• 而且在周一,德国央行Bundesbank行长延斯•魏德曼告诉金融时报》(Financial Times),欧洲央行无论如何都不会戴上“直升南克”的螺旋桨帽子充当最后贷款人”。

    And just yesterday, Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann told the Financial Times that under no circumstances would the ECB don its Helicopter Ben propeller hat and act as "lender of last resort."


  • 格林博士这种情况比拟为将来设计电视可以大海使不仅仅能够继续工作,还要可以工作很多年。

    Dr Greenberg likens it to designing a television set that can be thrown into the sea and will not only continue to work but will do so for decades to come.


  • 最终韩国T - 50金鹰遭到第二次失败去年阿拉联合酋长国(uae)的喷气教练竞争失败后的再次失败。

    As a result, South Korea's T-50 Golden Eagle aircraft suffered a second defeat, following a loss last year in a trainer jet competition in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).


  • 提供系统满足基准要求增加欧洲战斗防御能力

    The Cobham supplied system is an aircraft baseline requirement, integral to the defensive capabilities of the Eurofighter.


  • 史密森国家航空航天博物馆创始人保罗·加站在那里,手里拿着打上明显1940年代日本零式战斗标志的风筝

    Paul Garber, founder of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, stands with a kite marked with the distinctive shape of a Japanese Zero fighter in the early 1940s.


  • 卡塔尔决定派遣战斗参加国际社会对利比亚的空袭这是第一个这样阿拉国家

    Qatar has decided to send four warplanes to join the international air campaign, the first Arab country to do so.


  • 正是货币直升下落”,米尔顿·弗雷德使其声名显赫,时任美联储理事南克先生2002年演讲,令其声名狼藉。

    This is the "helicopter drop" of money made famous by Milton Friedman and notorious by Mr Bernanke in a 2002 speech when he was still a Fed governor.


  • 位退休IBM技术专家欧文·沃拉达斯凯 -杰说,这次大型取得巨大成功使公司内部聚焦”。

    The huge success of its mainframes had made the companyinternally focused”, in the words of Irving Wladawsky-Berger, a retired IBM technologist.


  • 愿纵容病人自负蒂则一直认为他的医生是一个江湖骗子,直到某个涉及哈姆雷特独白录音突破性

    Logue won't indulge his patient's stuffiness, while Bertie considers Logue a charlatan until a breakthrough moment that involves Hamlet's soliloquy and a recording machine.


  • 英国白金汉郡艾尔斯·一个火车站屡屡接到投诉电话称火车售票无法正常运行,检测后才发现只小睡鼠把当成了自己的

    A family of four Glis dormice were found in the ticket machine on the platform of a little train station in Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire after complaints it had stopped working.


  • 分析计算努利编写了一个方案

    She also wrote a plan for the analytical engine to calculate Bernoulli numbers.


  • 对于托尔而言,一般时间电梯都是不起作用的,公车升降坏了或是根本不知道如何应对残疾人

    According to Talbot, the elevators didn't work half the time, bus lifts were broken and drivers were not educated in dealing with the disabled.


  • 双引擎的欧洲战斗目前主要服役英国德国意大利西班牙奥地利沙特阿拉

    The twin-engine Eurofighter is currently in use in the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria and Saudi Arabia.


  • 背景本片原作故事来源于阿布拉姆斯小时候超级8摄影的痴迷,本片制片人斯蒂文·斯皮尔也有相同嗜好

    DNA: Original Super 8 story hearkens to Abrams' fondness for toying around with Super-8 cameras when he was a kid, a hobby shared by the film's producer, Steven Spielberg.


  • 那年查德正在做有关冷冻隔热材料的实验,实验中使用新的方法做出一种密度泡沫材料

    While Burchard was experimenting with refrigerator insulation, he came up with a novel way of molding low-density foam.


  • 七月份(音),一个杰出宾馆老板收获很多赞扬——还上了很多头条——就因为他把直升上天一伙贼。

    In July, Liu Boquan, a prominent hotel owner in Dongguan, garnered plenty of praise — and plenty of headlines — when he took to the skies in his helicopter to apprehend a band of thieves.


  • 先生并不采用通常安抚措施平复罢工的组织人员。相反,这位被人称为“杜宾犬推土”的总裁周末态度强硬起来。

    Rather than adopting the usual conciliatory tone to pacify organised Labour, Mr Obermann, who is variously known as "Dobermann" and "the bulldozer", toughened his rhetoric over the weekend.


  • 南克需要大批直升

    Bernanke is going to need a lot of helicopters.


  • 我们杀了西伊自己的葡萄酒榨汁中。

    Also, we killed Zeeb at his own winepress that he built.


  • 喜欢用古老的卡阿拉音乐,他好几衣服

    He liked to listen to Arab music on an old cassette player, and he would change his clothes several times a day.


  • 斯皮尔手持摄影我们带到了一片混乱环境之中,超强剪辑能力为观众创造出了一种零零碎碎状似马塞克一般恐惧感

    Spielberg's handheld cameras thrust us into this maelstrom, and his superb editing creates from these bits and pieces a mosaic of terror.


  • 11年之后开始辆威卡车推土一起工作,”回忆到

    "After 11 years, I got to drive a 100-ton Wabco truck, working with loaders and bulldozers," he remembers.


  • 回忆录中,瑞典传奇导演英格曼·格曼这样描述他这部电影:“做到的极致……我触到了只有摄影才能发现无法言说秘密。”

    In his memoirs, legendary Swedish director Ingmar Bergman said of Persona, "I had gone as far as I could go ... I touched wordless secrets that only the cinema can discover."


  • 印度海岸警卫队直升船只参加了2008年12月阿拉Porbandar沿海进行演习。

    An Indian coast Guard helicopter and ship take part in an exercise off the coast of Porbandar in the Arabian Sea in December 2008.


  • 一封“休”写给“珍妮特阿姨”的信中,信中的首字母串在一起就是:“14架‘波音堡垒’战斗昨日飞抵伦敦准备进攻基尔德国)。”

    The code was used in a letter from "Hubert" to "Aunt Janet" to conceal the message: "14 Boeing Fortresses arrived yesterday in Hendon (London). Pilots expect to raid Kiel (Germany)."


  • 7月23日加拿大阿尔·塔莱斯附近布里奇,F - 18战斗飞行员坠毁弹射逃生。

    On July 23, Brian Bews, a pilot of CF-18 fighter jet, miraculously had managed to eject to safety before his plane landed crash at the Lethbridge Country Airport near Alberta, Canada.


  • Damocles指示吊舱现已交付沙特阿拉空军,将英国狂风”战斗进行更新

    The designator pod is already being delivered to the Saudi air force as part of an upgrade to its Tornado strike fleet being undertaken by the British.


  • 架史蒂文·斯皮尔电影摄影帮助Cisco实现这种身临其境错觉

    One of Steven Spielberg's cinematographers helped Cisco get the illusion of intimacy just right.


  • 架史蒂文·斯皮尔电影摄影帮助Cisco实现这种身临其境错觉

    One of Steven Spielberg's cinematographers helped Cisco get the illusion of intimacy just right.


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