• 美国杜克大学生物学家指出蜥蜴鸟类哺乳动物拥有的创造性解决问题能力

    Biologists from Duke University report that lizards have some of the same creative problem-solving abilities that birds and mammals do.


  • 美国杜克大学P -穆拉利·多雷斯·瓦米博士说:“如果感谢一种世界畅销的药品。”

    "If thankfulness were a drug," says Dr P Murali Doraiswamy, of Duke University, "it would be the world's best selling product."


  • 美国杜克大学研究人员几年发现了,通常顾客会认为排队时的社会正义社会公平实际等待重要

    Because some researchers in Duke University years ago found out that social justice or social fairness in lines is often viewed more important to customers than the actual wait.


  • 所以大量疾病抑制住,来自美国杜克大学格雷戈里补充说道

    "Therefore it is the region of the genome to which the greatest number of diseases have been localized," added Gregory, from Duke University in the United States.


  • 去年美国杜克大学医疗中心精神病学家RimaKaddurah-Daouk所发表研究不仅精神分裂症提供检验的方法,同时治疗的研究贡献很大

    Research published last year by Rima Kaddurah-Daouk, a psychiatrist at the Duke University Medical Centre in America, may not only provide a test for schizophrenia, but also help with its treatment.


  • 杜克大学KennethManton主持的研究发现近几年美国65岁以上行为能力丧失的老人人数大为减少。

    Research led by Kenneth Manton at Duke University found that in recent years disability above the age of 65 in America has been falling significantly.


  • 美国北卡罗来纳州杜克大学乔安娜•马赛尔可博士带领研究小组通过日常的成长评价482个八个月大的孩子母亲关系进行了评估。

    The researchers, led by Dr Joanna Maselko of Duke University in North Carolina, rated the relationships of 482 eight-month-old babies with their mothers during routine developmental assessment


  • 1994年,诺兰.理查德森教练率领的阿肯色大学击败了杜克大学队,荣获美国大学生篮球联赛冠军,当时在场

    When Coach Nolan Richardson’s Arkansas team won the NCAA Championship over Duke in 1994, I was in the arena.


  • 杜克大学哈佛大学研究小组调查了652位在美国出生的CEO和502个科技公司产品设计主管

    My research team at Duke and Harvard surveyed 652 U. s. -born chief executive officers and heads of product engineering at 502 technology companies.


  • 还有人则成了企业家杜克大学(Duke University)的一项研究发现,1995 - 2005年间美国科技初创企业逾四分之一移民创建的。

    Others turned entrepreneurial; one Duke University study found that more than a quarter of all tech start-ups in the U.S. between 1995 and 2005 were initiated by immigrants.


  • 大学时期就读美国奥本大学Auburn University),并取得工业工程学士学位,并杜克大学取得商业管理硕士学位。

    Cook did his undergrad at Auburn University, earning a BS in industrial engineering, going on to get an MBA at Duke University half a decade later.


  • 调查负责人杜克大学福库商学院(Duke' s FuquaSchoolofBusiness)金融学教授约翰·格雷厄姆(Johnr . Graham)表示,目前可能美国经济1979- 81年出现次衰退以来最长时间经济疲软

    'This could be the longest slowdown since the double-dip recession of 1979-81,' said survey director John R. Graham, who is a finance professor at Duke's Fuqua School of Business.


  • 最近杜克大学做出研究表明,占美国八分之一人口移民成立了该国四分之一科技工程公司

    A recent study carried out by Duke University showed that, while immigrants make up an eighth of America's population, they founded a quarter of the country's technology and engineering firms.


  • 美国杜克大学研究人员提出良好饮食适当的运动不仅身体有益而且可以改善思维

    A good diet and exercise not only benefit the body but also can improve thinking, U. S. researchers at Duke University suggest.


  • 手术病历的来源为马里兰霍普金斯医院罗纳州的杜克大学以及加利福尼亚乔治亚州以及北卡罗纳州的五个美国退伍军人事务医院

    The surgery was carried out at Johns Hopkins hospital in Maryland, Duke University in North Carolina or five U. S. Veterans Affairs hospitals in California, Georgia and North Carolina.


  • 美国北卡罗来纳州杜克大学乔安娜•马赛尔可博士带领研究小组通过日常的成长评价482个八个月大的孩子母亲关系进行了评估。

    The researchers, led by Dr Joanna Maselko of Duke University in North Carolina, rated the relationships of 482 eight-month-old babies with their mothers during routine developmental assessment.


  • 后来决定进入美国一个学术篮球都出色大学就是杜克大学

    I later decided to enter into an American academic and college basketball very well, and that is Duke University.


  • 出于多种原因女性没有丈夫便宝宝变得更加可以接受美国领先生育率研究员杜克大学的斯摩格

    For a variety of reasons, it's become more acceptable for women to have babies without a husband, said Duke University's S. Philip Morgan, a leading fertility researcher.


  • 这个美国北卡罗来纳州杜克大学医学院小组开创,发表于《理论生物学杂志理论,在科学界泛起阵阵涟漪。

    The theory, developed by a team from Duke University Medical School, North Carolina, and published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, has sent ripples through the scientific community.


  • 美国杜克大学研究人员建立了一个几百哺乳动物睡眠规律数据库其中包括21灵长类动物。

    Researchers at Duke University compiled a database of sleep patterns of hundreds of mammals, including 21 primate species.


  • 美国杜克大学研究人员发现,保护区内毁林大火数量少于区外

    Duke University researchers found that fewer fires are being lit to clear trees inside reserves than outside them.


  • 美国大学,上杜克大学之类的优秀大学的梦想。

    Also my favorite band is slipknot! I want to go to American university such as duke.


  • 美国北卡罗莱纳州杜克大学研究人员相比其它哺乳动物人类所需睡眠时间更少睡眠高效

    Humans need less sleep than other mammals, yet their slumber is more efficient, said researchers at Duke University in North Carolina.


  • 祝贺杜克大学赢得美国大学男篮冠军

    Congratulations to Duke for winning the National Championship!


  • 每年都有毕业生就读美国顶尖大学斯坦福、康奈尔达特茅斯杜克大学

    Every year, we place many students into top universities such as Stanford, Cornell, Dartmouth, and Duke.


  • 美国普林斯顿大学博士后研究,回到特·列兹短暂停留后,就美国杜克大学担任生物人类学教授直到2004年才回到世界

    After a postdoc at Princeton University and another short stint at Utrecht, he went to Duke University, where he was professor of biological anthropology until he returned to the Old World in 2004.


  • 美国普林斯顿大学博士后研究,回到特·列兹短暂停留后,就美国杜克大学担任生物人类学教授直到2004年才回到世界

    After a postdoc at Princeton University and another short stint at Utrecht, he went to Duke University, where he was professor of biological anthropology until he returned to the Old World in 2004.


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