• 杜新箨说干笑一声,坐下去就吃点心

    He gave a dry laugh, then sat down and started on the pastries.


  • 刚才看见好像是镇静最先料到不会出乱子的。

    She had noticed just now that he seemed perfectly calm as if he had known all along that everything would be all right.


  • 向来以为杜新不知厉害的享乐公子现在更加确定了。

    He was more certain than ever now that Tu Hsin-to was nothing more than a frivolous young hedonist .


  • 可不是杜新箨这话很有理么?在林佩珊那样年纪那小小的灵魂里并没觉醒什么真正意义恋爱一切都不过孩子气的玩耍罢了!

    She could find nothing wrong with what Tu Hsin-to had said, for she was still at an age where her heart had not yet awoken to the meaning of true love.


  • 天气转晴,纳发现自己来到了一个陆地海岸

    When the weather cleared, Naddod found himself on the coast of a new land.


  • 也许我们需要一个短语每个人依斯最初理想主义希望迈进大步:“重要不是名字而是事情本身。”

    Perhaps a new phrase is needed, one that can bring everyone one big step closer to realizing Du Bois's original, idealistic hope: "It's not the nameit's the Thing that counts."


  • 本文采用了安扎尔女混血儿意识理论

    This thesis employs the theory of "new mestiza consciousness" by Anzaldúa.


  • J顽强生命使使命感的扩展:不仅孤儿提供教育而且提供他们家庭般的友爱支持

    J's survival revitalized to's sense of mission: to offer orphans not only education, but the love and support that families would have provided.


  • 作为魔术1号,PER仍然那个挤走的——克里斯·——高出,在尼尔森休息时候至少能在控卫位置上提供15分钟的高校输出。

    His PER as a Magician is still nearly double that of the man he replaced, Chris Duhon, providing a much more competent 15 minutes of backup point guard play when Nelson rests.


  • 一年里,我们要撇清关于交易卡梅罗·安东尼传言全神贯注于如何将主教练汤姆锡伯防守准则一一运用到场上

    We swear off any more rumor and innuendo about staying alive in the Carmelo Anthony sweepstakes and just concentrate on getting Tom Thibodeau's defensive principles down pat.


  • 尔曼表示来自中国印度其它经济体购买人群涌入弥补拍卖行业传统上对纽约和伦敦买家依赖

    Mr Dolman said there had been an influx of new purchasing power from China, India and other emerging economies to complement the industry's traditional reliance on New York and London-based buyers.


  • 卡尔扎伊不同,阿卜博士的竞选活动覆盖整个国家凝聚阿富汗人民,告诉他们解决他们问题点子,尽管这些点子有些,有些

    Unlike Mr Karzai, he has campaigned across the country, rallying Afghans and offering them ideassome good, some bad—on how to solve their problems.


  • 头发显然曾经别人头上

    Doody's new hair was, of course, once on someone else's head.


  • 问题出现伴娘(凯蒂·霍尔姆斯安娜·帕奎因饰)过去为了争夺郞(乔什·哈明饰),曾一度是情敌。

    Problems arise because the bride and the maid of honor (Katie Holmes and Anna Paquin) have had a long rivalry over the groom (Josh Duhamel).


  • 商学院院长罗伯·迪克逊认为,商业学校必须适应经济现实

    Rob Dixon, dean of Durham business school, says that business schools must adapt to the new economic realities.


  • 分队基地,也就是Ajdabiya学校,默哈穆德副手阿卜·贾瓦德·艾尔·贝丁(Abduljawad al - Bedin)正在等待委员会任命指挥官决定

    At one of the brigade's bases, a primary school in Ajdabiya, Mohammed's deputy, Abduljawad al-Bedin, said he was waiting for the council to decide who would become the new commander.


  • 英国石油公司提名首席执行官鲍勃德利(Bob Dudley)采访,英国石油可能周日完全封堵墨西哥湾发生泄漏多油井。

    NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- BP PLC's (BP 38.65, +1.79, +4.86%) newly named CEO Bob Dudley said in an interview the oil major could kill the leaking Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico by Sunday.


  • 马克·塔克尔(嘉祺),英国保险公司保诚集团负责人任命为AIG集团亚洲分公司AIA(美国友邦保险公司)总裁

    Mark Tucker, a former head of Prudential, a British insurer, was appointed the new boss of AIA, the Asian arm of American International Group.


  • 麦克格尔纪念讲演粮农组织成员国

    McDougall Lecture and new FAO Member country.


  • 得到达斯·号小行星他们开始任务

    After learning that Darth Caedus was on the Nickel One asteroid, they launched a new mission.


  • 在那里约旦国王阿卜拉进行一轮会谈

    There he is scheduled to do a new conference with Jordan's King Abdullah.


  • 大学研究人员进行一项研究表明即使是适度锻炼也可能降低女性血液中铁离子的含量。

    Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.


  • 查韦斯已经结束所谓后手术时期,开始在哈瓦那治疗阶段

    Mr Maduro said the Venezuelan leader had now finished what he called the post-operative period and was entering a new phase of treatment in Havana.


  • 当晚阿拉丁白狄伦·布公主结了婚他们宫殿里过着幸福的生活。

    That night Aladdin married Badr-al-Budur and they lived happily in the new palace.


  • 本文介绍保障体系

    In this paper, it was introduce the new wholesome society ensure system.


  • 萨吉鲁尔月球上进行了战斗尽管她最后被迫退出战斗,但温意识一个绝地黑暗威胁已成事实

    Asajj did battle with Windu on the moon of Ruul, and though Asajj was forced to flee the fight, Windu came to realize that a new and dark menace to the Jedi was at large.


  • 结论病例为发生在下颌部拉分支菌属内菌种引起的真菌性足菌

    Conclusion This is a case of eumycetoma on the submaxilla induced by a novel species of Madurella.


  • 毫无疑问雷霆队会成为赛季NBA得分最多球队,但是他们太依赖也将使他们陷入“成也萧何败萧何”的尴尬境地。

    The Thunder have the advantage of having the NBA's scoring champion in their corner, and the Thunder will continue living or dying based on Kevin Durant's play.


  • 毫无疑问雷霆队会成为赛季NBA得分最多球队,但是他们太依赖也将使他们陷入“成也萧何败萧何”的尴尬境地。

    The Thunder have the advantage of having the NBA's scoring champion in their corner, and the Thunder will continue living or dying based on Kevin Durant's play.


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