• 课程西拉共同开发,他们也是婚姻书籍育儿图书共同作者。

    The course was developed by Nicky and Sila Lee, co-authors of The Marriage Book and The Parenting Book.


  • 尽管比赛现场风大下起大雪,但由奥运亚军为领头羊的中国女队还是包揽自由式滑雪的前四名。

    Olympic silver medalist li Nina led a Chinese sweep in the freestyle skiing women's aerials despite high winds and falling snow.


  • 一部安吉丽娜赢得巨大关注的电影,同时片场遇到了的第一任丈夫约翰··米勒

    This was the first movie to earn Angelina some major attention, and she met her first husband, Johnny Lee Miller, on the set.


  • 1956年,歌手埃尔维斯·普雷斯利卡尔·帕金斯约翰·卡什杰瑞··刘易斯孟菲斯太阳工作室钢琴前即兴表演的照片讲述了一个不为人知的故事

    The 1956 picture of singers Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis jamming at a piano in Sun Studios in Memphis tells a hidden story.


  • 他们的写作方法保持谨慎

    Dannay and Lee remained circumspect about their writing methods.


  • 如果自己没有和一任丈夫演员··米勒结婚的话可能和女演员清水珍妮结婚。

    She said she would probably have married the actress Jenny Shimizu if she hadn’t married her first husband Jonny Lee Miller, the actor.


  • 如果自己没有一任丈夫演员··米勒结婚的话可能和女演员清水珍妮结婚。

    She said she would probably have married the actress Jenny Shimizu if she hadn't married her first husband Jonny Lee Miller, the actor.


  • 不管怎样,就是-昌-如何看待事情的。

    That's how Johnny Chung Lee sees things, in any case.


  • 对乔-昌-有什么想法吗?

    Any thoughts about Johnny Chung Lee?


  • 世界卫生组织总干事钟郁博士开幕发言中委员会报告了他最近访问海啸首当其冲印度西亚斯里兰卡的情况。

    In his opening statement, WHO Director-General Dr LEE Jong-wook reported to the Board on his recent visit to areas in Indonesia and Sri Lanka worst affected by the tsunami.


  • 他们得分后卫,库特·去年魔术的时候还是总决赛发后卫。

    Their shooting guard, Courtney Lee, started in the finals last year for the Orlando Magic.


  • 明星伙伴》第六客串演员众多,与格兰同台包括说唱歌手·韦恩超级名模吉赛尔·邦辰体育明星老公汤姆·布莱迪。

    The sixth season of Entourage will see Grenier line up against a string of celebrity guests including rapper Lil Wayne and supermodel Gisele Bundchen's sports star husband Tom Brady.


  • 去年,奥中国体育用品公司签署广告代言协议自此穿宁牌的运动鞋了。

    He signed a sponsorship deal with China sportswear manufacturing giant Li-Ning last year and has worn its shoes ever since.


  • 世界卫生组织干事钟郁博士已经抵达雅加达开始印度西亚斯里兰卡为期五天访问

    The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr LEE Jong-wook, has arrived in Jakarta at the start of a five-day visit to Indonesia and Sri Lanka.


  • 同时也是蒂姆伯尔-所提出的万维网(与互联网是不同的)的精神所在。欧洲粒子物理研究所以免版税的方式发行万维网保证所有可以免费使用

    It is also a spirit that informed Tim Berners-Lee's later World Wide Web (not the same as the Internet) when the Cern European particle physics laboratory released it royalty-free for anyone to use.


  • 俄国科学家在做以备万一计划。圣彼得堡国家大学德·索科尔夫教授,阿波斯99942更有可能撞上地球之前已经被击碎。

    The Russian scientists are also hedging their bets. Professor Leonid Sokolov of St. Petersburg State University remarked that 99942 Apophis would most likely disintegrate before hitting Earth.


  • 圣彼得堡国家大学德·索科尔夫教授,阿波斯99942更有可能撞上地球之前就已经被击碎。

    Professor Leonid Sokolov of St. Petersburg State University remarked that 99942 Apophis would most likely disintegrate before hitting Earth.


  • 最好防守球员- - -乔丹·希尔凯尔·洛瑞,考特·巴蒂尔埃里克·丹皮尔(下周到来时)不是最佳得分手

    His best defensive players - Jordan Hill, Kyle Lowry, Courtney Lee, Battier and Erick Dampier (when he arrives next week) - are not his best scorers.


  • 但是收到本有作者签名,第一版名叫安娜·薇尔·普罗·莱贝尔》,它是詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)早期根复活”一系列书的一部

    But he did receive as a gift a signed, first-edition copy of a book called "Anna Livia Plurabelle" - an early serialization of part of James Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake."


  • 在赫尔迈厄·(Herminone Lee)所著最新传记中,华顿,“伟大的女将军”(亨利·詹姆斯),“天才的迪丝”将其无穷的精力都投入到法国战时救济事业之中。

    Hermione Lee's new biography casts Wharton as “the great generalissima”, in Henry James's words, “Edith the transcendent”, channelling her mighty energies into war work on behalf of France.


  • 专注于中国国内市场安踏不同,一直努力提升在国外形象,曾签下沙奎•(ShaquilleO'Neal)西班牙国家篮球队为其代言。

    Unlike Anta, which is focusing more on the domestic market, li Ning has been trying to raise its profile abroad, reaching deals with Shaquille o 'neal and Spain's national basketball team.


  • 美国盐湖城加德纳枪毙犹他州州立监狱死刑椅子木板四处弹孔清晰可见。

    Salt Lake City, US: the execution chamber at Utah State Prison after Ronnie Lee Gardner was executed by firing squad. Four bullet holes are visible in the wood panel behind the chair.


  • 喜欢印度西亚吗?

    Lee: do you like Indonesia?


  • 宇宙格林治型能否根据他们特有的风格进行包装设计使别致引人注目

    Lee: cosmic plan, can according to the type of Greenwich their own style of packaging design, make its unique and compelling.


  • 20岁开始了自己第一次婚姻英国演员约翰··米勒结婚,穿了一条黑色白色TT恤上用自己的写上新郎名字

    At her first wedding, to British actor Jonny Lee Miller when she was just 20, she wore black rubber trousers and a white T-shirt, upon which she had written the groom's name in her blood.


  • 暗中修改了女友米•喜欢的“戴首饰游戏女友游戏累积一定积分,屏幕中出现枚戒指一句求婚语。

    Peng reprogrammed Tammy Li's favorite video game, "Bejeweled," so a ring and a marriage proposal would show up on the screen when she reached a certain score.


  • 根据加州大学伯利·克利分院研究人员安娜。安的研究表明,今天硅谷公司超过一半由那些国外出生企业家创办的。

    According to studies by Berkeley's AnnaLee Saxenian, more than half of today's Silicon Valley companies were founded by foreign-born entrepreneurs.


  • 流失熄灭爱情命运抗衡。——纳撒

    Thee water will be lost, the fire will be extinguished, and love will be able to compete with the fate. - Nathaniel Lee.


  • 流失熄灭爱情命运抗衡。——纳撒

    Thee water will be lost, the fire will be extinguished, and love will be able to compete with the fate. - Nathaniel Lee.


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