• 对阵莫斯利朱达证明了库托能够应付速度对手

    Cotto proved against Shane Mosley and Zab Judah that he can handle a very quick opponent.


  • 是个优秀拳手,有着良好的拳击履历其中包括击败朱达

    He is a very good fighter and has a good resume, including a victory over Zab Judah.


  • 而对阵托雷斯朱达莫斯利加里托,则让库托付出了代价

    Cotto's tough fights with Torres, Judah, Mosley and Margarito have to have taken their toll.


  • 即便如此,考虑到出拳步法速度,帕奥兴许莫斯利朱达更快

    That said, Pacquiao might be quicker than both Mosley and Judah when both hand and foot speed are considered.


  • 关于朱尔斯动机对于达蒙来说,是个威胁,她回来朋友死报仇的,因此你们不能她。

    On Jules' Motivations: she is a threat to Damon, she is also coming back to avenge her friend's death, so you can't really blame her for that.


  • 朱利安尼希望可以月底二月佛罗里达加利福尼亚纽约这样较大的初选取得一些胜利

    Giuliani hopes to score some victories in primaries in late January and early February in larger states like Florida, California and New York.


  • 喜欢两个社会项目:1993- 2010达西·迪利亚(美国人)发起朱莉项目斯尼森(丹麦人)发起维多利亚项目。

    I also liked the two social projects, the Julie project 1993-2010, by Darcy Padilla (the United States) and the Name of Victoria by Mads Nissen (Denmark).


  • 电影生涯飞黄腾达前,朱莉·本茨鬼者巴菲》衍生剧《天使中饰演妖媚吸血鬼达拉

    Before her movie career took off, Julie Benz played the seductive vampire Darla on the small screen in both Buffy the vampire Slayer and its spin-off show, Angel.


  • 翁普拉卡什·瓦尔·米基朗诵了描写印度穷人生活中常遭遇不幸诗歌。瓦尔米基那部北印度自传朱森一个达利特的生活》,译成英文

    Omprakash Valmiki, whose Hindi autobiography, "Joothan: a Dalit's Life", has been translated into English, read poems about the routine wretchedness of the lives of poor Indians.


  • 潜艇接近海底,舱内首席科学家约翰·顿(夏威夷大学)朱利叶·鲍尔博士(明尼苏达大学)见到期待以久的海底火山地貌。

    Inside the sub, Chief Scientist John Sinton (University of Hawaii) and Dr. Julie Bowles (University of Minnesota) prepare for the volcanic features they'll see once they near the bottom.


  • 鲁迪·朱利安尼计划1月3日佛罗里达那天正好是爱荷华州初选日子。

    Rudy Giuliani was planning to be in Florida on January 3rd, the day of Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses.


  • 最终的结果是,朱利安尼出局,卡比大势已去(佛罗里达初选中位居第四),党内竞选变成罗姆尼麦凯恩的二人对决

    Finally, with Mr Giuliani out and Mr Huckabee fading (he camefourth in Florida)this is now a straight two-man fight.


  • 傍晚时分,生物学家弗朗西斯科•阿尔瓦雷斯(Francisco Álvares)走进葡萄牙北部村庄皮特沃斯-达斯-朱尼奥斯(Pitõesdas Júnias),与老朋友们打着招呼

    At nightfall, biologist Francisco álvares walks through the village of Pit?es das Júnias, in northern Portugal, greeting old friends.


  • 配音麦克·梅尔斯,艾迪·墨菲卡梅隆·迪亚茨,安东尼奥·班德拉斯朱丽·安德鲁斯贾斯汀·汀布莱克,乔·汉姆,保罗·卡特尼,艾米·塞达里斯,玛雅·鲁道夫

    Starring (voices): Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas, Julie Andrews, Justin Timberlake, Jon Hamm, Paul McCartney, Amy Sedaris and Maya Rudolph


  • 虽然朱哈妮达斯·马拉克寻找星际锻炉庞大故事不是个非常重要人物,随着故事进行会成为一名得力助手

    As such, Juhani does not play a significant role in the larger story of Darth Malak and the search for the Star Forge, but she is a handy ally to have as the tale progresses.


  • 为了营救琳,原本敌对两个塔穆兹—昂派别,即托达勋爵的人和蒙·帕的联合了起来

    This caused the two warring Tammuz-an factions of Lord Toda's and Mon Julpa's men to team up and rescue Gerin.


  • 由于伦绑架是塔穆兹—昂贵族托达勋爵女儿,因此他无意中干扰了托达的外部领地·帕的王国之间和谈

    By capturing the daughter of the Tammuz-an noble Lord Toda, Ren unwittingly destabilized peace talks between Toda's Outer Territories and Mon Julpa's kingdom.


  • 古达战争罗马与其同盟者努米底亚国王朱古达之间战争,这场战争对罗马社会的历史进程产生深远影响

    Jugutha war is the Roman and its Numidia Allies of the war between King Jugutha, this war to the historical process of the Rome community have had a profound impact.


  • 选址朱池的洋溪大桥长运公司在今年破土动工,届时朱池会有一个四通八达的交通网络。

    The Yangxi Bridge and Changyun Company which located in Zhuchi are also going to break the earth, and Zhuchi will be accessible from all directions.


  • 朱利安尼希望佛罗里达作为跳板起动自己选战

    Giuliani plans to use Florida as a springboard to jump start his campaign.


  • 朱利安拍卖公司长官达伦·朱利安介绍,照片从未大范围流通批藏品由于之前牵涉到一系列诉讼纠纷,所以封二十多年

    Darren Julien, chief of Julien's Auctions, said the photos have not been widely distributed and the collection has been locked up in court battles for more than two decades.


  • 澳大利亚柑橘协会ceo朱迪思∙达米亚尼说:“谅解备忘录一个战略联盟协议,会这两个协会成员,以及首要是澳大利亚农业带来利益。”

    "We're delighted - the MOU is a strategic alliance which provides benefits to members of both associations - and a first for Australian agriculture," said Judith Damiani, Citrus Australia's CEO.


  • 朱莉娅·杰克逊·达克·沃斯去世时,弗吉尼亚年纪尚小。

    Julia Jackson Duckworth died when Virginia was in her early teens.


  • 亚美尼亚洪水英雄西苏特罗斯,加格拉附近奴哈坟墓”,位于奥达奥德地区也许朱迪亚犹大有关

    " Noah's "history" can likewise be found in India, where there is a "tomb of Nuh" near the river Gagra in the district of Oude or Oudh, which may be related to Judea and Judah.


  • 本周BookBench每天摘录一段米兰达·朱莱新书《选择了》片段。

    Each day this week, the Book Bench will feature an excerpt from "It Chooses You," by Miranda July.


  • “对于泰格营业加盟朱庇特市政中心激动不已,”佛罗里达盟军资本及开发有限公司总裁CEOO Nicholas MastroianniII

    "I couldn't be more excited to have Tiger's new establishment operating within Harbourside Place, " said Nicholas Mastroianni II, president and CEO of Allied Capital &Development of South Florida.


  • 书中写道:“皮特只是开始。朱莉另外个目标约翰尼·德普威廉·达福,朱莉已经关注他们两个很久了。”

    "Pitt was one of the triumvirates of men - the other 2 were Johnny Depp and Willem Dafoe - whom Angie had watched and wondered about from afar, " Morton writes.


  • 书中写道:“皮特只是开始。朱莉另外个目标约翰尼·德普威廉·达福,朱莉已经关注他们两个很久了。”

    "Pitt was one of the triumvirates of men - the other 2 were Johnny Depp and Willem Dafoe - whom Angie had watched and wondered about from afar, " Morton writes.


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