• 六月份日本田径大师赛中,出12.75成绩打破了之前美国人创造标枪岁组世界纪录

    His record throw of 12.75 metres, at the Japan Masters Athletics championship in June, shattered the world centenarian javelin record formerly held by an American.


  • 三家日本公司---本田丰田尼桑---同样英国设有大型工厂

    Three Japanese firmsHonda, Toyota and Nissanalso have big plants in Britain.


  • 本田周一发表声明日本发生情况将有可能影响在英国的市场推广。

    Honda said on Monday that the problems in Japan might have an effect on its large operation in the UK.


  • 日本第二汽车制造商本田预期陷入赤字危机。

    Japan's second-biggest carmaker, Honda, also expects to dip into the red.


  • 日本无论三菱铃木这样小型汽车制造商有多么不中用,本田或许还有马自达还是会继续挑战丰田本国国内市场上的主导地位。

    And in Japan, however great the cull of smaller outfits such as Mitsubishi and Suzuki, Honda and perhaps Mazda will still be around to challenge the dominance of Toyota in its home market.


  • 今年四月份汽车制造商丰田日产本田这些日本曾经业界传奇出口大幅下滑70%,只能被迫关闭工厂,处理库存

    AutomakersToyota, Nissan, and Honda, once the heart of the Japanese industrial miracle—saw exports fall 70 percent in April, and were forced to shutter factories to clear inventory.


  • 日本第二汽车制造商本田汽车计划明年生产汽油电力混合动力车。

    Honda, the second-largest Japanese carmaker, announced plans to launch two petrol-electric hybrid cars next year.


  • 日本商业游说团体首脑菅直人首相决定只是场闹剧损害包括本田汽车公司,丰田汽车公司在内邻近产业

    The head of Japan's business lobby called Mr Kan's decision a piece of theatre that would harm industry nearby, including factories run by Honda and Toyota.


  • 本田大约在一个以前日本推出CR - Z车型是首款上市的量产混动运动型汽车。

    Honda unveiled its CR-Z model in Japan roughly a month ago, making it the first mass-market hybrid sports car to hit dealerships.


  • 日本汽车巨头丰田汽车本田汽车昨天表示没有受到影响

    Toyota Motor Corp. and Honda Motor Co., Japan's two biggest automakers, said yesterday they weren't affected.


  • 丰田本田日产三家日本最大的汽车厂商都将展示降低排放而设计的汽车模型

    Toyota Motor Corp., Honda Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co., Japan's three largest carmakers, are all displaying models designed to cut carbon emissions.


  • 广东佛山一家工厂工人们经历两个星期的冲突终于赢得了日本本田公司他们的工资待遇提升了24%至34%。

    Workers at a plant in Foshan, Guangdong province, that makes transmissions for Honda won pay increases of 24% to 34% after going on strike for two weeks.


  • 这种平台战略是从已经对此实践若干年日本车厂比如丰田本田那里学来

    This platform strategy takes a leaf out of the production book of Japanese producers, such as Toyota and Honda, who have been doing much the same thing for years.


  • 日本最大汽车制造商-丰田本田尼桑-的销售量占41%,其今年七月止的市场份额为34%。

    Japan's largest automakers - Toyota, Honda and Nissan - sold 41 percent of the new vehicles in the program, compared with the 34 percent combined share they had through July of this year.


  • 本田丰田主要的日本竞争对手做出了悲观的财务预期

    Honda, Toyota's main Japanese rival, also anticipates weak financial results.


  • 日本素 以制造高端精密机器人著称本田公司的仿人机器人阿西到会抛煎饼的厨师机器人莫托曼再到帮助老年人排解寂寞的毛茸机器海豹帕罗,五花八门,无所不 有。

    Japan is already famous for highly sophisticated robots, from Honda's humanoid Asimo to pancake-flipping chef Motoman to Paro the fluffy robot seal that helps ease loneliness among the elderly.


  • 日本田径联合会9日举行理事会,决定了北京奥运会奖金额度。金牌得主1000万日元(约65.8万人民币)奖金,数额相当于雅典奥运会2倍

    Each gold medallist at the 2008 Olympic Games will get a JPY10m (RMB658000) bonus, which is twice the amount for the Athens Olympics, Japan Association of Athletics Federations announced Monday.


  • 谢谢本田团队祝福日本希望他们挺过去

    I'm really happy with how everything has gone and the way the team has all worked together, a big thanks to Honda and my best wishes to Japan in this difficult time".


  • 我们本田这种文化,”表示,“日本并非一种天性。”

    "We have that kind of culture at Honda," he says. "It's not a given in Japan."


  • 本田他们预计2008年美国日本可以租赁几十然后3年内达到200辆。

    Honda says it expects to lease a few dozen units in the US and Japan in 2008, and about 200 units within three years.


  • 过去一个月里本田日本工厂大部分时间处于关闭状态

    Not only were Honda's Japanese plants shut for much of the past month.


  • 日本本田公司周一展出了Linian品牌第一个产品展示,英语Everus。

    Honda Motor Co. of Japan on Monday unveiled its first production model for the Linian brand, known as Everus in English.


  • 本田汽车九月份销量去年同期的基础上增长3%,为60913。 据日产汽车透露,这家日本九月份的销量涨幅高达30%,共计汽车97381辆。

    Honda’s September sales rose 3 percent from a year earlier to 60, 913 units and Nissan Motor Co.’s rose 30 percent to 97, 381 units, the Japanese automakers said in separate statements today.


  • 发明者还介绍这个机器人行走速度不及日本本田公司发明机器人“阿西”。 “阿西莫”每小时可以跑3公里,而它每小时只能走900米。

    Its creators say the new robot's ability to move and walk lags behind that of the ASIMO developed by Honda of Japan.


  • 去年年末6个日本汽车制造商包括丰田汽车,本田汽车尼桑汽车这些泰国已经存在业务的厂商,他们表明了对生产环保车的兴趣

    Late last year six Japanese carmakers (including Toyota, Honda and Nissan, all of which have existing operations in Thailand) expressed interest in producing eco-cars.


  • 日本第二大汽车制造商本田宣布日本工厂停产进行为期一周安全供电基础问题检查以及调查供应商目前的状况

    Honda, the country's second-largest carmaker, said it was halting production at its Japanese plants for a week to check safety, power supply and infrastructure issues, and the state of its suppliers.


  • 本田公司开始日本三个城市开展电动车辆试验计划

    Honda will begin its Electric Vehicle Testing Program in three Japanese cities.


  • 本田2010年的销售增长了5%,取代本田成为日本第二日产却增长了22%。

    Its 2010 sales grew by a modest 5%, compared with 22% at Nissan, which overtook Honda to become the number two Japanese carmaker.


  • 本田2010年的销售增长了5%,取代本田成为日本第二日产却增长了22%。

    Its 2010 sales grew by a modest 5%, compared with 22% at Nissan, which overtook Honda to become the number two Japanese carmaker.


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