• 或者我们真的一个有着一些察觉无力改变的未来危机碰撞航线上?

    Or are we on a collision course with some future crisis whose advancing outlines we can dimly perceive but seem powerless to stop?


  • 最初反应时开出更厚资金流动资产缓冲物以期望能够保护银行远离未来危机

    The initial response has been to prescribe thicker buffers of capital and liquidity in the hope that this will insulate banks from future crises.


  • 更多解决未来危机诱惑使用这种失衡资产负债表只是在加深危机

    What's more, the temptation to resolve future crises using these "off-balance-sheet" methods has only got bigger.


  • 令人恐慌,以中国为中心新兴市场目前泡沫可能只是未来危机的冰山一角。

    What is scary is that the current frothiness of emerging markets, centred on China, may be only a taste of what is to come.


  • 杠杆比率过高是过去许多金融危机爆发原因无疑会是未来危机诱因所在。

    Overleveraging has been the cause of many past financial crisis, and will undoubtedly be the cause of those in the future.


  • 选择适当增加规模需要减少发生未来危机风险确保金融市场有效运作两者间找到平衡。

    Selecting the proper size of the increase requires a balance between reducing the risk of a future crisis and ensuring the effective functioning of financial firms in ordinary times.


  • 然而,我们还是必须假设未来危机必然发生因此银行而言,加大对资本流动资产安全缓冲至关重要。

    Yet the assumption must be that crises will still happen. Hence it is vital that Banks carry bigger safety buffers of capital and liquid assets.


  • 认为,这种产品可以帮助解决未来全球粮食危机,粮食危机由于传统方式养殖肉类土地面积减少而造成的。

    It's a product he believes could help solve future global food crises resulting from shrinking amounts of land available for growing meat the old-fashioned way.


  • 好消息我们可以应该已经很好地处理了目前危机机构那里获得未来指导

    The good news is that we can and should look to the institutions that have handed the current crisis well for guidance in the future.


  • 我们需要放弃作为撒哈拉非洲以南地区缺水不安全定义方式的水胁迫指数因为在根本上扭曲了该地区当前未来危机

    We need to abandon the water stress index as a way of defining water scarcity and insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa, as it fundamentally misrepresents current and future water crises in the region.


  • 他们上个星期同意建立一个2013年开始的永久性金融安全网络应对欧元区未来出现的危机明年,欧元区扩大爱沙尼亚

    They agreed last week to set up a permanent financial safety net beginning in 2013 to handle future crisis in the Euro Zone, which will expand to include Estonia next year.


  • 如果连欧洲财政大臣知道他们已经制止了银行的瘫痪,不知道他们已经拥有了足够资源应对未来危机,那么投资者为什么其他出路呢?

    If Europe's finance ministers are not sure sure they have stopped the rot in the banks, and are not sure they have enough resources to deal with future crises, why should investors think otherwise?


  • 双方同意共同努力加强这些机构能力防范应对未来危机

    They also agreed to work together to strengthen the capacity of these institutions to prevent and respond to future crises.


  • 凸显了建立一个强有力的全球框架避免未来食品危机重要性

    This makes adopting a strong global framework to protect against future food crises all the more important.


  • 改善监管尽管是个不错主意,但它适合用于避免未来危机而不是应对已经发生灾难

    The improvement of regulation, while a good idea, is better suited to avoiding future crises than dealing with a catastrophe that has already occurred.


  • 确实,和爱尔兰类似意大利经济未来很大程度上取决于危机将如何蔓延及其欧元区影响

    Indeed, similar to Ireland, much of Italy's economic future depends how the crisis might spread and impact the euro zone.


  • 能够确保危机成本未来几代人身上

    It would ensure the costs of the crisis were not passed on to future generations.


  • 不过一个危险的游戏他们可能捉襟见肘,升级为严重未来危机

    But that is a dangerous game; they may be hard-pressed to de-escalate future crises of a more serious nature.


  • 即使重组欧元区可能,但这些措施也只是着眼于从长远,力图未来避免类似危机的再次发生。

    But even if a re-engineering of the euro zone is possible, such measures are for the longer term, to avoid a repetition of the crisis in the future.


  • 长寿”现象对于日本来说也是头疼事。 日本出生率势必造成一小劳动者养活很多老年人的局面,这将会导致未来出现人口危机

    But the longevity is also presenting a headache as the country has very low birthrate, spelling a future demographic crisis as a smaller pool of workers supports a mass of elderly.


  • 几乎没有时间苦思,能从中学到什么教训用于危机管理央行未来

    Mr Wessel spends little time teasing out lessons for crisis-management or for the future of central banking.


  • 银行监管者中央银行能否防止未来流动性危机

    Can bank regulators and central Banks prevent future liquidity crises?


  • 目前危机哪些未来可以利用重要经验

    What are some important lessons to take from the current crisis into the future?


  • 建立有效社会保障体制解决现有脆弱性提高应变能力未来危机准备有效对策关键

    Building effective social protection systems is key to addressing existing vulnerabilities, building resilience and preparing effective responses to future crises.


  • 建立有效社会保障体制解决现有脆弱性提高应变能力未来危机准备有效对策关键

    Building effective social protection systems is key to addressing existing vulnerabilities, building resilience and preparing effective responses to future crises.


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