• 汤姆·第转过严厉地说:“为什么犹豫不决呢?”

    Tom Canty turned upon him and said, sharply, "Why dost thou hesitate?"


  • 索菲·设计王朝后裔,她冬青树、常青藤浆果桉树松果装饰自己

    Sophie Conran, the scion of the design dynasty, uses holly and ivy with berries, eucalyptus and pine cones to decorate her home.


  • 神父胸前掏出一封信,递给布鲁尼·莱纳姆,并指了指拐角处的红色邮筒

    Father Conmee gave a letter from his breast to Brunny Lynam and pointed to the red pillarbox at the corner.


  • 苹果公司继续富士合作完成项目将会从富士合作吸取教训,以此应对其他供货商生产部门

    The company said it would continue to work with Foxconn on implementing the programs and would take some lessons from its collaboration with Foxconn to other suppliers and facilities.


  • 索菲·这位设计师后代,冬青树、浆果常青藤桉树松树球果装饰

    Sophie Conran, scion of the design dynasty, USES Holly and ivy with berries, eucalyptus and pine cones to decorate her home.


  • 一周培训之后,我们已经知道了:富士,你已经不能当做对待,你只是机器

    After a week of training, we concluded that at Foxconn, we shouldn't treat ourselves as human beings, we are just machines.


  • 我们家人医生老师他们知道两个母亲,”阿法拉奇说道,一边的斯·坦扎点点头,“但是权利不能别人好心施舍。”

    "Our families, our doctors, the teachers - they all know that there are two mothers," said Ms. Alfarache, nodding at Constanza. "But you can't leave rights to people's good will."


  • 电话一端打电话为了通知带去威尔谢商业区妮比萨店会面。

    A man on the other end of the call instructs him to bring the money to a place called Connie's in Mid-Wilshire.


  • 维亚姆甚至动用整个在线新闻部门记录这场法律大战

    Viacom devoted an entire section of its online newsroom to chronicling the legal fight.


  • 的话并非空穴风:今年早些时候曾告诉财富》他参与了硅谷70%的初创企业交易

    Conway is in a good position to know: he told Fortune earlier this year he fields 70% of all start-up deals in Silicon Valley.


  • 五十约翰逊艺术收藏家大卫·惠特尼一直居住狄格州迦南的一片47英亩的地方里,他们在此雕刻大地,创造出新的建筑

    For nearly five decades, Johnson and the art collector David Whitney lived in the 47-acre grounds in new Canaan, ct, sculpting the landscape and adding new buildings.


  • 不少承认富士员工网上贴了他们工资单证明他们的加班时间超过法定每月工作时间的限制

    And several people claiming to be Foxconn workers posted their pay stubs online showing that their overtime hours exceeded the legal monthly limit.


  • 这边迈克我们两个代理人

    Connie: Here, Mike. Let's film these two agents.


  • :“富士公司已经表示全力做好员工救治家属安抚等善后工作,并且按照相关要求排除生产安全隐患。”

    "Foxconn has said that it will make an all out effort to treat the (affected) workers and reassure family members, and will remove hidden safety dangers in accordance with relevant demands," Fan said.


  • 共和党人会举出实例证实一点,比如美国前国务卿科林·鲍威尔现任国务卿多莉扎·赖斯。

    To prove this point, Republicans often refer to people who've been able to do just that, citing the likes of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice to underscore their point.


  • 史蒂文谢谢漂亮了拿大衣

    Steven: Thank you, Connie. They're very nice. Here, let me take your coat.


  • 尽管富士否认了某些案例,但新闻报道其他渠道收集证据表明过去年中,该公司已有十七名员工自杀

    Although the company disputes some cases, evidence gathered from news reports and other sources indicates that 17 Foxconn workers have killed themselves in the past half decade.


  • 除此之外莫里还有一个极富天才建议通过乐曲片段音乐的安排暗示电影的氛围

    Besides, Morricone had an extraordinary talent to suggest atmospheres through musical phrases and arrangements.


  • 固定电话运营商美国电报电话公司弗莱森通讯(Verizon),还有你卡斯特时代华纳(Time Warner)之类有线电视公司,他们现在可以网络管理”为名义任意限制下载速度

    Fixed-line carriers like AT&T and Verizon, as well as cable companies such as Comcast and Time Warner, are now free to throttle download speeds in the name of "network management".


  • 使用这种方法,他们制成了治疗浸润性黑色素疫苗维辛 (Canvaxin),这种疫苗中20种不同的黑色素瘤肿瘤特异性成分新的疾病识别方法教给人体

    The result was Canvaxin, a vaccine against aggressive melanoma that was loaded up with 20 different tumor-specific components of melanoma, teaching the body new ways to recognize the disease.


  • 弗吉尼亚•伍尔芙小说《奥兰多》就是此展开,书主人公的原型是维塔•萨克维尔-韦斯特,这位女主人几世纪一直流连在奈庄园,猎犬[8]跟脚边

    It is the theme of Virginia Woolf’s “Orlando”, a portrait of Vita Sackville-West, the master-mistress of Knole striding through the centuries, hounds at her heels.


  • 公司现有50客户包括广告公司CrispinPorter +Bogusky维亚姆(Viacom),这些公司主要利用Infegy公司多达60亿个人Tweet博客顾客评论数据跟踪客户产品的反馈。

    Now more than 50 clients, including advertising agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky and Viacom , use Infegy for its database of more than 6 billion individual Tweets, blog posts, and customer comments.


  • 运动不仅好玩而且锻炼身体我们健健成长小朋友们一起运动吧! !

    Sport tis not only fun, but also exercise the body, can make us healthy growth. The children sports together!


  • 不对新娘口味但是同意了“珍珠鸡婚礼父亲高兴因为她选择丈夫已经那么生气

    Not to the bride's taste, but Connie had consented to a "guinea" wedding to please her father because she had so displeased him in her choice of a husband.


  • 不对新娘口味但是同意了“珍珠鸡婚礼父亲高兴因为她选择丈夫已经那么生气

    Not to the bride's taste, but Connie had consented to a "guinea" wedding to please her father because she had so displeased him in her choice of a husband.


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