• 用途声明中,密斯主人农业机械大学团队表示他们“共同期待研究密斯的克隆体它本身的差异之处。”

    In a statement of purpose, Missy's owner and the A&M team say they are “both looking forward to studying the ways that her clone differs from Missy.”


  • 选择大学,并确信那些机械工厂”的学生优势,因为那里关心是否价值观是否有随机应变的能力

    I headed off to college sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering "factories" where they didn't care if you have values or were flexible.


  • 选择大学,并确信那些机械工厂”的学生优势,因为那里关心是否价值观是否有随机应变的能力

    I headed off to college, sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering "factories" where they didn't care if you have values or were flexible.


  • 史蒂夫·乔布斯大学辍学一个机械会计师妻子收养

    Steve Jobs was a college dropout. He was adopted by a machinist and his wife, an accountant.


  • 美国农业部加州大学戴维斯分校菲利普·马丁研究机械趋势预测美国农场的发展状况

    Department of Agriculture, and Philip Martin at the University of California, Davis, have studied trends in mechanization to predict how US farms might fare.


  • 海天是韩国首尔国立大学机械工程师孩子朗读飞鱼的内容时,他突然意识到了飞鱼一种多么神奇的生物。

    It was when he was reading about flying fish to his children that Haecheon Choi, a mechanical engineer at Seoul National University in South Korea, realised just how amazing these flying feats are.


  • 那个时候没有那么大学,”刘启超父亲刘杰(音)刘杰1980年高中毕业,从事纺织机械生意。

    "There just were not a lot of universities then," said his father, Liu Jie, who graduated from high school in 1980 and sells textile machinery.


  • 于是托尔伯特重新回到校园考了GED然后密歇根大学学习机械工程

    Talbot then went back to school to earn his GED and then to the University of Michigan to study mechanical engineering.


  • 西安理工大学学科范围机械自动化印刷工程水力水电涵盖企业管理人文学科社会科学法律科学。

    The disciplines in Xaut has range from machinery, automation, printing engineering and hydropower to business management, humanities, social science and law science.


  • 上面这翻话是拉·汉蒂波士顿大学同事们他们共同创造了组成微型机械计算机纳米级机械逻辑

    So say Raj Mohanty of Boston University and his colleagues, who have created a nanoscale mechanical logic gate that could form the basis of tiny mechanical computers.


  • 斯卡拥有麻省理工大学机械工程博士学位计划明年增加雇员。

    Scaringe, who has a PhD in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, plans to step up hiring early next year.


  • 卡内基·梅隆大学机械学家克里斯多佛·厄姆森坐在方向盘后面并没有在驾驶

    Christopher Urmson, a Carnegie Mellon University robotics scientist, was behind the wheel but not using it.


  • 超越机械市场资产价格波动风险国家角色》,罗曼·弗莱德曼和迈克尔·哥德堡合著,普林斯顿大学出版社

    Beyond Mechanical Markets: Asset Price Swings, Risk and the Role of the State”, by Roman Frydman and Michael Goldberg. Princeton University Press


  • 明尼苏达大学从事音乐治疗Linda Chlan医生认为音乐对于机械人工呼吸设备呼吸的患者来说是个巨大帮助

    Linda Chlan of the University of Minnesota, who has worked with music therapy, agreed that it can be a big help to patients on mechanical ventilators.


  • 非常有趣——这种方法可适应性系统可以根据具体情况作出反应,”密西根大学安娜分校的机械工程师盖博。奥罗兹(gabor Orosz)这样说到

    "It's very interestingthe approach is adaptive and the system can react," says mechanical engineer gabor Orosz of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.


  • 密山黑龙江佰益农业大学学习农业机械化。

    Studies agricultural machinery at Heilongjiang Bayi Agriculture University in the city of Mishan, Heilongjiang Province


  • 费城德雷赛尔大学研究型作家Dr.JokeBradt任何降低机械人工呼吸的患者紧张感的方法应该受到欢迎。

    Study author Dr. Joke Bradt, of Drexel University in Philadelphia, said anything that lowers stress in patients on ventilation is a welcome advance.


  • 在加利福尼亚大学河边分校研究绘图识别机械工程副教授汤姆·斯塔霍维奇说,”手写字是别的时候,一个时间空间自然顺序

    When you do handwriting recognition, there's a natural temporal and spatial order to it.


  • 此外,如同某些空间局促大学图书馆,这里标本机械的,利用马达转盘来驱动。

    And like in some cramped university libraries, motors and wheels mechanically move the shelves with the turn of a dial.


  • 大学的时候,我特意不去选那些可能需要进行公众演讲课程。唯一的一次强制演讲成了机械背诵练习

    When I was in college, I manipulated my class schedule to avoid public speaking encounters. The one mandatory speech class became an exercise in rote memorization.


  • 坐落于仙台日本东北大学机械的大厅站着一个高大的黄色机器人爪子履带

    In a foyer of the engineering department of Tohoku University in Sendai stands a handsome yellow robot with claws and caterpillar tracks.


  • 耶鲁大学机械工程学助理教授艾伦·多拉发明一种带有触式手臂的机器人

    Aaron Dollar, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Yale, has invented a robot with a soft touch.


  • 目前密歇根大学研究员打算调查一下这个测试任务对那些机械记忆力缺陷或是精力不集中的孩子是否帮助

    For now, the Michigan researchers are planning to investigate whether the same training task could benefit children with deficits in working memory and attention.


  • 故事情节是这样的:严思()是一机械专业的德国大学,他中国遇到了建筑专业的中国大学生燕燕。

    According to the plot, Jens, a male mechanics student in a German university, met female Chinese architect student Yan Yan in China.


  • 家里面第一大学出生农场,他很精通机械

    He was the first generation to go to college, grew up in the farms, and as such, he was very skilled with machining.


  • 项目一个概念基础制定1981年格伦马丁经核实坎特伯雷大学机械工程系,在新西兰举行。

    The project was based on a concept developed by Glenn Martin in 1981 and verified by the University of Canterbury, Mechanical Engineering Department, in New Zealand.


  • 威廉姆斯毕业于美国北卡罗来纳州大学(North CarolinaState University)机械工程系。在校期间,他曾北卡州格林斯罗的创意领导力中心(Centerfor CreativeLeadership)接受为期一周的培训

    As a mechanical engineering major at North Carolina State University, Williams spent a week in a training program at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, n.c..


  • ShadowRobot已经研制出了一种能很好地模拟人手的机械手,并把机械给了大学美国航天局NASA

    Shadow robot has developed a robotic hand that closely mimics the human version. It has already sold several of them to various universities and to NASA, America's space agency.


  • ShadowRobot已经研制出了一种能很好地模拟人手的机械手,并把机械给了大学美国航天局NASA

    Shadow robot has developed a robotic hand that closely mimics the human version. It has already sold several of them to various universities and to NASA, America's space agency.


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