• 利用直接数值模拟方法求得平板上V—型条纹表面情况,给出基于二次流动理论降阻机理

    The drag reduction of plane-surfaces with V-shaped grooves is given out by direct numerical simulation, and the drag reduction mechanism in the base of the secondary flow theory is suggested.


  • 月亮表面这些黑色条纹

    There are these dark streaks on the surface of the moon.


  • 也许水流重新排列了其表面尘埃或者也许这些条纹是这些盐水蒸发留下残迹。

    Perhaps the flow of water rearranges dirt particles on the surface, or maybe the streaks are the residue left behind when the briny water evaporates.


  • ,看到地板到处南瓜大小的石头,有一块有半块的,表面坑坑洼洼,里面是金属状条纹

    When I flick on the lights there are pumpkin-sized rocks all over the floor, whole and halved, craggy on the outside and streaked with veins of metalinside.


  • 白色相间的条纹使得小丑鱼看起来相当漂亮它们的身体表面其实还覆盖着一层粘液

    The Clownfish may look pretty with its bright orange and white stripes, but it’s covered in slime.


  • 泥塑棍棒表面红色条纹,顶端是仿狼牙棒头。

    Baton of clay painted in red stripes, with imitation mace-head of clay.


  • 通过分析每个条纹升降方式系统软件在不到时间里就可构造手指表面三维模型,保证每个谷都处在各自合适的位置上。

    By analyzing the way each line rises and falls, the software builds a 3-d model of the surface of the finger in less than a second, with each ridge and valley in its proper place.


  • 流动表面条纹高度反光薄片轨迹

    Light streaks on surface of flow are traces of highly reflective flakes.


  • 建筑的表面夹杂着白色条纹,有各式各样窗户开口

    Its external surfaces are streaked with horizontal lines, and punctured by an assortment of Windows and openings.


  • 瓷砖表面都有四条条纹水平垂直排列形式创建一个编织模式效果

    Each one has a four-striped surface, and they are arranged both horizontally and vertically to create the effect of a woven pattern.


  • 如果多边形数据显示锯齿状方式条纹着色模式标志着大量违规行为皮肤即使主要流动表面可以好的。

    If the polygon data are displayed in this jagged way in stripe shader mode, it indicates lots of little irregularities of the skin even though the main flow of the surface can be good.


  • 流动表面条纹高度反光薄片轨迹线

    Light streaks on surface of flow are traces of highly reflective flakes.


  • 轧机投产后生产不锈钢表面存在一种特殊横向条纹缺陷,严重影响带钢外观质量。

    Since the day when it was put into production, there has been a special transverse stripe defect on the surface of the stainless steel strip produced by the company.


  • 条纹铝合金型材表面主要缺陷之一。

    The streaks are main defects of aluminium profiles surfaces.


  • 花瓣”的果实表面具有明显绿相间纵向条纹

    "Petal pear" produced in XI county, which surface has obviously yellow and green alternately longitudinal stripe.


  • 雨水倾泻岩石上,渐渐地溶解表面,于是就形成了各种奇怪条纹岩石。

    It will pour down the rocks, and slowly dissolve the surface of these type of rocks and more and more engrave the rocks with strange patterns.


  • 从熔铸工艺挤压工艺模具、挤压设备等方面分析了6063铝合金型材挤压过程中产生表面条纹原因,并提出了相应的对策。

    The factors including of melting-casting process, extrusion process, die, and extrusion device resulting in the surface streaks of 6063 aluminium alloy profiles were analyzed.


  • 利用光栅自成象面的倾斜引起莫尔条纹方向变化测量反射表面角位移。

    The angular displacement of reflecting surface is measured in accordance with the direction change of Moire fringes caused by the inclination of grating. self-imaging plane.


  • 文件还记载道: “照片来看,物体表面宽度递减条纹飞檐上方天空颜色浅。”

    'The picture [of the object] shows a diagonal stripe of diminishing width and lighter in shade than the sky over the dark bulk of a building cornice, ' it was noted.


  • 聚酯纤维表面均匀光滑条纹截面圆形

    Polyester fibers have a smooth, uniform surface with no striations and are circular in cross section.


  • 使用脱模可能造成短射(缺料),鱼眼条纹表面斑点,影响透明度。

    Mold release agents cannot be used as shortmolding, fish-eye marks, streaking and blurring would occur.


  • 改变表面振幅发现了各级衍射条纹强度变化

    The diffraction intensity is variable with the surface wave amplitude which was also found.


  • 利用FLUENT软件完成条纹沟槽表面特殊模拟。

    Using FLUENT software to compute the riblets surface flow field.


  • AM 60 B镁合金轮毂压铸件进行表面处理时,发现前处理酸洗表面某些区域会产生黑色条纹缺陷

    It is found that the surface defect like black stripes appeared in certain surface regions of die-casting wheel hub AM60B magnesium alloy after acid pickling in the anti-corrosion treatment.


  • 钢材表面无可油脂污垢、氧化皮、铁锈油漆涂层附着物任何残留痕迹点状条纹轻微色斑

    Steel surface should be no visible oil, dirt, scale, rust and paint coating attachments, any markings should be only slight discoloration of dot or stripes.


  • 了研究管材激光有氧切割过程切割表面条纹形成模型

    The procedure of pipe laser oxygen cutting and the model of generation of striation on cut surface were studied respectively.


  • 提高结构条纹中心线提取精度提高重建对象表面光滑度提出了一基于曲线合的结构光条纹中心的检测方法

    To improve the accuracy of structured light methods and surface smooth degree of reconstructed object, new method based on curve fitting is advanced.


  • 近年来对于水下条纹沟槽表面研究集中试验方面理论分析数值计算进行的不多。

    The researches of drag reduction by grooved surface in water are mostly concentrated in experimentations recently, and researches in theory and numerical calculation are lacked.


  • 电子散干涉测量技术通过物体表面产生干涉条纹(载频调制条纹),分析位移物面高度之间关系,可测量物面的形貌。

    ESPI can measure the object, through forming a carrier pattern on the object surface (carrier pattern modulation), analyze the relation between displacement field and altitude of the object surface.


  • 本文利用轮胎受荷前后表面反射光波干涉原理,从布方程出发,导出了干涉条纹间距变形的关系式,分析内部缺陷条纹畸变关系

    The formulas for strain quantity and fringe spacing on the basis of Bragg equation are derived. The relationship between fringe deformation and internal flaws is analysed.


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