• 中国本土经济怪异贡献在于解释中国经济成长路径选择

    China's unique contribution to the local economics is to explain China's economic development path to choose.


  • 缓慢食品运动本土经济质量产品产生对生态环境影响生活方式的一个范例

    Slow food is an example of where high quality products from a local economy produce a low impact lifestyle.


  • 虽然也有个别成功事例整体而言本土经济的确凝聚社区力量,带来经济效益

    There have been isolated cases where we may not have achieved our objectives, but overall, the local community economy has indeed strengthened social cohesion and generated economic benefits.


  • 全球化产品有着本土品牌无法抗衡经济规模

    A global product offers economies of scale with which local brands cannot compete.


  • 并且英国需要这些技工保持经济增长及其竞争力至少英国本土工人掌握更多技能前情况如此。

    And skilled workers are just the people Britain needs to keep its economy growing and competitive, at least until its indigenous workforce acquires more skills.


  • 日本银行系统应对信贷市场紧缩以及本土海外经济的双重疲软。

    Japan's lending industry is still contending with credit market unease and a soft economy both at home and abroad.


  • 属于本土驱动型经济印尼印度就在其列。

    Indonesia's and India's domestically driven economies fall into that category.


  • 例如三洋白色家电经济快速增长东南亚占据的市场份额要高于日本本土的份额。

    Sanyo, for instance, enjoys a higher market share for its white goods in the fast-growing economies of south-east Asia than it does in Japan.


  • 日元升值会使日本出口导向型经济大受打击,因为这会让日本在本土以外生产的汽车电子产品越来越,不仅如此,海外利润兑换成日元时,也会大打折扣。

    A strong yen hurts Japan's export-led economy by making its cars and electronics more expensive overseas, and by eroding the value of overseas earnings when converted into yen.


  • 相反有证据显示美国经济是以扩大就业形式吸纳移民不是取代美国本土工人的就业机会为代价。

    Instead, the evidence suggests' the economy absorbs immigrants by expanding job opportunities rather than by displacing workers born in the United States. '.


  • 毫无疑问,Amul就是50家被波士顿咨询集团标记为“本土发电机”的企业之一。这些企业都来自于中国、印度巴西俄罗斯其他六个新兴经济体。

    Indeed, Amul is one of 50 firms-from China, India, Brazil, Russia and six other emerging economies-that BCG has anointed as "local dynamos".


  • 如果文化有影响的话,那么他们态度应该有着相同经济环境本土不同并且更加靠近他们的母国

    If culture matters, then their attitudes should be different from those of native citizens in similar economic circumstances and closer to those that prevail in their country of origin.


  • 但如果定居者需要更大空间他们可以转移以色列本土美国可以向他们提供经济刺激帮助他们

    If the settlers need more space, they could move to Israel proper; America could perhaps offer cash incentives to help them do so.


  • 然而由于美国本土处于经济衰退之中,波多黎各能够尽早扭转局面希望十分渺茫

    Yet with the US mainland now in recession as well, the prospects for a turnaround in Puerto Rico any time soon are bleak.


  • 即便有一种语在郊区盛行在郊区之外地方,(想让这种语言继续盛行)在经济上和距离上不可行的

    But outside the rural areas, where one indigenous language prevails, this is neither financially nor logistically feasible.


  • 目前美国本土老化车辆共有2.37亿以往经济衰退期间出产的相比,这些耐用易于修理

    The aging of the domestic fleet of about 237 million vehicles has been made possible by cars that are more durable and can be repaired more easily than in past recessions.


  • 今后周内国家议会看似铁定通过本土经济强制法案这个法案可能会最终所有生意至少百分之五十一控制权落入本地黑人之手

    In the next few weeks, Parliament looks set to pass the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Bill that might ultimately transfer at least 51% of all businesses into local black hands.


  • 日本不仅将其称为”,宣称它们自己的领土宣称这些领土使得日本有权利拥有一个面积为40万平方公里的专属经济(EEZ),这么大的面积甚至超过了日本本土面积总和。

    Japan calls it an island and claims it as territory, which it says gives it the right to an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 400, 000 square km-larger than Japan's land mass itself.


  • 日本不仅将其称为”,还宣称它们自己的领土宣称这些领土使得日本有权利拥有一个面积为40万平方公里的专属经济(EEZ),这么大的面积甚至超过了日本本土面积总和。

    Japan calls it an island and claims it as territory, which it says gives it the right to an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 400,000 square km-larger than Japan's land mass itself.


  • 文章重点探讨近十多年来美国国内关于移民经济影响的若干热门话题,其中包括:(1)大量移民进入劳动力市场是否导致美国本土工人失业?。

    To be addressed are questions being in heated discussion in the community over more than a decade, including: (1) Do immigrants push native-born American workers out of jobs?


  • 然而一些著名跨国公司本土高级雇员离职现象普遍公司带来经济上的损失管理上的混乱

    However, the turnover phenomenon of the native senior employee is very general in some famous multinational-corporations. This brings loss in economic and confusion in management to company.


  • 国内品牌不够强大原因很多,在当前经济形势下,产品定位不当重要原因之一,产品缺乏合适的定位日益成为许多本土企业建立品牌瓶颈”所在。

    Of all those reasons, improper positioning is one of the importent reasons, which almost becomes the "bottleneck" for the native enterprises to establish famous brands.


  • 英国经济以往任何时候都需要本土银行

    Britain's economy needs its home-grown Banks more than ever.


  • 他们,美国一家本土汽车生产商破产美国汽车产业整体经济产生“灾难性”影响。

    They said a collapse of a domestic auto maker would be 'catastrophic' for the industry and the broader economy.


  • 同时认为由于失业率增加以及经济下滑使得今年有5。7%的本土投资者会日元闲置。

    He says that with unemployment set to jump and the economy set to shrink by, say, 5.7% this year, households will bring yen home.


  • 研究国内IT员工知识经济背景新近崛起员工群体作为研究对象,旨在其工作满意度的现实状况进行本土化的探讨。

    IT employee as a large employee group that has been rapidly rising under the background of knowledge economy was selected as the object of this study.


  • 研究国内IT员工知识经济背景新近崛起员工群体作为研究对象,旨在其工作满意度的现实状况进行本土化的探讨。

    IT employee as a large employee group that has been rapidly rising under the background of knowledge economy was selected as the object of this study.


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