• 意大利爱尔兰伊朗大学利用庆祝2007年粮食机会成立食物问题学院启动有关食物大学课程

    On the occasion of World food Day 2007, universities in Italy, Ireland and Iran are establishing institutes or launching university courses on the right to food.


  • 英格兰荷兰比利时西班牙葡萄牙以及俄罗斯申请了2018年决赛的举办

    England, Netherlands and Belgium, Spain and Portugal, and Russia all submitted bids for the right to stage the 2018 finals.


  • 公共卫生流感大流行及其控制方式以及如何减轻影响问题,发言

    But public health has much to say about the influenza pandemic, how it is managed, and how its impact can be reduced.


  • 2004年居住开普敦的时候,南非正式获得2010年主办,我第一次开始思考这样国际赛事能够南非城市带来哪些变化

    Living in Cape Town in 2004 when South Africa was announced as the 2010 host, I first became intrigued by how an international event such as the World Cup could help to transform South African cities.


  • 所以我们必要深究一下20182022年举办这场争夺赛所暗含深刻用意了。

    So it's worth pondering the deeper implications of the recent contest to stage the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.


  • 尽管常温均在104度以上卡塔尔还是在这个赢得了2022年举办

    Qatar was awarded the 2022 World Cup this month despite concerns about temperatures that routinely exceed 104 degrees.


  • 保罗平生作出的最后一条预测英格兰赢得2018年的举办我们拭目以待吧。

    Paul's final prediction was that England would win the rights to host the 2018 World Cup. Let's wait and see.


  • 音乐原来不就是这么死死CD销售不撒手,结果苹果公司抢走数字发行的操控,甚至现在把自己未来也让人家给控制了。

    The music industry was holding on to physical CD sales so tightly that they let Apple run away with control over digital distribution and the future of their industry.


  • 卡塔尔可能赢得2022年主办,这一个重大的进步

    Qatar stands a good chance of winning the bid to host the 2022 World Cup bid, which would be a hugely significant move.


  • 大多数收入来自2010年电视转播获得24亿美元市场开发则获得11亿美元。

    Most of it came from the 2010 World Cup: television rights yielded $2.4 billion and marketing rights $1.1 billion.


  • 其实即使两国联合申办2022年赢得承办希望寥寥无几。因为韩国才刚刚日本举办2002年世杯。

    In fact there is little, if any, prospect of South Korea winning a bid for the cup so soon after its joint hosting, with Japan, of the 2002 event.


  • BinHammam卡塔尔意外赢得2022年决赛主办主要影响

    Bin Hammam was a major influence in Qatar's surprising victory in winning the right to host the 2022 World Cup finals.


  • 据悉,英国为了申办2018年的世杯主办“使出浑身解数”,派出了最强大的申办阵容:威廉王子、首相卡梅伦以及万人迷贝克汉姆。 日前,3人齐聚瑞士进行申办2018年的最后一搏。

    Prince William, David Cameron and David Beckham met to discuss bid tactics in Switzerland, where football’s world governing body Fifa will tomorrow decide where the 2018 tournament will be held


  • 关于建立和健全对行政自由裁量法律控制学术长期以来讨论的热点问题

    How to establish the law control system of the free administrative power has become a hot issue for a long period.


  • 目前我国学术生育一些相关问题没有达成共识,对生育主体和属性争议很大

    The academic circles in our country have not yet reached consensus on the related problems of the grow right currently, the disputes are very great.


  • 大臣戈登·布朗告诉天空体育新闻感觉英格兰赢得2018年举办竞争中处于有利位置。

    Chancellor Gordon Brown has told Sky Sports News that he feels England are well placed to win the race to host the 2018 World Cup finals.


  • 根本问题,自然人类社会生存和发展亦即人类真正掌握自己命运

    The essence of human rights is man's rights of subsistence and development in the natural world and in society, or man's rights to be master of his own destiny.


  • 学术认为矿业应当自由流转因而责怪法律严格限制

    Academia believes that mining rights should be a free flow of the property, thus they blame the strict legal restrictions.


  • 据说英国周日时报》获得文件显示卡塔尔为获得2022年主办组委会塞红包(请见文章)。

    Documents obtained by Britain's Sunday Times have allegedly revealed secret payments that helped Qatar win the hosting rights to the World Cup in 2022 (see article).


  • 与此同时卡塔尔获得2022年主办而庆贺

    Meanwhile, Qatar was celebrating being awarded the 2022 World Cup finals.


  • 他们正在调查有关授予俄罗斯卡塔尔分别举办2018年和2022年举办指控

    They are looking into charges connected to the awarding of the 2018 World Cup to Russia and 2022 World Cup to Qatar.


  • 两个问题学术早就讨论过主要海洋意识观念方面考虑的,有主要从历史背景方面考虑的。

    The question has long been discussed in academic circles, some mainly in terms of ocean consciousness and ocean dominion concept, and some mainly with reference to the history background.


  • 中国图书馆学会2005“新年峰会”为标志,认为图书馆已开始以积极主动态度参与著作立法进程

    Marked by the "2005 New Year Summit of the library Society of China", the library field took the initiative to participate in the legislation process of Copyrights.


  • 交通事故受害人是否享有保险人直接请求一问题,实务理论两种针锋相对主张

    The industry and the theoretical circle have virtually opposite opinion on whether traffic accident victims have direct claim to insurers.


  • 近年来理论如何建立资源问题资源行使方式等讨论的比较,但对于资源行使过程出现关联性问题则较少论及

    Theory circle always discusses about how to establish property right of resource and how to exercise right, less likely touch upon the relation during the course of exercising resource right.


  • 法学理论司法实务一直以来关于死刑复核争议质疑似乎尘埃落定

    The dispute and oppugn between the law circle and the judicial circle on the checking right of death penalty are apparently concluded.


  • 法学理论司法实务一直以来关于死刑复核争议质疑似乎尘埃落定

    The dispute and oppugn between the law circle and the judicial circle on the checking right of death penalty are apparently concluded.


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