• 对于浪费挥霍的国家提供小心谨慎,带有条件援助,IMF在资金充足,管理完备规矩明确的情况下,为此进行集体保险

    But with more money, better governance and clearer rules, it could provide collective insurance for the prudent and conditional assistance for the profligate.


  • 本文分析金融契约完备条件资本结构公司治理结构作用机制

    The paper analyses the functions and its mechanisms that the capital structure has on the corporation governing structure under the condition of the imperfect of financial contracts.


  • 完备PLANTOID型机器人可以用于监视地球上条件污染水平或者他们甚至可以找到使用其他行星上收集环境数据

    Complete PLANTOID-type robots could be also used to monitor things like soil conditions and pollutant levels here on Earth, or they could even find use gathering environmental data on other planets.


  • 为了解决信息完备条件方案评估问题提出一个基于质量屋模糊方案优选模型

    For solving the problem of schemes evaluation in the condition of incomplete information, a fuzzy schemes selection model based on HOQ is given.


  • 保留P正规锥,将算子A减弱连续空间E减弱为弱完备条件减弱的情况下,仍然得到算子不动点的存在性。

    In this paper, we retains the cone P normal cone, increasing operator A weaken the weakly continuous operator, space E weaken the weak complete space.


  • 借助于动量表象完备条件,证明了算符的么正性及其变换特性

    The unitarity and transformation properties of the operator are analyzed by virtue of completeness of momentum representation.


  • 本文研究输入信息完备条件结构参数识别问题。

    Structural system identification with incomplete input information is studied in this paper.


  • 研究了在完备度量空间中一模糊映象满足一些特定不等式条件以及中非集时,该对模糊映象公共不动的存在性问题。

    Does research in a common fixed point theorem of fuzzy mappings in inequality conditions and the cut set is the nonempty closed bounded subsets of, while is complete metric space.


  • 此种方法处理区域形状不规则边界条件完备情况。

    This method can deal with irregular regions and incomplete boundary conditions.


  • 研究完备度量空间两个单值映象一个集值映象唯一公共不动充要条件,改进了已有文献的有关结果。

    The sufficient and necessary conditions of two single-valued mapping and a set-valued mapping with the only common fixed point in complete metric space are discussed.


  • 目前常规条件各种金属材料S-N曲线基本完备但是考虑腐蚀环境影响的S-N曲线还很少见。

    N curves of sorts of metals under general condition have been maturity. But the S N curves considering the effect of corrosive environment are reported.


  • 择校权利实现依赖经济条件义务教育普及程度法制完备

    The realization of the right of choosing school depends on economic conditions, the extent of universal compulsory education and development of legal system.


  • 完备基展开一级修正,利用消除“久期”条件给出孤子参数演化方程最终得到计算一级修正的公式。

    The evolution equations of the soliton parameters are given from conditions eliminating secular terms, and then the first-order correction is eventually obtained.


  • 对称信息条件完备交易制度良好道德秩序信用体系构建异常重要

    In the situation of asymmetric information, both complete transactional institution and good moral regulations are very important to build credible system.


  • 基于委托代理问题一般性分析完备市场条件委托代理和公司治理结构实现条件

    Based on the generality of the entrustment agent, this paper analyses the entrustment agent and corporation administration structure and their realization conditions in the perfect market environment.


  • 构造逼近这个问题解答完备的函数序列边界条件表达式问题归结一组代数方程组求解

    The complex function series which approach the solution of that problem and general expressions for boundary, conditions are given. The problem is reduced to the solution of algebraic equations.


  • 本文结合理论基本概念根据案例所包含的条件属性是否完备建立了案例可信度定量评价模型

    Using the basic conception of Rough Set theory, a quantified appraise model based on the integrality of condition attribute that composed in the case is established in this paper.


  • 新加坡基础设 施完备, 其港口和国际机场尤为精良优越条件使新加坡成为东南亚地区进口中转中心

    The superior infrastructureespecially the excellent port and internationalairport — has made Singapore the import and transshipment center for the region.


  • 这种定价方法主要优点前提条件涉及任何经济假设,有套利、不均衡完备市场上适用

    The main advantage of this approach is that the precise does not involve in any economic assumption, and can be use in the arbitrage, not well balanced and incomplete market.


  • 本文阐述了建立完备民族法规体系基本指导思想及其应具备的基本条件

    This article expounds the essential guiding ideology and the basic conditions of the comp1ete system of the national laws and regulations.


  • 给出完备分拆充要条件分部以及分部估计

    This paper gives an necessary and sufficient condition, an evaluation for the bound of part of partition and number of partition.


  • 给出完备分拆充要条件分部以及分部估计

    This paper gives an necessary and sufficient condition, an evaluation for the bound of part of partition and number of partition.


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