• 珠 穆表格功能瑞士艺术家伊沃索尔迪尼工作

    The tables at Everest feature the work of Swiss artist Ivo Soldini.


  • 更多怀着音乐年轻人则像仁清一样,灯红酒绿的朗玛电子节拍演绎着流行音乐……传统音乐出路哪里?。

    While most young people dreams of music just play pop with electronic in Glang-ma hall. Where is the way for the traditional music?


  • 钱德的描述中,我们欣赏大脑不同部分——也许甚至是几个不同的“自我”在相互争辩场面

    In Ramachandran's account, then, we are treated to the spectacle of different parts of the brain - perhaps even different selves - arguing with one another.


  • 钱德不能马上告诉他们何时开始病感失认症这个术语用于其它否认类型

    V.S. RAMACHANDRAN: Offhand, I can't tell you when they started using the term "anosognosia" for other types of denial.


  • 村委会官员·尔·米沙拉之后19岁的拉嘉妮改变了想法,两人最终结为夫妻

    Rajani, 19, changed her mind after two days and the couple got married, Arun Kumar Mishra, a village council official said.


  • 钱德我们大脑很可能相通的,并预期的情况略微乐观一些

    V.S. RAMACHANDRAN: It may well be our brains are wired up to be slightly more optimistic than they should be.


  • 由于盟军破译工作保持机密直至1970年代恩尼格密码用于一些国家——包括西班牙(Franco )——直到1950年代。

    Because the Allied codebreaking effort remained secret until the 1970s, Enigma machines were still used by some countriesincluding the Franco government in Spainuntil the 1950s.


  • 钱德:对极了。总的来说幸运我们大多数人所处的“”都是积极的。

    V.S. RAMACHANDRAN: Absolutely, and overall, fortunately, it's a positive cloud in most of us.


  • 钱德可以把病感失认症归于魏尼克(Wernicke)发现的失语症[一种神经失调,会妨碍对言谈的理解说话],你也可以把归于健忘症

    V.S. RAMACHANDRAN: Well, you can have anosognosia for Wernicke’s aphasia [a neurological disorder that prevents comprehension or production of speech] or you can have it for amnesia.


  • 钱德许多期刊论文以及桑德拉-布莱克斯利合著中的幽灵》(Phantomsinthe Brain)中提及“病感失认症”。

    V.S. Ramachandran has written about anosognosia in a number of journal articles and in his extraordinary book with Sandra Blakeslee, “Phantoms in the Brain.”


  • 钱德许多期刊论文以及桑德拉-布莱克斯利合著的《中的幽灵》(Phantomsinthe Brain)中提及“病感失认症”。

    V. S. Ramachandran has written about anosognosia in a number of journal articles and in his extraordinary book with Sandra Blakeslee, “Phantoms in the Brain.


  • 钱德刚刚告诉并非自己的左臂而是妈妈手臂为什么她会拉她妈妈的手臂指向鼻子呢?

    S. RAMACHANDRAN: and it gets even better, she's just now told me that it's not her left arm, it is her mother's arm, so why is she pulling up her mother's arm and pointing it at my nose?


  • 仍然自欺否认忽视感到好奇,于是打电话给V·S·拉钱德V.S. Ramachandran)——加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校传奇神经系统学家疾病感缺失症专家

    Still curious about the nature of self-deception, denial and neglect, I called V.S. Ramachandran, a legendary neuroscientist at the University of CaliforniaSan Diego and an expert on anosognosia.


  • 钱德刚刚告诉并非自己的左臂而是妈妈手臂为什么她会拉她妈妈的手臂指向鼻子呢?

    V.S. RAMACHANDRAN: and it gets even better, she's just now told me that it's not her left arm, it is her mother's arm, so why is she pulling up her mother's arm and pointing it at my nose?


  • 钱德由于斯基(Babinski关于病感失认症原著中经常出现的一个问题而进入这个领域的,那个问题就是患者是否一定程度上)知道自己瘫痪

    Ramachandran was taken in by a question that haunts Babinski’s original work on anosognosia — the question of whether the anosognosic knows (on some level) about the paralysis.


  • 钱德由于斯基(Babinski关于病感失认症原著中经常出现的一个问题而进入这个领域的,那个问题就是患者是否一定程度上)知道自己瘫痪

    Ramachandran was taken in by a question that haunts Babinski's original work on anosognosia — the question of whether the anosognosic knows (on some level) about the paralysis.


  • 参见v.s.拉钱德的《进化生物学自欺、大笑沮丧来自病感失认症的提示》,《医学假说》杂志,1996年11月刊47 (5):347- 62。

    See V.S. Ramachandran, the evolutionary biology of self-deception, laughter, dreaming and depression: some clues from anosognosia, Medical Hypotheses, November 1996, 47 (5) : 347-62.


  • 巴黎东北部郊区西名伊查侯麦表示,支持这项法案因为罩袍妇女影响很大。

    But Hassan Chalghoumi, an imam in the suburb of Drancy northeast of Paris, said he supported the law because of the veil's effect on women.


  • 钱德我们大脑很可能相通的,并预期的情况略微乐观一些

    V. S. RAMACHANDRAN: It may well be our brains are wired up to be slightly more optimistic than they should be.


  • 商务会议愉快交谈纯粹放松参观蒙塔贝尔·沙龙

    For business meetings, convivial conversation, or pure relaxation, visit Montalembert's Salon Gallimard.


  • 观众不仅能够感觉到攀登雅山一步感觉到寒冷劳累,品尝食物闻到味道,感受到山上风景以及自然界的声音。

    Not only is every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by the viewer, but also the cold, the tiredness, the food, the smells, the sights and the sounds of the mountain can all be experienced.


  • 观众不仅能够感觉到攀登雅山一步感觉到寒冷劳累,品尝到食物闻到味道,感受到山上的风景以 …

    Not only is every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by the viewer but also the cold the tiredness the food the smells the sights and the sounds of the mountain can all be experienced.


  • 观众不仅能够感觉到攀登雅山一步感觉到寒冷劳累,品尝到食物闻到味道,感受到山上的风景以 …

    Not only is every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by the viewer but also the cold the tiredness the food the smells the sights and the sounds of the mountain can all be experienced.


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