• 由于传真计算机进入商业社会,书面英语商业英语中变得越发重要

    Written English has become more important in business English, with the invention of the fax and the computer.


  • 在外之间,在内庭院与庭院之间许多两边有着高墙小路

    Between the Outer and Inner Courts, and between the courtyards of the Inner court, are many high-walled alleys.


  • 已经开始沙特阿拉伯王国朝和的(所有年龄的)旅客制定免疫接种要求

    With Hajj and Umrah season already started, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has issued vaccination requirements for travellers (all ages) for Umrah and Hajj.


  • 多次暴力事件中,农场主们警察鸡蛋瓶子,而警察则催泪瓦斯回击

    During a number of violent incidents farmers threw eggs and empty bottles at police, who replied with tear gas.


  • 防暴警察人群催泪瓦斯罐烟幕弹

    Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.


  • 鲨鱼径直尼基卡里娜游去

    The shark headed straight towards Nicky and Karina.


  • 一些水壶里的洗手后,麦加方向跪下进行晚间祈祷

    Several men wash their hands and faces with water from teakettles and kneel toward Mecca for evening prayers.


  • 晚上扫视地平线,寻找街灯人工光源然后发光污染方向

    At night scan the horizon for artificial light sources such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution.


  • 夜间仔细眺望地平线,寻找诸如路灯之类人造光源然后污染造成光亮

    At night, scan the horizon for artificial light sources, such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution.


  • 冲击波形成一个由压缩气体分子构成圆锥体四面八方向向后移动,一直延伸地面

    The shock wave forms a cone of pressurized air molecules which move outward and rearward in all directions and extend to the ground.


  • 他们撒腿就跑黑暗不时被树根藤蔓上绊倒,不同方向奔去。

    They sprang away, stumbling over roots and among vines in the dark, no two plunging in the same direction.


  • 渥太华各省资助下,加拿大成立卫生技术评估协调办公室建立全国性机构方向迈出了一小步

    A small step has been taken in the direction of a national agency with the creation of the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment, funded by Ottawa and the provinces.


  • 偷偷鸡尾酒方向溜去——这是花园唯一可以让一个这里逗留不会显得毫无目的孤独地方

    I slunk off in the direction of the cocktail tablethe only place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone.


  • 我们不仅抓住时机还要一同举起我们船桨为了我们共同目标命运同一个方向前进

    We must not only seize this moment, but raise our oars together and row in the same direction toward our common destination and destiny.


  • 任何一知道什么是真正满足知道他们一定这个方向努力,有意识选择面对害怕误解。

    Anyone who knows true contentment knows that they have had to work toward it, make conscious choices, face fear and be misunderstood.


  • 转动转轮时,第一第三个轮方向转动,第二转轮一个方向转动。

    When you spin the wheels, the first and third wheels spin in one direction, while the second wheel spins the other direction.


  • 楼下说了一句煤灰屑的话,有个人一句,她发出笑声

    She called down something about coal dust and sawdust, someone called back up to her, and she laughed.


  • 挎着一个沉重篮子包袱苔丝那些与她出生所在山谷分开的山峦走去。

    Carrying a heavy basket and bundle, Tess was walking towards the hills which divided her from the Vale, her place of birth.


  • 我们希望在今后会谈各方继续讨论美双方其他各方提出的方案缩小分歧扩大共识

    We hope all parties can conduct further study of the DPRK and the us plans in future talks so as to narrow differences and expand consensus.


  • 伊萨贝尔放着酸橙汁袋子做个手势。

    Isabel asked, motioning toward the bags of booze and lime-juice blend.


  • 同时指出,我看到一些媒体报道会议的进程日程如何安排取决于中方态度

    I would like to point out that I have read reports saying that the progress and schedule of the talks would depend on the attitudes of China and the DPRK.


  • 但是人员还是发现国家研究机构对于儿童老年人营养改善过去十年里见人任何提高。

    But aid workers found last year that nutrition in state-run institutions for children and the elderly has not improved in the past decade.


  • 终于能翻过身来,各个方向移动着我的手臂慢慢地我挪到了想位置

    I moved my legs and my arms in different directions. I was slowly getting into the position I wanted to be in.


  • 我们首先用午餐然后手持粉红色黄色玫瑰那个神圣地点出发

    We'll lunch first, and then, armed with bunches of pink and yellow roses, we'll make our way to the hallowed spot.


  • 陈博士博士希望他们可以这个方向努力

    And that is the direction in which Dr Chen and Dr Ren hope they are heading.


  • 安迪歌声停止后马克康妮转过身去。

    When Andy stopped singing, I turned to Mark and Connie.


  • 孩子们看起来都非常的悲观瘦弱可怜”。走访很多学校孤儿院的援专家这样

    "The children looked very sad, very emaciated, very pathetic," said one aid expert who had visited many schools and orphanages.


  • 游戏工作室在加班费方面比较厚道而且也不会员工一周7这里工作时间依然稳定的9晚5完全不同。

    Game studios are getting better at paying for overtime and not allowing anyone to work 7 days a week, but the hours here are not anything like a typical 9-to-5 job.


  • 天晚上野营徒步旅行——然后现代文明进发吧。

    Make it two nights camping and hikingthen head for civilization.


  • 他妈妈身着套装高跟鞋瓷砖地板上噔作响,儿子一边商场前端收银台走去,一边把各种商品购物车里

    Dressed in a suit, heels clicking on the tile floor, she was tossing items into her cart as she and her son made their way to the checkout lanes at the front of the store.


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