• 参议员这次拒绝介入

    Senator Bentsen has declined to get involved this time around.


  • 一点询问森的时候,只是笑了笑知道自己做什么。

    When I asked Bentsen about it, he just smiled and said he knew what he was doing.


  • 劳埃德·本觉得这种做法傻,回到自己木屋去了如果什么情况我们剩下的人不知道,他故意不想让人知道的。

    Lloyd Bentsen thought the whole exercise was silly and went back to his cabin; if there was something about him the rest of us didn't know, it was intentional.


  • 会议的某个时刻我们削减多少赤字才能为债券市场注入活力。

    At some point, I asked Bentsen how much we'd have to reduce the deficit to rally the bond market.


  • 国际货币基金组织非洲本尼迪克·克里斯滕森说,比起上次油价飙升时现在撒哈拉以南非洲地区请求援助的时候更少了

    According to Benedicte Christensen, of the Africa department of the IMF, there have been fewer requests for help from sub-Saharan Africa than there were the last time oil prices soared.


  • 袭击发生时候,卡正好飞过纽约的上空,使得他很清楚看到袭击后的场面。

    The station was passing over New York at the time of the attacks and it had a profound effect on the astronaut.


  • 距离地球220英里航空站,卡本看到了难以置信画面世贸中心的姊妹楼被劫持飞机毁了。

    While 220 miles above the Earth aboard the International Space Station, Culbertson took incredible pictures of the Twin Towers after they were struck by the hijacked jets.


  • 1885年英国作者文森·豪本叫做《为啥昆虫》的小册子发表了一篇文章来推广这个事情,在一个精心挑选菜单的配合下——烤面包上飞蛾

    A British author named Vincent Holt published an essay advocating it in 1885, along with a nice selection of menusmoths on toast, anyone? — in a pamphlet called Why Not Eat Insects?


  • 森姆行里运转里很好,因为不仅仅每一的漫画,主要做图画小说藏本

    His shop has excelled at evolving with the industry because it caters to graphic novels and special editions, rather than the single issues.


  • 参议员劳埃德·米基·坎弗农·乔丹代表前往

    Senator Lloyd Bentsen, Mickey Kantor, and Vernon Jordan went on my behalf.


  • 内塔希望尽量削减赤字国会通过多少,就减多少。他们提出的减税幅度戈尔和瑞芙琳提议的要一些,仍然数额不小

    Bentsen and Panetta wanted as much deficit reduction as we could pass in Congress, an amount less than Gore and Rivlin advocated, but still a lot.


  • 我们已经成功天空发射火箭,在看来,我们已经小小地创造了一点历史。”·本告诉邮报

    "It's a success that we have gotten the rocket up into the air, and I think that we have written a little bit of history," von Bengtson told the Post.


  • 选择劳埃德·本竞选伙伴颇受好评他们人的接受提名演讲都非常精彩;两位候选人离开兰大的时候,民意测验中远远领先于对手。

    He got good reviews for naming Lloyd Bentsen as his running mate; they both gave good speeches; and the ticket left Atlanta with a hefty lead in the polls.


  • 国际货币基金组织非洲分部部长本尼迪克·克里斯滕森自信地讲道,到非洲国家银行我们看不到它们体系的危险的。

    Benedicte Christensen, deputy director of the IMF's African Department, says confidently that there is "no systemic risk that we can see in any African country in terms of banking."


  • 贾森·贝(Jason Bateman)、威尔阿内(WillArnett)·西尔弗曼(Ben Silverman)因为他们公司Dumbdumb而获得年度初创公司

    Jason Bateman, will Arnett and Ben Silverman will receive the Startup of the Year award for their new company, Dumbdumb.


  • 已故哈佛大学文学家弗兰西斯·奥·马提森(FrancisOttoMatthiessen)认为,怀谋杀案余音韦伯斯的陈词总结在霍桑的另一本著作《个尖角的阁楼》(TheHouseof SevenGables)(1851)能找到痕迹。

    The late Harvard University literary scholar Francis Otto Matthiessen argued that echoes of the White murder and Webster’s summation also found their way into The House of Seven Gables (1851).


  • 自从诺曼文森•皮尔(Norman Vincent Peale )1952年出版一本名为《正面思考力量》(The Powerof PositiveThinking)的上架开始,强调尊严重要性的自助性书籍书店里长久盘踞着一席之地。

    From Norman Vincent Peale’s 1952 The Power of Positive Thinking onward, self-help books proclaiming the virtues of self-esteem have become regular fixtures in bookstores.


  • 1885年英国作者文森·豪本叫做《为啥昆虫》的小册子发表了一篇文章来推广这个事情,在一个精心挑选菜单的配合下——烤面包上飞蛾

    British author named Vincent Holt published an essay advocating it in 1885, along with a nice selection of menusmoths on toast, anyone? — in a pamphlet called Why Not Eat Insects?


  • 无论如何,本占地利便宜分到通常本地篮球队使用的球场更衣室。

    For what it's worth, Bentsen has the home-court advantage. He was assigned to the dressing room normally used by home teams playing basketball at the arena.


  • 但是杜卡基斯森沾来声势仍嫌不够

    But not enough of Bentsen's strength has rubbed off on Dukakis.


  • •本马德森都是工程师,他们同时又是哥本哈根“亚轨道”组织领导者,马德森还曾经美国航空航天局工作

    Von Bengtson and Madsen are the leaders of Copenhagen Suborbitals. Both of them are engineers, and the latter used to work for NASA.


  • 组织成立源于位名为·本内森的英国律师1961年给那些拥有正义感罪犯辩护而提出的控诉。

    The organisation grew out of an appeal launched in May 1961 by Peter Benenson, a British lawyer, on behalf of prisoners of conscience.


  • 现在埃里克森勇敢一个从没试演过17岁球员放在迪佛、约翰逊前面选进国家队。

    Now here was Eriksson, bold as brass, putting an untried 17-year-old ahead of Jermain Defoe and Andy Johnson and pushing Darren Bent right out of the picture.


  • 一个不舟不扣的德州佬,了一膊子,参议曰,代表德州人凡十七

    Lloyd Bentsen is Texan through and trough, lived here all his life, served in the representing Texans for 17 years.


  • 生物物理学家奥利·莫里森(oleMouritsen)说,个很重要原因就是重力——或者说重力海里的作用微乎其微。他写过一本书,叫做《寿司:养眼果腹提神食物》。

    A big part of it is gravity - or the effective lack of it in the ocean, says biophysicist Ole Mouritsen, author of Sushi: Food for the Eye, the Body and the Soul.


  • 生物物理学家奥利·莫里森(oleMouritsen)说,个很重要原因就是重力——或者说重力海里的作用微乎其微。他写过一本书,叫做《寿司:养眼果腹提神食物》。

    A big part of it is gravity - or the effective lack of it in the ocean, says biophysicist Ole Mouritsen, author of Sushi: Food for the Eye, the Body and the Soul.


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