• 垫子上杀虫

    The pad is impregnated with insecticide.


  • 大约70%可可豆种植区杀虫处理过

    About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide.


  • 喷洒在野草杀虫引发各种健康问题

    The insecticide used on some weeds can cause health problems.


  • 偏远地区空气纯净庄稼不用有毒杀虫

    In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.


  • 只限晚间使用杀虫并且不要对花期植物喷药

    Confine the use of insecticides to the evening and do not spray plants that are in flower.


  • 农场工人常常接触这些杀虫

    Farm workers frequently come in contact with these insecticides.


  • 然而棉铃并不一定会棉花杀虫剂产生抗药性

    Bollworms, however, are not necessarily developing resistance to the cotton's insecticide.


  • 杀虫农场附近池塘温暖封闭水域使用时,环境可能致命的。

    In the warm enclosed waters of farm ponds, conditions are very likely to be lethal for fish when insecticides are applied in the vicinity.


  • 传播疾病落后,其中有100目前使用各种杀虫免疫力

    Not to be left behind are the disease-spreading pests, about 100 species of which have become immune to a variety of insecticides now in use.


  • 某些转基因玉米品种可以生产一种天然杀虫保护玉米免受以玉米为食的的侵害。

    Certain genetically modified strains of maize produce a natural insecticide that protects against maize-eating insects.


  • 在室内地上床单,然后在天花板墙上一些杀虫蚊子个一个地掉脚边

    Indoors, you put a white sheet on the ground, spray some insecticide on walls and ceilings, and the mosquitoes fall on your feet one by one.


  • 这种杀虫存在于整个植物中,包括花粉

    The insecticide occurs throughout the plant, including its pollen.


  • 根据农民报告试验转基因种子与没有试验的人相比英亩用于控制杀虫用量只是稍微少一点

    According to farmers' report, the amount of insecticide needed per acre to control insect pests was only slightly lower for those who tried the modified seed than for those who did not.


  • 经过生物工程改造棉花种植可以生产自己的抗棉铃杀虫,而棉铃是造成农作物歉收的主要原因直到今年,棉铃危害很小

    Plantings of cotton bioengineered to produce its own insecticide against bollworms, a major cause of crop failure, sustained little bollworm damage until this year.


  • 庄稼定期喷洒杀虫

    The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticide.


  • 许多杀虫毒性很大

    Many pesticides are highly toxic.


  • 水样中含有杀虫

    Samples of the water contained pesticide.


  • 许多杀虫都有刺激性

    Many pesticides are irritants.


  • 农作物定期喷洒杀虫

    The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides.


  • 使这些胶囊预定时间释放杀虫

    The capsules can be made to release the pesticides at a predetermined time.


  • 人们担心宠物野生生物受到杀虫的影响。

    People were concerned that pets or wildlife could be affected by the pesticides.


  • 有机食品纯粹的不含人工化学制剂杀虫食物

    Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.


  • 杀虫使用越多那些昆抵抗力越强,因此就要使用更多杀虫剂。一个恶性循环

    The more pesticides are used, the more resistant the insects become so the more pesticides have to be used. It's a vicious circle.


  • 主要广泛使用杀虫

    The chief killer was the widely used DDT.


  • 所有食物可以有机种植,不需要除草剂杀虫化肥

    All the food could be grown organically, eliminating the need for herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers.


  • 它们自然家园破坏可能杀虫从而导致数量迅速下降

    The destruction of their natural homes could be the next DDT causing eagle numbers to drop quickly.


  • 喷洒杀虫导致植物繁殖力下降是否真的导致开花植物物种总数下降这个问题仍然没有答案

    The question of whether the decrease in plant fecundity caused by the spraying of pesticides actually causes a decline in the overall population of flowering plant species still remains unanswered.


  • 此外还有一个家庭危险废物丢弃,存放禁止掩埋化学品油漆杀虫其他化学品)。

    In addition, there is a household hazardous waste drop-off station for chemicals (paints, pesticides, other chemicals) that are banned from the landfill.


  • 也许我们应该特别注意保护这类植物因为它们缺乏关键因素抵御使用杀虫而造成环境破坏

    Perhaps we should give special attention to the conservation of such plant species since they lack key factors in their defenses against the environmental disruption caused by pesticide use.


  • 环保署生物杀虫部门主管珍妮特·安德森发给网络一封电子邮件表示,“没有这种生物进行审查/野外测试记录。”

    An e-mail to the network from Janet Anderson, director of the EPA's bio pesticides division, says "there is no record of a review and/or clearance to field test" the organism.


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