• 朱格布莱顿民间俚语

    Jugswas the Lewes slang for Brighton folk.


  • 沃町鼎刘易斯幽深的小径叫做朱格,有着吵闹的生灵。

    The deep banked path from Woodingdean to Lewes, called Juggs Lane, has the noisiest ghosts.


  • 毕竟那时,预谋攻击时候时候现在朱利安•阿桑格一样出名

    Because after all, I was as well-known at the time, when that assault was made, as Julian Assange is today.


  • 今天年度人物并列第二两位人选,朱利安·阿桑马克·扎克伯格没有受到很多传统权威尊敬

    Like two of our runners-up this year, Julian Assange and the Tea Party, Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have a whole lot of veneration for traditional authority.


  • 另一名半场核心约翰·朱鲁时间成为了膝部手术牺牲品温格埃弗顿来了森德罗斯以撑过赛季剩下的时间。

    Wenger has moved Philippe Senderos on loan to Everton for the remainder of the season while another of his centre-halves, Johan Djourou, is a long-term casualty after knee surgery.


  • 阿肯色州居民朱莉娅。格温伯格知道自己怀孕了,去做超声波检查的时候,医生告诉说她怀上了两个宝宝并不是双胞胎

    Arkansas resident Julia Grovenburg knew she was pregnant, but when she got an ultrasound, her doctor announced that she was carrying two babies who were not twins.


  • 近日,大批记者游客都蜂拥来到意大利小镇拉格·里奥,因为有传闻说布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朱莉朋友乔治·克鲁尼湖边别墅举行婚礼

    Journalists and tourists swarmed to the small Italian town of Laglio last week after rumors circulated that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie would wed at Pal George Clooney's lakeside estate.


  • 朱迪思·利希滕贝格乔治大学哲学教授

    Judith Lichtenberg is professor of philosophy at Georgetown University.


  • 首席执行官马克·朱克·伯格曾经说过:最终计划公司上市但是具体上市时间仍在争论中。

    Chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has said he eventually plans to take the company public, and the timing is the subject of hot debate among investors.


  • 朱利安贾斯格当时受“模特经纪公司所雇,给这位默默无名的诺尔玛·简妮·朵儿蒂拍照。

    Julien said Jasgur was hired by the Blue Book modeling agency to shoot the then-unknown Norma Jeane.


  • 1987年的电影中,小罗伯特·唐尼出演了大学新生克雷回家与吸毒朋友朱利安(安德鲁·麦卡锡饰)以及前女友布莱尔杰米·格尔兹饰)相聚。

    The 1987 film stars Robert Downey Jr. as college freshman Clay, who returns home to reunite with his drug-addicted friend Julian (Andrew McCarthy) and ex-girlfriend Blair (Jami Gertz).


  • 伍兹的经纪人马克史坦伯格称,伍兹的朱庇特豪宅并没有背任何债务他拒绝透露详细信息

    Mark Steinberg says simply that there is no debt on Woods' Jupiter Island home, and declined to elaborate.


  • 这里仅仅列举其中的位:威利斯·兰姆、朱利安·施温格、尤因·魏格纳、理查德·费曼、朝永振一郎、C.D.安德森E .塞雷格O .张伯伦以及其他一些人。

    To cite just a few examples: Willis Lamb, Julian Schwinger, Eugene Wigner, Richard Feynman, s. Tomonaga, C. D. Anderson, E. Segre, O. Chamberlain and many others.


  • 朱迪·福斯特西格妮·韦弗心存幻想。

    Fancy Jodie Foster and Sigourney Weaver.


  • 如果朱利安尼先生失败了,布·伯格先生就是一个可能受益者

    If Mr Giuliani fizzles, Mr Bloomberg is a likely beneficiary.


  • 英国剑桥附近桑格研究所朱利安·帕克希尔(JulianParkhill)观点认为,微生物学家应该研究焦点有机体转移系统上

    In the view of Julian Parkhill, of the Sanger Institute, near Cambridge, England, bacteriologists need to shift the focus of their investigations from organisms to systems.


  • 最近一个读者见到朱莉时,“究竟为什么嫁给贾格布斯?”

    Recently, when one of my readers met Julie, he asked her, "Why on earth did you marry A. J.?"


  • 10月25日丹尼尔·埃尔斯伯格伦敦前线俱乐部朱利安·阿桑奇对话提出了这样的问题

    That was the question raised when Daniel Ellsberg sat down with Julian Assange on October 25th, at the Frontline Club in London.


  • 扎克伯格受到校长朱-佛斯特(DrewFaust其他大学教职工洛叶布楼(LoebHouse)前举行的简短的欢迎,佛斯特哈佛大学发现下一代技术型企业家地方

    President Drew Faust and other University officials, who met with him briefly at Loeb House. Faust said that Harvard was a good place to look for the next generation of technology entrepreneurs.


  • 回到2007年3月英格兰冠军联赛虽然0 - 1落后里安-格雷出场,只余10应战,斯蒂夫·布鲁斯伯明翰最终仍然1 - 1逼平西布罗姆维奇队。

    Back in March 2007 Steve Bruce's Birmingham City side drew 1-1 at West Bromwich Albion in the Championship despite having trailed 1-0 and reduced to 10 men following Julian Gray's sending-off.


  • 1月16日,《社交网络金球奖中荣获4项大奖包括最佳剧情片最佳导演。该影片是一部讲述“脸谱网创始人马克•朱克伯格戏剧类影片。

    "The Social Network", a drama about the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, won four awards at the Golden Globes on January 16th, including those for best picture (drama) and best director.


  • 1月16日,《社交网络金球奖中荣获4项大奖包括最佳剧情片最佳导演。该影片是一部讲述“脸谱网创始人马克•朱克伯格戏剧类影片。

    The Social Network ", a drama about the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, won four awards at the Golden Globes on January 16th, including those for best picture (drama) and best director."


  • 英国《每日邮报》1116日报道社交网站“脸谱”创始人马克朱克伯格15发布新的通讯系统服务,称电子邮件已是穷途末路。

    According to the Daily mail on November 16, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, unveiled his website's new messaging system and hailed the death of email on November 15.


  • 房地产咨询企业仲量联行(JLL)的朱宾•瓦格飞(Jubeen Vaghefi)指出:“销售速度显著回升外国特别是拉美买家一个重要因素。”

    “The foreign and, especially, the Latin American buyer has been a big factor in the remarkable turnaround in sales velocity,” says Jubeen Vaghefi of Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL), a property consultancy.


  • 这一当中,Facebook社会点击用户增加了5亿而其网站的创办者马克朱克伯格也荣登时代周刊年度风云人物

    The title caps a year of rapid ascent for Facebook in which the social network hit 500 million users and founder Mark Zuckerberg was named Time magazine's Person of the Year.


  • 与先前的传言一样,朱克伯格透露说5亿"脸谱"注册用户拥有一个以"Facebook.com"结尾的电子邮件地址

    Mr Zuckerberg revealed that, as rumoured, the 500million people signed up to Facebook will have access to a 'Facebook.com' email address.


  • [朱莉·拉德美莉·摩耶-格斯.我们喜欢的人物角色带走,我们会受到怎样的影响?

    [Julie Lather and Emily Moyer-Gusé, "How Do We React When Our Favorite Characters Are Taken Away?


  • [朱莉·拉德美莉·摩耶-格斯.我们喜欢的人物角色带走,我们会受到怎样的影响?

    [Julie Lather and Emily Moyer-Gusé, "How Do We React When Our Favorite Characters Are Taken Away?


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