• 所谓红尘滚滚,自有清风

    What is called: let you the world of mortals rolling, have a cool breeze on lang.


  • 浮云,青竹篱笆,雍荣华牡丹花怒放花香浓郁香气

    Long floating clouds and green bamboo fence, Yong splendor of your peony in full bloom, the scent flavorful aroma Yi people.


  • 面容发光、眼朗月,浑身散发出一种令人无法抗拒香气魅力

    Is there not a charm in his every feature, and is not his whole person fragrant with such a savour of his good ointments, that therefore the virgins love him?


  • 119号离开新泽西后,到达西斯科

    He arrived in San Francisco, having left New Jersey on January 19th.


  • 总是顾客说:“我真是傻瓜,居然卖掉索瓦·米勒因为不过死后无论如何不到。”

    I always said to my customer, "I am a fool to sell a picture of Francois Millet's at all, for he is not going to live three months, and when he dies his pictures can't be had for love or money."


  • 大桥泽是日本猴类研究中心的研究员,他们在2002年72003年3以及2004年49两段时间里对博苏地区的黑猩猩进行了深入的观察,同时也记录了6个案例来反映5只不同的黑猩猩是如何破解它们所遇到的陷阱的。

    Ohashi, a research fellow at the Japan Monkey Center, and colleague Tetsuro Matsuzawa observed the Bossou chimpanzees from July 2002 to March 2003 and then again from April to Sept. 2004.


  • 菲律宾马尼拉,2008年1026日——哟嗬来杯姆酒! (Yo ho ho andabottleof rum,加勒比海盗中的一句歌词。

    Manila, Philippines, October 26, 2008--Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!


  • 制造了一种以糖蜜为基础姆酒,来自果园许多水果白兰地两种杜松子酒,其中种叫做超凡的,改变一次配方

    He makes a molasses-based rum, a number of fruit brandies from his own orchards and two gins, one of which, Ethereal, changes formula every six months.


  • 今年三中旬一个周日会见西斯科•萨尔门托医生负责法航447航班遇难者的尸检工作。

    On a Sunday morning in mid-March, I met with Dr. Francisco Sarmento, the doctor who presided over the Flight 447 autopsies.


  • 索与其科研组研制疫苗一些婴儿身上进行试验,这些婴儿出生都不到,生活在疟疾普遍流行莫桑比克一个地区

    The vaccine created by Dr Alonso and his colleagues has been tested on infants aged under five months in a region of Mozambique where the disease is endemic.


  • 128日约瑟夫·特里慈善基金会提出了另一种方法

    The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a charity, came up with another approach on January 28th.


  • 1862年2陆军上尉托马斯·弗西斯·米格尔(ThomasFrancis Meagher)成为爱尔兰(初期)准将

    In February 1862, an Army captain named Thomas Francis Meagher became the Brigadier General of the nascent Irish Brigade.


  • 西斯.特雷瑟姆12病死伦敦the Tower),罗伯特.温特新年被铺入狱。

    Francis Tresham died of illness in the Tower in December, and Robert Wintour was captured in the New Year.


  • 包括麦克唐纳克在内一些选举问题专家提前投票人数记录可能表明114号那天投票的美国选民人数创下记录。

    Some election experts, including McDonald and Gronke, say that the record turnout for early voting could indicate that record Numbers of American voters will likely turn out on November 4.


  • 福布斯-格特”号119发射由于引擎故障一直地球轨道上,无法朝着火星的方向继续飞行。

    Phobos-Grunt has been stuck in Earth orbit since its launch on 9 November, unable to fire the engine that would take it on to Mars.


  • 上个2的时候,艾米西斯冰球赛里,上演帽子戏法之后,在第三,被打折了骨。

    The month before, in February, Amy had scored a hat trick in the ice hockey game against St. Francis and then, in the third period, broken her nose.


  • 巴莱奎尔受到防碍司法调查指控2011年11媒体就相关调查作出报导,两人被指控试图销毁证据

    Barai and Longueuil were also charged with obstruction of justice for allegedly attempting to destroy evidence following media reports in November, 2010 about the insider-trading investigation.


  • 今年3戈尔巴乔夫伦敦皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅晚会庆祝了自己80岁的生日,晚会凯文·斯派西·斯通主持

    In March this year, Gorbachev celebrated his 80th birthday in London at a gala evening in the Royal Albert Hall, hosted by Kevin Spacey and Sharon Stone.


  • 西斯•洛多出生于1982年81日星期天著名模特

    Francesca Lodo was born on Sunday, August 01, 1982 and is a famous model.


  • 尽管2012款别克Verano优雅的紧凑型轿车没有登陆美国展厅其孪生车型,别克英GT,早已于20106中国市场

    The 2012 Buick Verano, a stylish compact sedan (seen above), isn't in U.S. showrooms yet, but a similar vehicle has been on sale since June 2010 in China, where it is known as the Buick Excelle GT.


  • 女儿约翰西斯·丹德里奇,于1731年62日在威廉斯堡附近一个种植园出生

    Oldest daughter of John and Frances Dandridge, she was born June 2, 1731, on a plantation near Williamsburg.


  • 1992年610克莱斯勒裁定公布之前科恩家人一起了,和他一起的有丹尼斯蒂姆、蒂姆的女朋友莫林、莫林的未婚夫保罗以及凯西

    On June 10, 1992, the night before the Chrysler verdict was announced, Kearns went out on the town with his family: Dennis; Tim; Tim’s girlfriend, Francine; Maureen; Maureen’s fiancé, Paul; and Kathy.


  • 早些时间,罗伯特.弗西斯质检主管告诉调查组NHS没能及时认出制止医院2005年1到2009年3期间进行的所说的“可怕的医护方式”的过失。

    Earlier this week, Robert Francis QC opened a public inquiry into the NHS's failure to spot and stop what he called "appalling care" at the hospital between January 2005 and March 2009.


  • 吉利地区树木西部边缘一般凋零在10一周

    The trees in the Rangeley region, in the western edge of the state, generally peak around the first week of October.


  • 吉利地区树木西部边缘一般凋零在10一周

    The trees in the Rangeley region, in the western edge of the state, generally peak around the first week of October.


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