• 计算区域进口处给定均匀速度,在出口引入压力边界条件

    Uniform incoming fluid flowing velocity is set for entry of computation region and pressure boundary condition is inducted for outlet.


  • 理论解可以看出探头电极间感应电动势速度之间明显线性关系。

    The theoretical solutions show a clear linear relationship between the flow induced potential produced on the probe electrodes and the approach velocity.


  • 实验结果表明分离严重速度越大,有效抑制翼型失速分离的阈值电压越大

    Experimental results indicate that the threshold voltage becomes higher as the inflow velocity becomes higher and the flow separation becomes more serious.


  • 最后确定了壁边界分析温度速度等因素壁板颤振特性影响规律。

    The panel flutter boundaries are finally determined and the effect of temperature, airflow speed, etc, on the panel flutter characteristics is analyzed.


  • 利用高速摄影图像处理技术分析来流速度和展长比对旗帜运动学特征频率和振幅)影响规律;

    High speed digite vedio and image processing were used to analyze the effects of the non-dimensional velocity and the flag aspect on its kinematics, flapping frequency and amplitude.


  • 对于不同来流速度不同的人工扰动频率与波数,一系列的实验研究提供了一组初始扰动的增长曲线。

    The initial instability development has been investigated for different modes of artificial disturbances and oncoming wind speeds.


  • 飞行器所在下游一垂直速度截面进行积分计算得到升力诱导阻力激波阻力总阻力。

    By doing integral computation on the wake surface that is down from the aircraft and vertical to the velocity of far field, it can get the lift, induced drag, wave drag and the total drag.


  • 进而可以得到一定来流速度具有确定机翼外挂系统上下界,以及不确定参数极限影响

    Moreover, for a fixed speed, the upper and lower amplitudes of the wing-store system with uncertainty are obtained and the influence of the uncertainty is cognized on the limit cycle phase pictures.


  • 利用本文研究结果预测仪表几何参数速度分布涡轮量计性能影响,作为改进仪表设计理论依据。

    The new model can also be used to predict the effects of inlet velocity profile and meter geometry on the meter's performance, and thereby improves the design of turbine flowmeters.


  • 此外,利用汽车发动机点火系统测试电火花能量速度电极距离等因素汽油-空气预混着火影响

    In addition, the influence of the spark energy, the gas stream speed and the electrode distance on the lean ignition limit of the gasoline-air mixtures by an automobile ignition coil was determined.


  • 随着速度增加等离子体作用效果有所减弱通过提高电极电压提高电场强度,可以有效的提高其作用效果。

    With the rise of the incoming flow velocity, the plasma effect decreases. So in order to obtain an effective flow control using plasma, the intensity of the electric field must be strengthened.


  • 利用本文研究结果还预测仪表几何参数来流速度分布等因素涡轮量计性能影响,作为改进仪表设计的理论依据。

    The new model can alto be used to predict the effects of inlet velocity profile and meter geometry on the meter's performance, and thereby improve the design of the turbine flowmeter.


  • 他们药物引起昏迷,昏迷降低大脑中的新陈代谢速度,从而降低血压

    They also used drugs to induce a coma, which slows the metabolism and blood flow in the brain, decreasing pressure.


  • 连续测量速度通过不同探测器计数比值确定

    Water-flow velocity of continuous measurement was determined by the ratio of count rate value of different source spacing detectors.


  • 微气泡大小数量通过改变内外和管剪切速度控制

    The diameter and the number density of microbubbles are controlled by changing the difference in pressure inside and outside of tube and the velocity of liqulid cross-flow outside of tube.


  • 重点研究了宽带信号时间膨胀方法,利用宽带脉冲信号“多普勒时间膨胀”测量速度的。

    It is to measure ocean current velocity by utilizing Doppler effect of broadband signal, that is, "Doppler time dilation".


  • 首先应用自由分析技术计算旋翼尾迹发动机空间的洗流速度

    First, free wake analysis was carried out to calculate the rotor wake geometry and the downwash around the engine jet space.


  • 压电式微型合成结构参数对射速度有极大影响,然而各结构参数的影响规律程度无法因素考查确定。

    The orthogonal method and multiple-domain coupling numerical simulation are used to explore the influence of structural parameters on piezoelectric micro synthetic jet velocity.


  • 用LSFG计算平方模糊(SBR),一个相对速度定量指标

    LSFG values were used to calculate the square blur rate (SBR), which is a quantitative index of relative blood flow velocity.


  • 用LSFG计算平方模糊(SBR),一个相对速度定量指标

    LSFG values were used to calculate the square blur rate (SBR), which is a quantitative index of relative blood flow velocity.


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