• 数字权利描述语言权利执行提供了权利描述信息

    Digital rights expression LAN - guage provides basic description information for rights enforcement.


  • 互操作性数字版权保护系统核心问题解决互操作性最关键是对数字作品信息权利做出统一规范,也就是解决数字权利描述语言的互操作性问题。

    Giving the standard specifications of digital works' rights and information is crucial to solve it which is the problem of solving the interoperability of digital rights expression language.


  • 如果这个产品明显广告描述的不一样完全权利当地权威机构投诉

    If the product is significantly different from that described in the ad, you have every right to complain to the local authority.


  • 他们寄信,有一甚至蜡笔写的,详细描述他们权利如何违反了某些1700年代海上条约

    They send letters — one time in crayondetailing their rights and how I am violating some maritime treaty from the 1700s.


  • 根据优先原则,第一描述物种分类学家拥有命名权利没有用已经普及名字命名。

    Instead of using the most popular name, it was decided to abide by a code of priority and award the naming rights to the first taxonomist to describe the species.


  • 大多数情况下,占有就是法律而且描述真实情况数字拷贝相比手里拥有确保我们权利签字画押合同时,我们感觉会更好

    Possession is the law in most cases, and we feel a lot better holding a signed contract between our fingers that guarantees our rights than a digital copy that represents the real thing.


  • CaseyMarenge现在是一道路安全和残疾人权利活动家,描述受伤之后身体精神心理上做出调整

    Casey Marenge, now a campaigner for road safety and disability rights, describes the physical, emotional and psychological adjustments she made following her injury.


  • 商标的尖锐成品形状描述细节精密产品作为向上运动权利启发伊斯顿产品的积极作用

    The sharp and refined shapes of the mark describe the detail and precision of the products as the upward motion to the right enlightens you of the positive effect of the Easton products.


  • 冥王星描述我们如何处理权利个人个人,无论是在别人权利受苦或者自我锻炼着

    Pluto describes how we deal with power, personal and non-personal, be it through suffering the power of others or exercising it ourselves.


  • 百度中国互联网搜索市场上占有75%市场份额搜索引擎,描述一个滥用权利垄断者

    It described Baidu, which has around 75% of the market for Internet searches in China, as a "monopolist" that abuses its power.


  • 提出基于逻辑证书数字权利动态描述模型

    This paper presented a kind of dynamic expression model of digital right based logic license.


  • 说明公司保留对本手册(说明书)描述产品进行改进权利功能设计变更,恕另行通知。

    Explanation: Our company is being reserved the right to improve the product described in this handbook (specifications). And the alteration of its function design will not be notified later.


  • 通过描述附图权利要求,发明其它特征目的优点变得显而易见

    Other features, objects, and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the description, drawings, and claims.


  • 这些公司投资人常常描述成秃鹫但是他们大部分财产委托给普通公民并且无论如何所有人都合法要求权利也正是他们之所以能履行义务的原因

    The investors in these firms are easily portrayed as vultures, but many are entrusted with the savings of ordinary people, and in any case all have a legal claim that entitles them to due process.


  • 同样描述权利要求中,可以使用术语耦合的”、“连接的”及其派生词

    Also, in the description and claims, the term "coupled" and "connected", along with their derivatives, may be used.


  • 其实权利乃是法律人用以描述这个世界认识这个世界、表达这个世界、改造这个世界的法律技术工具

    The term "right" is in essence a technical legal tool for lawyers to describe, understand, express and rebuild the world in which we function.


  • 第二集中描述失业者权利义务意识状况

    Chapter two is described the right consciousness and obligation consciousness status of unemployed person in the city.


  • 第五部分则紧急状态之下限制不得克减的公民基本权利表现作出描述

    The five part describes the phenomenon about the fundamental rights of citizen which have been limited and which been inalienable.


  • 职位描述目前的要求。公司管理层保留情况变化而修改职位要求的权利

    This job description shows the actual state. The company management reserves the right to adapt the job to the changing conditions.


  • 本文首先通过权利信息描述资源元数据描述整合提出教育资源的数字权利许可证基本模型

    Firstlty, the paper brings out license model of usage of learning resources by integrating learning object metadata specifiction with rights expression language.


  • 合同双方权利描述都很模糊。

    The contract doesn't clearly describe the responsibilities, and rights of the two parties.


  • 想起其中生存权自由权以及追求幸福权利描述一向在想。雷。

    And the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking.


  • 我们的孩子绝不我们所听到关于同性恋那样描述,我们的女儿应该得到两个异性恋哥哥同样尊重尊严,同样的待遇,同样的权利义务

    And my truth is that my daughter deserves to be treated with all the same respect and dignity and receive all the same privileges, rights and obligations as her two straight brothers.


  • 如果那么权利说明书描述就是充分

    If he can, then the deion of the specification is sufficient.


  • 拉斯·威尔麦道格强调法律作为权利价值一种形式,可以描述社会权利决定总数

    Law is conceived by Lasswell and McDougal as a form of the power value and described as "the sum of the power decisions in a community."


  • inches产品描述一些建筑环境复杂一个人如何设计工程师权利结果

    Editorial ReviewsProduct DescriptionIn something as complex as the built environment, how does one design and engineer the right outcome?


  • inches产品描述一些建筑环境复杂一个人如何设计工程师权利结果

    Editorial ReviewsProduct DescriptionIn something as complex as the built environment, how does one design and engineer the right outcome?


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