• 国内外普遍使用光栅叠栅条纹系统中,衍射效应很明显的,造成叠栅条纹信号比(度)正弦不好主要原因。

    In an amplitude grating system of small grid pitch, the diffractive light is the main cause to deteriorate the contrast and sinusoidal property of Moiré signals.


  • 系统其他图象识别程序更加准确,并且可以适用其他条纹动物老虎长颈鹿

    The system is more accurate than other image-recognition programs and could be used on additional animals with stripes, such as tigers and giraffes.


  • 可以检查手动设置关于电话条纹系统更新

    You can also check manually by going to Settings, About Phone, System Updates on your Streak.


  • 通过分析每个条纹升降方式系统软件在不到时间里就可构造手指表面三维模型,保证每个谷都处在各自合适的位置上。

    By analyzing the way each line rises and falls, the software builds a 3-d model of the surface of the finger in less than a second, with each ridge and valley in its proper place.


  • 本文提出了种对干涉条纹变化进行记录细分的计算机系统

    This article introduces a method of recording and fine dividing unity interference fringes.


  • 条纹结构光投射器CCD相机组成视觉系统广泛应用非接触在线测量领域

    The vision inspection system consisting of multi-stripes projector and CCD camera finds a wide application in non-contact and online measurement.


  • 激光条纹图像质量直接影响三维激光扫描测量系统精度

    The quality of laser stripe images has direct effect on the accuracy of system.


  • 结构测量系统需要采集到激光条纹图像进行有效处理

    The laser stripe image gathered in the structured light measurement system is needed to be processed effectively.


  • 这里研究用两种不同方法光纤传感器系统观察这样条纹图样即光谱处理方法相位域处理方法。

    There are two distinct methods in optical fiber sensor system for the observation of such fringe pattern and these can be identified as spectral domain processing, and phase domain processing.


  • 扫描红外热像仪条纹非均匀性严重限制系统性能

    The striping pattern nonuniformity of the infrared line scanner (IRLS) severely limits the system performance.


  • 条纹激光扫描成像方法能够同时满足水下激光成像系统增大视场减小后向散射光影响要求。

    The laser stripe scanning technique can be used in underwater imaging system to increase field of view and reduce backscatter.


  • 检测系统中实现了对干涉条纹移动计数。

    A detection system for counting shift number of interference fringe is established.


  • 具体分析推导了光线入射角变化这种新型可调横向剪切萨伐尔偏光镜的偏振以及系统干涉条纹影响

    The effect of the incident angle on the optical path difference, state of polarization and interference fringes of the system is deduced in detail.


  • 校准视场深度数据,提出基于条纹投影数字成像系统视点姿态估计方法

    To register multiple range images, we present a method for the pose estimation of multiple viewpoints for three-dimensional digital imaging system based on fringe projection.


  • 系统采用了数字相移条纹投影技术测量具有接触、全场精度较高快速等优点

    The system adopts digital phase-shifting and fringe projection techniques and its measurement has advantages of non-contact, the whole field, higher precision, and quite high speed.


  • 新的游戏选项系统要求意味著幸运条纹扑克背道而驰的伟大几乎任何一台电脑

    New gameplay options and low system requirements mean Lucky Streak Poker runs great on virtually any computer.


  • 条纹投射测量系统标定过程摄像机畸变图像进行修正有效地提高系统的标定精度

    Correcting the distorted image of camera in calibration process of fringe projection measurement system that can effectively improve the calibration accuracy of system.


  • 阐述了人眼视网膜激光干涉条纹视力IVA(视网膜视力)测量原理设计套测量视网膜视力的光学系统

    The principle of the IVA or Retinal Visual Acuity measurement of eye is described. An optical system is designed for the IVA measurement.


  • 通过典型光学条纹图像应用,验证基于DSP小型化图像处理系统可行性

    The results of typical optical stripes image processing demonstrate the feasibility of the system based on DSP.


  • 光电角编码器中的莫尔条纹信号质量决定整个系统细分精度

    The signal quality of Moire fringe in photoelectric shaft encoder determines the subdivision accuracy of the whole system.


  • 系统发射探测光束发散角较大,信噪比较,且光束扫目标可能出现条纹信号过程

    For large probe beam divergence the SNR is relatively poor, and even a streaky signal process is predicted if a point target is scanned across.


  • 光学系统采用白光准直平行照射光栅通过光栅副产生莫尔条纹

    The optical system uses the fluorescent lamp with the collimation mirror, incident the grating surface by the parallel light, in order to produce the moiréfringe through the grating.


  • 对于雷达系统本身原因而产生一些周期不规则条纹噪声进行讨论,针对此类噪声提出一种区域滤波算法

    We discuss the nonperiodic abnormal stripe noise due to the spaceborne SAR system itself, and present an area filtering method in two-dimensional frequency domain.


  • 通过光学干涉系统结构设计元件参数选择,最大限度地优化了干涉条纹可见度,并设计出背景光强标准硅球直径精密测量系统

    On the basis of structure design of optical system and parameter option of optical components, the visibility of interference fringe with zero background intensity is optimized.


  • 方法具有不必经过计算实时确定条纹级数优点,对于曲率斜率测量方法系统完善具有实际意义

    Without calculation, the method can determine the order of the fringes in real time. It has practical significance when it is used to measure the curvature and slope and to im-prove the system.


  • 提出了一使用校验方法用来校验基于结构条纹投射人体测量系统误差

    A novel method, which USES verifying block to verify the system error of 3d body measurement apparatus based on structured light fringe projecting, is mentioned in this paper.


  • 系统产生的短紫外光脉冲对X条纹相机动态参数时标的条纹相机的研究具有重要意义。

    This fourth harmonic system offers wide applications to the diagnostics of the soft X ray ps streak camera and framing camera, nonlinear optics and other ultrafast phenomena study.


  • 由于背景干涉条纹影响激光视频显示系统中,通常获得的激光视频图像不仅对比度降低,而且较差

    In the laser video display system, video image with low contrast and inferior image quality are usually happened due to the effects of the background interference fringes.


  • 介绍了基于干涉条纹激光准直技术的检测系统

    A kind of laser alignment equipment based on interference fringe has been developed.


  • 系统实时拍摄各种特征方向特征平面微分达因条纹图。

    The fringe pattern of differential Isodyne in various characteristic directions and planes can be real-timely taken, by using this system.


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