• 我现在以及未来理想生活方式中的不可或缺部分。

    This is one of the ideal life styles not only at this time but also in the future.


  • 基于未来理想自我来判断自己,这么做带来最大弊端忘记了你原本就是完整的。

    The biggest problem with judging yourself based on your ideal future self is that you forget that you're already whole.


  • 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)具有系统简单、比能量、燃料便于储运等优点,未来理想移动电源系统。

    Direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is an ideal portable power source in the future because of the simple system, high energy density and convenient fuel storage and transportation.


  • 石墨不仅现今薄的材料而且具有非常奇特电子性质这些电子特性使石墨烯可以作为未来理想电子器件首选材料。

    Graphene not only is the thinnest material in the world, but also has a number of very peculiar electronic properties which make it a promising candidate for future electronic applications.


  • 在今天我们也许重新审视华兹华斯文学成就诗歌的内部挖掘出更加本质的东西,看到他对人类未来理想社会美好生活憧憬

    But today, perhaps we'd reexamine Wordsworth's literary achievements, the more intrinsic thing in his poetry, and his longing for ideal society and perfect life of human beings.


  • 理想未来城市愿景之一提供方便航空旅行

    One vision of the perfect city of the future is a place that offers easy access to air travel.


  • 无论这个地区还是在整个世界未来属于坚定不移地维护这些理想

    And the future belongs to those who stand firm for those ideals, in this region and around the world.


  • 在读期间经济形势大好他们梦想一个理想未来,与他们情侣一起着快乐幸福的日子。

    The economy was fine during their college years and it allowed them to dream of an ideal future, living happily-ever-after with their sweetheart.


  • 不要预期个“理想读者”- - -除非你自己也许算一个,可能未来某个时刻

    Don't try to anticipate an "ideal reader" - except for yourself perhaps, sometime in the future.


  • 还是说这只是一个未来理想主义的幻觉

    Is it just an idealistic, delusional view of the future?


  • 他们之后重新获得自由那一代人身上,可以清楚看到那种特有美国式理想主意的烙印-未来的美好畅想以及全力追赶梦想的驱动力

    But in the freedom generation who benefited from the fall of the Communist empire you see a very distinct breed of American idealism a hope for the future and the drive to get there.


  • 假设未来已经创造了一种理想生活

    In this future scenario, you've created your ideal life.


  • 国家航空和宇宙航行研究人员认为需要太空船种植作物时,纳入潜在未来长期航天任务(作物)是很理想的。

    NASA researchers consider it ideal for inclusion in possible future long-term space missions when crops would need to be grown on spacecraft.


  • 理想世界中,失业者通过借贷资助他们求职活动,以此在未来获得更高收入

    In an ideal world the unemployed would finance their own job search by borrowing against these higher future wages.


  • 对于马克思来说意义在于梦想一个理想未来而是解决当前社会中的矛盾,因为它们阻碍更好未来到来

    The point for Marx is not to dream of an ideal future, but to resolve thecontradictions in the present which prevent a better future from coming about.


  • 什么未来理想城市

    What is the ideal city for the future?


  • 如果进步定义理想未来这一愿景追求的话,那么日本从来没有进步过。

    But if progress is defined by pursuing a vision of a desirable future, then the Japanese never progressed.


  • 正是这一希望引导着印度这个广阔无垠国家中的城乡民众登上拥挤火车开始这个充满理想城市里打造自己未来

    That is the hope that in towns and villages across India, across this vast nation, leads people to board crowded trains and set out to forge their futures in this city of dreams.


  • 我们关于爱情浪漫理想非常根深蒂固的,这种未来丈夫妻子以及他们的感觉都不在商讨的范围之内的现实有着天壤之别。

    Our romantic ideals of love are deeply engrained and don't mesh easily with a practice where the prospective husband and wife-and their feelings-are placed outside of the negotiating loop.


  • 同一个心理学家发现一个幻想不确定的、具有挑战性未来能被激发,也那些理想自己未来人更容易成功

    The same psychologists discovered that people who imagined an uncertain and challenging future were much more energized and likely to succeed than the ones who idealized their future.


  • 见证拥有古老文明现代风范民族对于奥林匹克精神崇尚;呈现着一个面向未来都市奥林匹克理想的诉求。

    While witnessing the advocacy of the Olympic Spirit by a nation with both ancient civilization and modern culture, it also unfolds the city's future-oriented city's pursuit of the Olympic Ideal.


  • 也许问题在于这些雕像漂亮- - -能激励人,给人乐观乌托邦理想许诺给人民一个光辉未来从来就不会兑现。

    But again, perhaps problematically, they are beautiful statues - inspiring, optimistic, and utopian; totems to the radiant future that was always promised, but never quite arrived.


  • 未来理想城市具有简洁生活方式”。

    Ideal City of the Future Offers' Concise Lifestyle '.


  • 只要我们继续试图卑劣仅仅不当手段实现理想我们善意同样酿出恶果构成历史悲剧讽刺。作为个人,我能尽全力使未来不像过去和现在那么富有悲剧和讽刺意味吗?

    So long as we go on trying to realize our ideals by bad or merely inappropriate means, our good intentions will come to the same bad ends.In this consists the tragedy and the irony of history.


  • 被嵌在未来(作为行动结果那个应该自我或者理想的自我)和与那个未来相去甚远的现在夹缝中。

    You're caught between the future (your ought or ideal self as a result of the action) and the present which is not this future.


  • 我们大胆设想一下,在最理想情况下,理念的未来什么情形:人们是否还买车自己仍旧很少使用然后出去

    Let's fast forward to the "ideal" future of this vision. Is it one where people still buy cars that they rarely use and rent it out?


  • 我们大胆设想一下,在最理想情况下,理念的未来什么情形:人们是否还买车自己仍旧很少使用然后出去

    Let's fast forward to the "ideal" future of this vision. Is it one where people still buy cars that they rarely use and rent it out?


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