• 天下起我们立即钻进最近咖啡馆

    It started to rain so we dived into the nearest cafe.


  • 诺曼·洛克威尔20世纪艺术,他从未过《屏幕上滑动手指男孩》这幅画,我们完美童年时代的幻想也从未调整适应这种如今常见的场景

    Norman Rockwell, a 20th-century artist, never painted Boy Swiping Finger on Screen, and our own vision of a perfect childhood has never been adjusted to accommodate that now-common scene.


  • 通过这种方式我们可以了解作曲意图因为事实上,作曲利用每一音乐工具传达音乐力量以及音乐体验做出贡献。

    In this way, we may get an idea of the composer's intentions, for indeed, the composer uses every musical device for its power to communicate and for its contribution to the musical experience.


  • 果你对动物和自然感兴趣,加入我们吧!青年探险为你准备了一个为期三天的项目!你可以参加许多活动,遇见狮子、猴子、老虎等动物!

    If you ate interested in animals and nature, come and join us! Youth explorer has prepared you with a three-day program! You can take part in many activities and meet animals, lions, monkeys, tigers and so on!


  • 我们雇用了广告公司推销我们产品

    We hired an advertising company for help to sell our product.


  • 而且呢,整个运输过程也环境友好方式完成,然后,我们办法艺术这个过程装置艺术的方式表达出

    Also the transportation will be somehow powered by environmentally friendly methods, and we would like to explore ways with artists to turn this into some kind of installation work.


  • 无线网络时代我们应该拥有一个公平竞争环境,企业能够自己理念判断问题,不是其制造者颜色判断。

    In the wireless age, we should be able to have a level playing field in which an idea - an entrepreneur - will be judged by the content of its concept rather than by the color of its maker.


  • 此外需要发回我们《卫报》以及德国杂志《镜报》(也是经阿桑提议作为第三一锅端媒体)的合作计划

    He would also report back on the proposed mechanics of our collaboration with the Guardian and the German magazine Der Spiegel which Assange invited as a third guest to his secret smorgasbord.


  • 我们允许他们我们免费住宿。这一个即能交流感情能让其中的每个人受益的交换方式。

    We also allow any family and friends who are in our area to stay at our home for free.


  • 我们离开时候丈夫妈妈我们准备晚餐放在烤箱保温

    During the time we were gone, my husband had arranged for his mom to come over and make dinner for us, and had it warming in the oven.


  • 现在受欢迎但是有人不分白天黑夜随时我们生意不利。

    You have become a very popular person, and it is not good for my business to have people coming to our home at all hours of the day and night.


  • 所有我们流氓身上有纹身

    All the yakuza members who came to our house were covered in tattoos.


  • 沙发modernica旧货,抱枕我们喜爱的艺术设计的。圆形毯子anthopologie的(镀金花戒?)

    the couch is a hand me down from modernica, the pillow is by one of our favorite artist’s (david choe) and the circle rug is from anthropologie.


  • 我们应该学会摄影们的角度观察世界,他们往往看到我们忽视的,平常生活场景的美丽画面。

    I guess we should learn how to see our world from a photographer’s eyes.


  • 七十年代起葛尔丁克•勃劳罗伯特麻坡列特佐坡等艺术已经摄影挑战我们孩子照片方面的文化矛盾心理。

    Since the 70s, artists like Nan Goldin, Dick Blau and Robert Mapplethorpe have used photography to challenge our cultural ambivalence towards images of children.


  • 艺术设计师销售公司可以通过了解我们喜欢颜色原因从而迎合消费者的口味设计产品,以此获得更多利润。

    Understanding why we like the colors we do could help artists, designers and marketing companies.


  • 我们喜欢红色重大节日里我们喜爱红色装饰我们

    We adore red. On big occasions, we like to decorate our homes in red.


  • 现在问题些什么降低我们的碳耗量呢?

    The question now is - what can I do to reduce that figure...?


  • 过去我们培训140名企业阐明可以通过社会企业解决问题范围

    The 140 entrepreneurs we have trained over nine years demonstrate the range of problems that can be addressed through social entrepreneurship.


  • 研究表明人类一对一至少通过两种标准偏差提升知识——我们知道你们怎样才能通过机器人接近那种模式。

    Studies have shown that human one-on-one tutoring improves learning by as much as two standard deviations - we want to know how can you try to approximate that with robotic tutoring.


  • 作为医疗服务提供商我们鼓励我们员工社区积极他人提供帮助支持——事实上我们年会留出100时间,员工有一时间帮助自己选择慈善机构。

    As a health care provider, we encourage our staff to get active in the community supporting others -in fact we give 100 days a year to staff to spend a day helping at a charity of their choice.


  • 我们教训市场根据对一公司势头感知确定公司的价值的,不管公司还是大型老牌公司。

    The lesson here is that the market determines value based on the perception of a company's momentum, whether it's a small businesses or a large legacy enterprise.


  • 我们要求企业开办新的公司缓解失业巨大冲击。

    We demand that entrepreneurs start new businesses to ease the crushing weight of unemployment.


  • 所以是的我们设置了一道很高门槛——我们教育们提供灵活的空间达到要求。

    So, yes, we set a high bar - but we also provide educators the flexibility to reach it.


  • 30岁的俄亥俄牛津的媒体代表说:“当时拉斯维加斯酒吧里,这个男人是不是'我们交易'”。

    "I was at a bar in Las Vegas and this man asked if I wanted to play 'Let's Make a Deal,'" says the 30-year-old university media rep from Oxford, Ohio.


  • 今天机会了! 让我们参观一下一位于莫斯科的印刷厂吧。

    You will get such a chance today while visiting a printing office in Moscow.


  • 今天机会了! 让我们参观一下一位于莫斯科的印刷厂吧。

    You will get such a chance today while visiting a printing office in Moscow.


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