• 很快了过来。

    Benny and Grace come over quickly.


  • 教材,是彼得·的《心理学》,第五有一短篇,是格·马库斯主编的《诺顿》。

    There's a textbook, Peter Gray's Psychology, 5th edition, and there's also a collection of short readings, The Norton Reader edited by Gary Marcus.


  • 曾经血样,所以知道针头,她体贴地将医疗器具杂志之下,杂志封面是一改建厨房的浅蓝色图案。

    Ramona had taken my blood before. She knew about my fear of needles, and she kindly hid the paraphernalia under a magazine with a bright blue picture of a kitchen being remodeled.


  • 安德·里奥学会·迪诺沟通送给了类似于自传东西,里面讲述了岁起发生事。

    Andrenio, after learning to communicate with Critilo, gives him a highly elaborate autobiography of his soul from the age of three days or so.


  • 或许大胆猜测是艾品牌印花专家马可·艾与岸歌子

    Would you perhaps hazard a guess at print specialists Mark Eley and Wakako Kishimoto of Eley Kishimoto?


  • 富礼刚刚新西兰进行了为期五周的徒步旅行发表演说,目前正在撰写关于管理的书。

    Mr. Lafley, who just returned from a five-week trek in New Zealand, also will be giving speeches and is writing a book about management.


  • 阿弗莱特扮演的道哥麦克中大盗》以前人质美丽银行雇员逃跑

    Ben Affleck’s Doug MacRay in “The Townwants to run away with the pretty bank employee who was once his hostage.


  • 比赛临近结束时,佩德罗可能扩大比分,但是却丧失二过传接机会,被弗德里希阻挡(托斯当场捶胸顿足——译注)。

    Pedro could have ensured a bigger margin of victory in the closing stages but he allowed Arne Friedrich to dispossess him after bursting through in a two-on-one with substitute Torres.


  • 2006年公司成功发起了杂志为特色的快乐简单的电视厨艺

    In 2006 the firm successfully launched a magazine featuring Rachael Ray, a cheerful and uncomplicated television cook.


  • 耶鲁大学出版社出版了一新书,《华尔街文化史》,作者是史蒂夫·

    The Yale University Press is publishing a new book by Steve Fraser about Wall Street.


  • 如果正确业务内容,你就能接到业务,”伙伴公司创始人莱姆·埃文斯

    "If you've got the right content, you've got a business," says Jeremy Evans, founder of Redburn Partners.


  • 采用最先进的扫描系统扫描,惊异地发现,胡大脑功能几乎在正常运转

    Using a state-of-the-art scanning system, Laureys found to his amazement that his brain was functioning almost normally.


  • 情况发表的科学报告披露出来,作者是的“救命恩人”——顶尖神经学专家斯蒂文·斯博士

    His case has only just been revealed in a scientific paper released by the man who 'saved' him, top neurological expert Dr Steven Laureys.


  • 不过尼迪特的家庭梦想再搁置一阵,因为今年晚些时候还要科林·菲斯一起出演约翰·勒卡的《锅匠,裁缝士兵,间谍》。

    The actor's family ambitions however, will have to be put on hold as he is set to star in John Le Carre's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy with Colin Firth later this year.


  • ·普利编写的,就是杰克·吉伦哈尔产生了兴趣

    It was written by Ben Ripley, who then got Jake Gyllenhaal interested in it.


  • 尼科指控通过在公司工作电脑,以及家中的台式机笔记电脑下载代码

    Aleynikov is accused of downloading the codes through his work desktop, a home computer and a laptop.


  • 博士昨天没有发表评论,目前尚清楚为什么认为这么多年后还应该接受高科技检查

    Dr Laureys was not available for comment yesterday and it is not clear why he thought Mr Houben should have the hi-tech screening when so many years had passed.


  • 莫莉恩-窦德的小别墅里挤满了演艺圈的人——拉里-戴维斯,,乔治-卢卡斯-哈维德,甚至汤姆-汉克斯-阿弗莱克想进去都得费点劲儿。

    Maureen Dowd's townhouse so jammed with stars -- Larry David, George Lucas, Ron Howard -- that even Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck have trouble getting in.


  • 过去22年里海豹饲养员佛里斯··斯坦饲养着一群被抛弃的小海豹,他会一直中心照顾着小海豹直到它们回归大自然怀抱。

    For the last 22 years, seal minder Fritz Rabenstein has raised abandoned seal puppies at the station before returning them later into the wild.


  • 已经关于健身作者施瓦辛格现正在彼得•派特合作撰写这自传,后者曾是阿兰格林斯潘诺曼施瓦茨科普夫回忆录的联合撰写人。

    Schwarzenegger, already the author of two books about bodybuilding, is working on the autobiography with Peter Petre, who has co-written memoirs by Alan Greenspan and Norman Schwarzkopf.


  • 那不勒斯(佛罗里达州)彻尔·德尔今年31岁,正在一个名叫“与躁郁症相伴的怀孕生活”的博客,她认为失眠可能想要尝试母乳喂养的母亲构成巨大挑战

    Rachael Bender, 31, of Naples, Florida, who writes a blog called My Bipolar Pregnancy, realized that losing sleep would be a huge challenge in trying to breast-feed.


  • 马丁:格戈里·威廉姆斯名叫《生活种族界限中,一个白人男孩发现原来黑人真实故事》。

    MARTIN: Gregory Williams wrote the book "Life on the Color Line: the True Story of a White Boy Who Discovered he Was Black."


  • 反复被报道的一样,凯瑟琳·一直斯潘塞所说一句话:“西先生认为我对来说太高了。”

    Katharine Hepburn always denied that her first words on meeting Spencer, as frequently reported, were: 'Mr Tracy, I believe I am too tall for you.'


  • 也许别无选择因为演员们可能把编剧多·穆斯先生·约克·琼斯五十多页大纲暂做临时发挥。

    He may have had no choice because the actors improvised a portion of it, working from a 50-page outline that Mr. Doremus wrote with Ben York Jones.


  • 把摇篮里孩子放在自忆旁边然后开始她的第一人物传记关于玛莉·渥斯顿克·福特【4】的一生

    Instead, with her new baby in a basket beside her, she began work on her first biography, a life of Mary Wollstonecraft.


  • 除了因为RoyofTheRovers》而著名还是超过20作者他曾经为数不体坛大腕过肖像,贝利舒格··罗宾逊,再到韦恩·鲁尼

    Famous for Roy of the Rovers, he's also the author of more than 20 books, and has met and drawn countless sporting greats from Pele to Sugar Ray Robinson and Wayne Rooney.


  • 小孩尼·名古巴拳击手1960年首次获得重量级拳王称号7个月埃米尔·格里菲斯击倒失去了拳王称号。

    Benny "Kid" Paret was a Cuban boxer who won the welterweight title for the first time in 1960, but lost it seven months later when Emile Griffith knocked him out.


  • 小孩尼·名古巴拳击手1960年首次获得重量级拳王称号7个月埃米尔·格里菲斯击倒失去了拳王称号。

    Benny "Kid" Paret was a Cuban boxer who won the welterweight title for the first time in 1960, but lost it seven months later when Emile Griffith knocked him out.


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