• 训练营一般早上6开始上课,教官身穿都市迷彩大喊训练口令,传统训练营差不多。

    Classes begin as early as 6 am with instructors in urban-camo pants yelling out drill-like commands in the traditional bootcamp style.


  • 第一如果婚礼晚上以前不能穿黑色领结无尾燕尾或者白色领结的。

    First off, if your wedding is before 6 in the evening, you should not wear a tuxedo (black tie) or tails (white tie).


  • 正在进行的这场定位战争很多先锋(Fours quareTwitter搜索移动),这些其实基于本地商家在线广告上投入资金

    The Location War going on right now has many fronts (Foursquare, Twitter, search, mobile), but it is being funded by one thing: convincing local businesses to spend money on online advertising.


  • 控制中心的官员莫斯科时间周日晚上1044分,“TMA-5”号宇宙飞船飞离空间站,之前由于维托里的太空的真空密封层出现了问题起航行动延迟了4分钟。

    The TMA-5 undocked at 10:44 p.m. Moscow time on Sunday, after a four-minute delay caused by problems with the hermetic seals on Vittori's spacesuit, Mission Control officials said.


  • 早晨的阳光清晰明亮,上午7的时候Jake舒舒坐在的“命令”上,他检查了前一天的日志和诊断,但没有发现很明显的事情。

    The next morning dawned bright and clear. By 7:00 AM Jake was comfortably ensconced in his 'command chair' in the computer room.


  • 所有头等舱美食我们小时内供餐,可是可以现在餐。

    FA: All first class meals are gourmet. We'll serve you in an hour, but you can order now.


  • 想到认识一位著名女士自己的一生献给为他人事上。

    At this point, I thought of a remarkable lady I knew who devoted her life to helping others.


  • 拖延症。

    Bit by bit you will manage procrastination.


  • 我们必须认识这一不是上帝权柄之下,则没有真正自由

    We must recognize that: man can never be truly free, if he does not submit under God's authority.


  • 无声地哀叹如果进来的话,他看见秋叶穿学校运动的样子了。

    He silently bemoans that if he had only come in a little later he'd have been able to see akiha in the school blazer.


  • 医:温度如果晚上温度升高的话,你可以药。

    The temperature is not too high now. But you may take something to lower the temperature if it goes up at night.


  • 要是那些明白的话,可以舒舒坐在公园看书了。

    If they understood that, I would be able to sit in the park and comfortably read books.


  • 安妮也能了,就是“体操王子李宁不过他现在老板了,你们看我穿的运动就是李宁牌的。

    Annie: I know something about Li Ning, the "prince of gymnastics", who is now a big boss. Look! I am wearing Li Ning brand sportswear.


  • 绝大多数宇航都有能够将人固定突起物上紧急缆绳,那几个入侵者做到了

    Most suits had emergency wire loops that let you lasso yourself to some fixed spot, and a few of the intruders had managed this.


  • 工作者必须穿那些很难看到他们防护他们一用也没有

    It does not help that the workers must dress in protective wear that makes it difficult to see their face.


  • 如果晚上温度升高的话可以

    But you may take something to lower the temperature if it goes up at night.


  • 比如蚂蚁(蚂蚁金融集团)就推出了这样在线消费金融——蚂蚁。据统计,截止到周五凌晨5,有21%的双11购物通过蚂蚁花支付的。

    By 5 PM on Friday, about 21 percent of the Nov 11 shopping purchases were paid by Ant Check Later, an online consumer finance service provided by Ant Financial Services Group.


  • 员送水来!

    Ask the flight attendant for some water!


  • 恶劣气候条件特殊的操作场合,良好的可视性一个非常重要的性能,对于消防和警来讲这一尤其重要。

    Visibilit in bad weather conditions and special-operation conditions is an important feature especially for fire fighter and police clothing.


  • 谷物食品内部上过蜡包装用来三明治件过大的工作做成小狗的。而且,总是牙膏的头下,最后牙膏挤出来。

    Waxed inner liners from cereal packets are used to wrap sandwiches, an outgrown jumper became a dog bed, and she always cuts the tops off toothpaste tubes to get out every last squeeze.


  • 主控人员立即事故发生地区域设置安全警戒戴上防毒面具、连体防护防护用品设施,对泄漏进行检查

    3the Master control staff immediately sets security cordon in the accident area and wears gas mask and protective jump suit etc. protective equipments or safeguards to examine the leaking point.


  • 学士但是一定要穿身上那些一起奋斗人们相,然后帽子高高地扔向空中

    The baccalaureate gown is not beautiful at all, but it's necessary to take a picture in it with the people who strive with you, then throw the trencher cap into air.


  • 如果在家办公,女性就能够穿着运动参加电话会议,或是凌晨2穿着睡衣邮件

    Working from home allows women to attend conference calls in sweats and send emails at 2 a. m. in pajamas.


  • 学校第二举办的土著印第安人日活动,前一天晚上7孩子们准备套能够体现休伦部落传统演出。 这种事情多数家庭都不会让爸爸来做。

    In very few households will you be asked at 7 p. m. the night before it is needed to make a costume depicting authentic dress from the Huron tribe for Native American Awareness Day at school.


  • 星期一下午四十五分,在我工作工厂工作

    It is1.45on a Monday afternoon and I am getting changed into coveralls at the factory where I work.


  • 要是婚礼傍晚之后进行,那么你可以选择无尾年夜号衣类的晚号衣。

    If you are getting married after 6pm, you can wear a tuxedo or tails as these are evening clothes.


  • 今天我们一家人宜家穿着件黄色上衣宜家工作有那么一

    Today, I went to Ikea with my family. I was wearing a yellow polo that vaguely looked like the ones the Ikea employees were wearing.


  • 我们于11抵达大家拿到滑雪雪具之后,都已经迫不及待的要一试身手了!

    We arrived around 11:00am, and then everyone even could not wait to start skiing after getting the ski jackets and equipments!


  • 我们于11抵达大家拿到滑雪雪具之后,都已经迫不及待的要一试身手了!

    We arrived around 11:00am, and then everyone even could not wait to start skiing after getting the ski jackets and equipments!


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