• 澳大利亚也有自己未来基金公共部门员工养老金就出自该基金

    Australia has its own Future Fund, where it sets aside money to pay for the pensions of public-sector workers.


  • 地球未来基金的“海上无盗”项目组的报告称因海盗行为造成的各项费用正在激增

    The One Earth Future Foundation’s Oceans Beyond Piracy project documents exploding costs in piracy-related actions (.pdf).


  • 养老基金受托人决定哪一基金经理投资部分所有未来收入

    The trustees of your pension fund decide which fund manager will invest some or all of your future income.


  • 国际货币基金组织已经调低未来十年增长预测

    The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade.


  • 尽管家机构未来几年里经费充足,但是否有长期慈善基金供应未知数

    But although these three organisations are well funded for the next few years, the long-term viability of philanthropic funding is still uncertain.


  • 认为一切都是周而复始的,”莫里斯表示,“我确信未来某个时点基金募集速度加快,投资者提出的问题也会减少。”

    "I think these things are cyclical," Morris says. "At some point in the future, I'm sure funds will get raised faster with fewer questions asked."


  • 泡沫没有破裂时候,随着基金做出调整适应未来可能出现的较低回报率一泡沫可能变小。

    This bubble is not on the point of collapse, but is likely to deflate as funds adjust to the lower returns that are likely going forward.


  • 现在公司一个卡塔尔主权财富基金帮助下就合并议题制订未来合并计划,迟将于2011年完成合并。

    Now the two companies, with the help of one of Qatar's sovereign-wealth funds, have at last laid out a road map for a merger by 2011 at the latest.


  • 这笔平均还款年限7.5基金将会保证爱尔兰未来年可以不用被迫市场借钱

    The funding, which has an average maturity of 7.5 years, will protect Ireland from having to borrow in the markets over the next three years.


  • 主权财富基金经理们未来可能中央银行打成一团,中央银行的业务就是干预外汇市场防止通货币值大幅震荡

    The managers of such a fund might also come to blows with the Central Bank, where practice has been to intervene in foreign-exchange markets to prevent wild swings in the value of the currency.


  • 这种合并可能最终影响对冲基金未来几年能够实现收益

    This consolidation may ultimately affect the returns that hedge funds will be able to achieve in the coming years.


  • 多位策略师基金经理依旧看好股市未来数月前景

    A number of strategists and money managers remain upbeat on stocks' prospects for the next several months.


  • Envirofit期望未来壳牌基金其它捐助者获得2500万的资金支持他们努力

    Envirofit expects twenty-five million dollars from the Shell Foundation and other donors over the next five years to support its efforts.


  • 最近的份报告中摩根大通的一位经济学家JanLoeys预测未来基金行情不容乐观,那些曾经他们变得依赖银行将反戈一击。

    In a recent report, Jan Loeys, an economist at JPMorgan, predicted a bleak future for the funds in which the Banks that have become so dependent on them fight back.


  • 数字化议程欧盟委员会评出六项未来新兴技术(FET)项目竞争研究基金

    Digital Agenda: Commission selects six future and emerging technologies (FET) projects to compete for research funding.


  • 全球基金原本希望未来预算增长为原来的两,200亿美元。

    The fund wanted to double its budget to $20 billion over the next three years.


  • 11月份美林问卷调查基金经理中,没有人认为未来12个月中利润强劲上涨”,有59%的人认为利润略微下降。

    Of fund managers surveyed by Merrill Lynch in November, none thought profits wouldimprove stronglyover the next 12 months, while 59% thought they woulddeteriorate slightly”.


  • 11月份美林问卷调查基金经理中,没有人认为未来12个月中利润强劲上涨”,有59%的人认为利润略微下降。

    Of fund managers surveyed by Merrill Lynch in November, none thought profits would "improve strongly" over the next 12 months, while 59% thought they would "deteriorate slightly".


  • 像购买信誉收益率公司债券一样,养老金基金承担风险越大,未来债务额就显得小。

    The more risk the pension fund takes (for example, by buying high-yielding bonds of companies with poor credit ratings), the lower its liabilities appear to be.


  • 未来几年会出现期待什么样基金收益以及基金收益是否正常化到危机之前水平这个问题

    The question of what to expect from funds' returns, and whether they will normalise at pre-crisis levels, will play out over the next few years.


  • 有时这些普通合伙人还会在不久以后迅速成立一支基金立即参与未来收益无需弥补以往损失

    Sometimes these same general partners thereafter quickly started another fund so that they could immediately participate in future profits without having to overcome their past losses.


  • 这些乳奶制品公司设立专项基金用于支付未来可能出现的健康问题医疗费用

    The milk companies have also set up a special fund to cover medical bills for future health problems.


  • 拥有充足储备国家比如中国日本原油出口国应该承诺如果国际货币基金组织未来数月中出现资金需求他们无条件其进行贷款

    Countries with ample reserves, particularly China, Japan and the oil exporters, should promise now, and without preconditions, that they will lend to the IMF if it needs cash in the coming months.


  • 国际货币基金组织表示中国居民消费价格可能未来两个达到顶点,房价更加难以控制。

    The IMF says China's consumer prices is likely to peak within the next month or two, but housing prices will be more difficult to tame.


  • 现实可预见未来国际货币基金组织救助对象可能主要是债台高筑西方

    The reality is that for the foreseeable future IMF bailouts are likely to be taking place primarily in the debt-infested West.


  • 项类似的报告PSFK健康未来是儿童基金的报告,可能更加有普遍意义。

    A similar recent report that may be of more general interest is PSFK's Future of Health report for UNICEF.


  • 稳定基金推出日期参与基金更多细节预计未来几周公布

    The launch date for the fund and further details on participation are expected to be announced in coming weeks.


  • 来往频繁油轮使片海域一直处于可能发生石油泄漏的高度警戒状态下,世界自然基金估计未来10里,波罗的海通过的油轮数就可能翻一番

    The area is permanently on high alert for spills because of intense tanker traffic, which the World Wide Fund for Nature estimates could double in the next 10 years in the Baltic alone.


  • 来往频繁油轮使片海域一直处于可能发生石油泄漏的高度警戒状态下,世界自然基金估计未来10里,波罗的海通过的油轮数就可能翻一番

    The area is permanently on high alert for spills because of intense tanker traffic, which the World Wide Fund for Nature estimates could double in the next 10 years in the Baltic alone.


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