• 在争线积聚额外的防守队员阻挡

    The Bears stacked the line of scrimmage with extra defenders to stop the run.


  • 有人认为,如果环境能够支持繁殖那么足够食物资源支持人类

    It has been suggested that if the environment were capable of supporting breeding populations of bears, there would have been enough food resources to support humans.


  • 其他国家富人很多射杀

    Rich people from other countries pay a lot of money to come and shoot the bears.


  • 防御经常生活在没有树的环境中的北极依靠攻击性保护它们的幼崽。

    Black bear cubs use trees for defense, whereas brown bears and polar bears, which regularly inhabit treeless environments, rely on aggression to protect their cubs.


  • 就是人类以及头灰,它正在惊人速度向你奔

    Those would be you, a human, and a grizzly bear, the thing that's approaching you alarmingly fast.


  • 我们采取行动保护我们的地球,拯救北极

    Let's take action to protect our earth and save polar bears.


  • 可以一个单词办法表示雄性雌性,如:母(she-bear),雌猎豹(guepardo-hembra)。

    It may also add a word for maleness or femaleness: she-bear, guepardo-hembra.


  • 他们通过将一个装有GPS定位装置的项圈佩戴北极后,研究员们就可以精确捕捉个月内外出捕猎过程中的具体行为。 科学家们能够根据北极脖子上的项圈以及植入皮肤内的温度检测装置发送回的数据判断它是在水中还是再陆地上边。

    By fitting a GPS collar to a female bear, researchers were able to accurately plot its movements for two months as it sought out hunting grounds.


  • 气候变暖让北极受到威胁是因为他们需要冰海捕捉海豹但是一个暖和的气候因纽特人会带很多麻烦

    Polar bears are threatened because they use sea ice as a platform from which to hunt seals. But a warming climate brings many problems for the Inuit.


  • 没有海冰北极无法生存它们需要利用海冰抚养幼仔四处漫游以此平台捕猎它们主要食物海豹

    Polar bears cannot survive without sea ice, using it to raise their young, to travel and as a platform for hunting seals - their primary food source.


  • 美国国家内政部已经确认北极受到威胁而并非濒临灭绝,这样北极受到法律的约束保护降低

    The US department of the interior has upheld a decision to classify the bear as "threatened" - a status that gives them less protection under the law.


  • 很管用,让我们后面的宴会上吃得津津有味大厨端上韦兹莱红酒,还回忆起当年接待英国皇家贵宾

    The soup worked, and we attacked the ensuing banquet with gusto, while the chef dispensed Vézelay rouge and reminisced about catering for wild boar hunts with royal guests from England.


  • 1977年,姐妹出生美国科罗拉多斯普林斯,在它们还是送到澳大利亚于1985年到雪定居。

    The sisters, born in Colorado Springs in the United States in 1977, were tiny cubs when they moved to Australia. They have been in Sydney since 1985.


  • 喘着粗气愤怒洞时,就会树后出头射杀

    When the bear scrambled out, snorting and angry, the hunters would lean around the tree and shoot it.


  • 我们打扮是火车而不是登山的:刘杨穿着皮靴;李诚戴着北极形状的抓帽子,北极爪子还伸脸颊御寒

    We were dressed for train travel, not mountaineering: Liu Yang was in leather thigh-high boots; Li Cheng wore a white furry hat in the shape of a polar bear, PAWS reaching down to warm her chin.


  • 李先生说拿出一个泰迪(上图),在背上起针

    Lee brings out a small vintage teddy bear (seen above) and starts to sew the back seam closed.


  • 2006年,猎人加拿大北极地区射杀了一只奇怪的,它皮毛如同北极一般呈现出白色夹杂着褐色斑点爪子弓起的背部又表现出的特征

    In 2006, a hunter in the Canadian Arctic shot a bear that had white fur like a polar bear's but had brown patches, long claws and a hump like a grizzly bear's.


  • 我们居然遇到了尽管我们安坐在船上——头大灰只小水边闲逛,一头黑水中冒出头

    There are still bears to be encountered though, albeit from the safety of our boat - two cubs and a grizzly idling along the waterside; a black bear emerging from the river.


  • 很幸运我们低坡上出游都没有遇到任何正在走动,使我们有足够时间欣赏冰雪原野全景

    Luckily for itinerant bears we don’t meet any in a couple of loops around the lower slopes of the mountain, and have time to admire panoramic views of the icy wilderness around us.


  • 有时辅导法语作业尽管只要我稍不留神,不再我配合,尽数分析刚刚打完的赛事

    I help him sometimes with his French homework, though, if I let him, he will interrupt the conjugations to give me a play-by-play analysis of whatever game Cal has just played.


  • 如果转过身怎么才能知道抓住我的尾巴呀?”问道

    'But how will I know if a fish has grabbed my tail if my back is turned?' asked Bear.


  • 下身灯笼放在地上

    The bear stooped down and put the lantern on the ground.


  • 杰克看到远了叫醒

    When Jack sees the bear going far, he slides down from the tree and wakes Ben.


  • 保护我们,随后我们发射信号弹北极

    The dogs tried to protect us and we fired a signal pistol to try and scare it away.


  • 要想了解这个令人沮丧心理过程我们简单游戏,这个游戏只有规则:那就是千万不要想起北极这个动物

    To understand this frustrating mental process, let’s play a simple game with only one rule: Don’t think about white bears.


  • 我们显然不是登山,只是坐火车观光而已:刘阳(音)穿着一双高筒靴,李程(音)戴着顶像北极帽子耷拉捂住了,我们对着那些欧洲咯咯地笑着。

    Li Cheng wore a white furry hat in the shape of a polar bear, paws reaching down to warm her chin. We chuckled at the Europeans.


  • 我们显然不是登山,只是坐火车观光而已:刘阳(音)穿着一双高筒靴,李程(音)戴着顶像北极帽子耷拉捂住了,我们对着那些欧洲咯咯地笑着。

    Li Cheng wore a white furry hat in the shape of a polar bear, paws reaching down to warm her chin. We chuckled at the Europeans.


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