• 当凯恩以点数战胜捷基·里克赢得了1938年的世界冠军

    Kane won the world title in 1938 when he outpointed Jackie Durich.


  • 我们溜达进城,迎面碰上了雅克·波依斯

    We were strolling into the town when we came face to face with Jacques Dubois.


  • 安娜·沿着海滩散步注意到了什么?

    What did Anna Du notice while walking along the beach?


  • 就开始参加所大学公共活动研讨会因此学会建造遥控潜水器所需技能

    Du started attending public events and workshops at a university when she was five years old, and so she picked up the engineering skills necessary to build her ROV.


  • 坦桑尼亚早期原始人类遗址,奥瓦伊峡谷1911年,一名蝴蝶猎人掉进峡谷深处发现的。

    Olduvai Gorge, an early hominid site in Tanzania, was found by a butterfly hunter who literally fell into its deep valley in 1911.


  • 阿布扎比可能坚决反对迪拜的做法,害怕如果迪拜不能忍痛承担责任的话,下一次衰退阿卜将会拖欠更多

    It is possible they are now putting their foot down, fearful that if Dubai does not take its share of pain, it will be back for more money in the next downturn.


  • 作为移民后代,遵从家人的意见,放弃了高中喜欢人文学科转而哥伦比亚大学选择工程专业不久便投身商业生涯

    As a dutiful immigrant son, To put aside his high-school love of humanities to pursue a major in engineering at Columbia, but soon gravitated toward a business career.


  • 很多受欢迎艺人很害羞包括美国电视节目主持人约翰·卡大卫·雷德曼不过舞台面对镜头他们会很放松,

    Many popular entertainers, including American TV show hosts Johnny Carson and David Letterman, are shy but feel more at ease when they're on stage or on camera, Zimbardo says.


  • 仍然回忆起上海酒吧享受大卫香味

    He can still recall the aroma of the Davidoff he savoured in a Shanghai wine bar.


  • 此外布罗迪还告诉陪审团,2009年大脑扫描,说明不了当年杀死吉奈恩·尼卡·里科的大脑是个什么样子

    Moreover, Brodie told the jury, Dugan's brain scan in 2009 says nothing about what his brain was like when he killed Jeanine Nicarico.


  • PBN两方冲突曾作为BP咨询顾问公司,它的主管“皮特b”,那段德雷先生处理得很好

    Peter B. Necarsulmer, director of PBN, a consultancy that advised BP in Russia during the conflict, said that Mr. Dudley had handled himself well then.


  • 马苏德阿卜人在昨天暗示如果在终选拥有更加公正的竞选环境,阿卜也许考虑重新参加竞选。

    Both Massoud and Abdullah hinted yesterday that he would consider re-entering the race if conditions for a runoff vote were made fairer.


  • 尔科她的双打搭档佩内塔看到索尼爱立信公开赛的签表她们的心情也许会很糟糕。

    When Gisela Dulko and doubles partner Flavia Pennetta saw the draw for the Sony Ericsson Open, their hearts sank.


  • 提到他们那双明亮热情的双眼暗了下去。

    Du Du's bright mahogany eyes fade when he mentions them.


  • 夫人蜡像馆的合理回应引起轰动,就是为什么觉得令人遗憾。

    That's why I think it's a shame that Tussauds' reasonable response created a stir.


  • 提到他们那双明亮热情的双眼暗了下去。

    Du Du's bright mahogany eyes fade when he mentions them.


  • 这次拍卖开始之前克里斯蒂拍卖行首席执行官爱德华·尔曼接受采访说:“去年我们拍品不足,但现在情况已经好多了。”

    "Last year we were starved of supply", Edward Dolman, Christie's chief executive, said in an interview before the recent sales. "Now that has turned."


  • NBA得分王卡里姆·阿-贾巴尔日前在接受《洛杉矶》的采访披露,自己确诊患上慢性粒细胞性白血病

    All-time NBA top scorer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has been diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia, he said during an interview with the Los Angeles Times.


  • 昨天黄昏还不在这儿“好象有吵闹声”她已走进了寝室

    She had not been there on the preceding evening, and she had already retired to her chamber when Toussaint had said.


  • 聪说,“2002年第一次见到J,”J非常瘦弱伴随着皮肤损伤---“死了!”

    When I first met him in 2002, ” To reports, J was emaciated and covered with skin lesions—“he was dying.”


  • 自称为泰伊小舅子艾哈迈德·阿卜尔-萨塔向媒体讲述绑架疯狂一幕,当家里的很多女子都在尖叫恳求武装分子不要将泰伊带走

    Ahmed Abdul-Satar, who said he was the soldier's brother-in-law, recounted a frantic scene from the kidnapping, with the women of the family screaming and begging the gunmen not to take Taei.


  • 博士说:“该车没有计划能力反应机器(reactive machine),遇到障碍,它会按照程序继续前进。”

    “He is a reactive machine that has no planning ability,” says Dr Thrun. “When he saw an obstacle, he was programmed to persist.”


  • 莉莲·卡尔德龙·加西埃尼亚斯调查大气污染影响招募儿童安娜只有七岁

    When Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas recruited children for a study probing the effects of air pollution, Ana was just 7.


  • 被问及去年一份关于汽车调研是否在表达“女人眼光短浅”观点(文中“掌握了确凿证据”),总是否认重男轻女思想。

    Dunn denies any misogynist agenda, even though, when asked last year if his car research suggested that women were shallow, he was quoted as saying, "Let's face it, there's evidence to support it."


  • 1746年,兰尼帝国Durrani Empire)成立阿富汗民族国家,但是1919年Amanullah国王即位,主权割让给了英国

    The Afghanistan nation-state came into existence in 1746 under the Durrani Empire, but control was ceded to Britain until King Amanullah ascended to the throne in 1919.


  • 1942年,里埃带领着吉米·里德的突击队攻打了日本的石油和海军设施B - 25轰炸机机组人员就是美国大黄蜂航空母舰上起飞的。

    Not long ago, Duryea led some of Jimmy Doolittle's Raiders, the B-25 bomber crews who took off from the aircraft carrier uss.


  • 1942年,里埃带领着吉米·里德的突击队攻打了日本的石油和海军设施B - 25轰炸机机组人员就是美国大黄蜂航空母舰上起飞的。

    Not long ago, Duryea led some of Jimmy Doolittle's Raiders, the B-25 bomber crews who took off from the aircraft carrier uss.


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