• 到现在遇到此类情况,说:“下次来会更好吧。”

    Now, when she gets a maybe, she replies: 'maybe another time would be better for you?


  • 到现在遇到此类情况,说:“下次来会更好吧。”

    Now, when she gets a maybe, she replies: 'maybe another time would be better for you?'


  • :“也许地位有关——个子高的越得敬重说不定到头呢。”

    "Perhaps this has to do with status - having greater respect for taller people that might be inadvertently leading to higher wages," he said.


  • 飞机换火车洛桑附近湖边小镇莫尔日,盖勒柯斯巢穴轻松骑车

    By plane and train I made my way to the lakeside town of Morges, near Lausanne, while Galaxy freewheeled down from his lair to meet me.


  • 这样带给巴西通货更多升值压力,鲁拉主政期间巴西通货相对于美元已经升值

    That will put more upward pressure on a currency that more than doubled in value against the dollar during Lula’s eight years as president.


  • 有个伴一起旅行有人可以分享经历我们可以讨论当天事件见闻如此这些经历有趣

    When I travel with a companion, I have someone with whom to share what I experience. We can talk over the day's events and discoveries, and this will make them more interesting.


  • 浓密头发让人苦恼,一方面是因为浓密的头发梳起某些发型来会好看,另一方面,太的头发很容易蓬松个小丑

    Thick hair can be problematic both because certain hair styles don't look good with thicker hair and also because thick hair tends to "poof" out like clown hair.


  • 在这里输入译文重新回到工作世界耗费大量精力好像你当初计划你的旅程一样,但是没有其他人想象那么吓人。

    Returning to the working world can take just as much effort as mapping out a travel itinerary, but it isn't as daunting as some people imagine.


  • 来会因为暴风雪错过约定时间,几天之后,当他们到达那里的时候,由于大雪掩盖,他们已然找不到巴尔斯·路德任何迹象

    The other party missed the rendezvous because of a blizzard, and by the time they got there, days later, the tracks were covered and they could find no sign of him.


  • 随便找个借口逃避碗。

    He'll grab at any excuse to avoid doing the dishes.


  • 很多努力工作实现这些目标

    There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.


  • 希望信守诺言这里多呆段时间。

    I'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit.


  • 要是没有人参加怎么样呢?

    What happens if nobody comes to the party?


  • 打电话

    She said she'd call back.


  • 参加对你大有好处

    It will be worth your while to come to the meeting.


  • 然后一道突如其的巨大霹雳充满整个电脑桌面

    A dramatic full-sized lightning bolt will then fill your screen's desktop.


  • 每天俱乐部

    He'd come into the clubhouse every day.


  • 有人治疗时,总是他们是否服药

    When somebody comes for treatment I always ask them if they are on any medication.


  • 他们选择由一个执行委员个人负责这个项目

    They opted to put an executive committee in charge of the project rather than a single person.


  • 必须承认不同法官采用不同的方法判定这些案件

    It must be conceded that different judges have different approaches to these cases.


  • 这个委员可能行使酌情决定权调查那些指控

    This committee may want to exercise its discretion to look into those charges.


  • 更冷天气里蜷缩紧紧的保暖。

    In colder weather, your cat will curl up into a tight, heat-conserving ball.


  • 手术可能十分复杂需要许多步骤重建结构。

    The operations can be quite involved, requiring many procedures in order to restructure the anatomy.


  • 牛津饥荒救济委员已经呼吁西方国家采取更多的措施帮助这些难民

    Oxfam has appealed to western nations to do more to help the refugees.


  • 专题讨论话题根据普通听众的理解力选定的。

    Seminar topics are chosen for their accessibility to a general audience.


  • 阅读能力利用上下文推测理解文意。

    Skilled readers make use of context and prediction.


  • 实际上在针对自己做广告而且下次少,吧?

    I'm actually advertising against myself, and there'll be fewer of you here next time, right?


  • ,太好了希望

    Oh, goody; I hope she'll let me come.


  • 他们频繁地咖啡馆

    They will come to the cafe even more frequently.


  • 他们频繁地咖啡馆

    They will come to the cafe even more frequently.


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