豪华轿车。那些是废话。

    I don't want a bunch of nerds telling me whether to take a limo or not. That's all chickenshit.


  • 案例中自然资源保护主义者已经自己采取行动,通过协助迁徙的方式拯救濒临灭绝——佛罗里达香榧树。

    In one case, a group of conservationists has already taken it upon itself to try on their own to save an endangered tree, the Florida Torreya tree, through Assisted Migration.


  • 每当的时候,就会退后一步,把自己一个房间里

    Every time a great crowd come, she steps back and locks herself up in a room.


  • 米勒参观了一家德州天然气公司,该公司成功地应用基于行为公式优化工厂卡车路线”。

    Miller visited a Texas gas company that has successfully applied formulas based on ant colony behaviour to "optimise its factories and route its trucks".


  • 乐意困难他在人面前讲话

    I think he's glad to come, but what's difficult is getting the guy to speak before a large crowd.


  • 解释说:“如果已经找到了一种可靠方法确定食物之间最佳路线那么公司经理们就会想为什么利用这种知识呢?”

    He explains, "If ant colonies had worked out a reliable way to identify the best routes between their nest and food sources, the company managers figured, why not take advantage of that knowledge?"


  • 于其中一些视频是关于最新的新闻,一用户依靠它们获取信息。

    As some videos are about the latest news, a group of users depend on them to get information.


  • 她和妈妈第一天的时候,她看到一愤怒的人在门口喊着非常残忍的东西。

    When she and her mom arrived on her first day, she saw a crowd of angry people shouting very cruel things at the gate.


  • 达百头的一大大象每年都会到这片森林,并在那里待上几个月。

    A large group of around 100 elephants visit the forest every year and stay there for a few months.


  • 令人印象深刻是,真菌DNA分析表明蚂蚁通过邻近定期交换共享菌种改善修改真菌。

    Even more impressively, DNA analysis of the fungi suggests that the ants improve or modify the fungi by regularly swapping and sharing strains with neighbouring ant colonies.


  • 就算是柏拉图正义之也会需要培养战士,一准备生命赌注捍卫所属城市公民

    Even the Platonic just city will have to cultivate warrior citizens who are prepared to risk life in battle for the sake of their own city.


  • 几十古生物学家们已经知道了一称为蜥脚类动物恐龙的起源结局

    Paleontologists have known for decades about the beginnings and endings of a group of dinosaurs known as the Sauropodomorpha.


  • 一看见进门坐在桌子边的一人都欢迎他。

    The group at table jumped up to welcome him as soon as be entered.


  • 在很多情况需要使用相同角色或者具有相同事务属性的角色保护EJB组件

    Many times, a group of EJB components need to be secured with the same role or have the same transactional attribute.


  • 他是破坏的!

    Come to break the Flock!


  • 基于对它们更多了解我们才有可能根据微生物组成诊断疾病开发有针对性的药物。

    In the future, an improved understanding of the microbiota may allow us to diagnose diseases on the basis of microbiota composition and to design specific interventions.


  • 每支队伍独特的风格明显策略对付埃尔·德龙

    Each group has a unique flavor and a distinct strategy for defeating the Elder Dragons.


  • 类似争论可能也正向英国教会,一英国天主教徒正在反对妇女成为主教一事罗马教庭求助。

    A similar row may be looming in the Church of England, where a bunch of Anglo-Catholics are turning to Rome in protest against women becoming bishops.


  • 华氏451度设想了书籍禁止烧毁通过默记他们延续下去。

    Fahrenheit 451 imagines a future in which books are banned and burned, and a group of people memorize them to carry them on.


  • 许多人愿意使用网站免费工具建立粉丝用户直接沟通

    Many preferred to use the site's free tools to build up fan bases and communicate with users.


  • 今晚一集中,耳朵艾米分手了,继而变得寂寞不已并且填补情感空虚

    On tonight's episode, Sheldon breaks up with Amy, then grows lonely and USES cats as a way to fill his emotional void.


  • 由于蚂蚁特别好的“生物指示器”,环境专家可以利用这些资料主要依据某个生态系统内的数量考察系统是否状况良好

    He said that because ants were exceptionally good "bio-indicators," environmental experts could use the data to check if an entire ecosystem is healthy, based mostly on its ant population.


  • 基于流行度:社会投票机制定义某一有趣视频

    Popularity Based: social voting mechanism to identify the most interesting videos for a group of people.


  • 栋房子以外老年人中断牌局指出一口干涸

    A few houses away a group of old men interrupt a game of CARDS to point out another dry well.


  • 原始文明经常用改造天然修建石碑记录太阳月亮运行和季节变化创立历法观测日食月食

    Ancient cultures often modified natural rock formations or built stone monuments to mark the motions of the sun and moon, charting the seasons, creating calendars and monitoring eclipses.


  • NASA设计韦伯太空望远镜鉴定发现的物体本质,以此确定它们是否是恒星或者黑洞

    NASA's planned James Webb Space Telescope will be able to identify the nature of the newfound clusters and determine if they are stars or black holes.


  • NASA设计韦伯太空望远镜鉴定发现的物体本质,以此确定它们是否是恒星或者黑洞

    NASA's planned James Webb Space Telescope will be able to identify the nature of the newfound clusters and determine if they are stars or black holes.


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