• 例如选择CICSECI链接导航创建访问CICS ECI程序服务工具

    For example, selecting the CICS ECI link would guide you to the tools to create a service accessing CICS ECI programs.


  • 因为XDP文件XML文件,所以标准的XML工具系统接口以及Web服务可以编辑,这使得XML数据可以直接访问

    Since an XDP file is an XML file, standard XML tools, system interfaces, and Web services can work with it, making the XML data directly accessible.


  • 几个构建用于J2EEWeb服务RDBMSEIS访问WebSphere工具IBM开发团队提供关于产品可用性性能互操作性方面的建议。

    He advises several IBM development teams building WebSphere tools for J2EE, Web services, RDBMS and EIS access about the usability, performance, and interoperability aspects of their products.


  • 大多数RIA应用都会通过连接服务获取数据FleXtense类应用辅助工具之一,它对RIA -比如flex应用访问webservices提供帮助

    Most of RIA applications connect to the servers to retrieve data. FleXtense is one of the tools to help a RIA, such as a Flex application, to consume web services.


  • 如果常常要访问远程服务执行维护开发软件那么GNUScreen必不可少工具

    If you regularly access a remote server to perform maintenance or develop software, GNU Screen is indispensable.


  • 支持无线访问桌面服务到无线接入系统成为几乎所有一切通用工具而且已经无线解决方案中占据了一席之地。

    It's becoming the universal tool for almost everything, and it has found its place in wireless solutions, from desktops and servers with wireless access to access point systems.


  • 通用NFS装载工具内部服务发送一个请求要求访问所有导出

    The generic NFS mounter internally sends a request to the server asking for all the exported entries.


  • 例如这样一些工具,它们可以构建用来访问WSDL文档所描述服务的客户机代理

    For example, tools exist that can build client-side proxies to access a service described by a WSDL document.


  • DB 2UDB提供了多个工具可以用于监控数据库服务活动分析sql语句如何访问数据每个工具服务不同目的

    DB2 UDB provides several tools that can be used to monitor database server activities, or to analyze how an SQL statement accesses data; each serves a different purpose.


  • 直接访问业务依赖那些企业服务同时你的工具增添强大的动态语言结构

    It provides direct access to those enterprise services that your business depends on, and at the same time adds powerful dynamic language constructs to your toolkit.


  • 工具层,可管理端点(设备软件服务)通过JMX指定接口访问

    Instrumentation level: in this level, the manageable endpoints (device, software service, and so on) are made accessible through JMX-specified interfaces.


  • 如果示例HATSWeb服务运行一个egl工具产品实例访问网络那么此时可以开始预览这个EGLRich UI应用程序了。

    If the sample HATS web service is running on a network accessible by your instance of an EGL tooling product, then you can begin previewing your EGL Rich UI application at this point.


  • 临时场景不同添加一个Cloudscape网络服务以便Web应用程序使用数据库时,远程应用程序管理工具可以访问它。

    Unlike the casual Scenario, it adds a Cloudscape network server so that remote applications and administration tools can access the database while it is being used by Web applications.


  • 临时场景不同添加了一个Cloudscape网络服务以便Web应用程序使用数据库时,远程应用程序管理工具可以访问它。

    Unlike the casual scenario, it adds a Cloudscape network server so that remote applications and administration tools can access the database while it is being used by Web applications.


  • WebSphereMQ提供管理工具,以便JNDI访问任何目录服务创建管理管理对象

    WebSphere MQ provides an administration tool that creates and manages administered objects in any JNDI accessible directory service.


  • 这些数据并未计入YouTube[gm99nd]Mail[gm66nd]其它服务访问,也不包括来自浏览器工具搜索的搜索。

    The figures exclude visits to other [gm99nd] services, such as YouTube and [gm99nd] Mail. They omit searches carried out in a box on a browser toolbar.


  • Informix 11.70服务包含完整工具它们协同工作优化存储的使用,确保实现最高访问效率

    The Informix 11.70 server has a comprehensive set of tools that work together to optimize utilization of storage and ensure the highest access efficiency.


  • 可以报告服务未授权访问尝试因此对于审核LotusDomino服务器的安全性一个有用的工具

    It can also report unauthorized access attempts to the server and thus is a useful tool for auditing your Lotus Domino server security.


  • 然后使用某种算法技术工具开发负载平衡程序实现繁忙服务上的访问Web请求重定向清闲可用的服务上。

    Then, develop a load balancing program using an algorithm, technique, or tool to redirect visitor and Web requests from a busy server to freely-available servers.


  • 软件+服务蓝图包含一个带有源代码访问使用指导以及VisualStudio一起使用工具框架使可以轻松构建软件+服务的解决方案。

    Software + services Blueprints that contain a framework with source code access, guidance and tools that work with Visual Studio to enable you to easily build software + services solutions.


  • 目前美国境内共有3万名专门的服务人员,他们成立了一个专门的社区方便成员间的沟通联络,服务人员还可以通过这个社区来访问各种答题所必需有效工具

    With 30,000 guides in the U.S., they've also created a community for their guides to connect to other guides and as well as the tools they need to provide answers effectively.


  • 目前美国境内共有3万名专门的服务人员,他们成立了一个专门的社区方便成员间的沟通联络,服务人员还可以通过这个社区来访问各种答题必需有效工具

    With 30, 000 guides in the U.S., they've also created a community for their guides to connect to other guides and as well as the tools they need to provide answers effectively.


  • 虽然提供了用于帮助构建部署通过内部网络(甚至Internet)访问服务工具还需要对这些服务安全加以保证。

    Tools are available to help build and deploy services that may be accessed over an internal network or even the Internet, but these services need to be secured.


  • RegisterAPI调用期间存在系统访问工具(System Access Facility,SAF)检查,了解用户目标服务CBIND saf访问权限。

    There is a System access Facility (SAF) check during the Register API call for the user's access to the target server's CBIND SAF class.


  • 检查那些将发布成服务操作的方法。工具生成WSDL接口服务访问OTMPSRules服务所需绑定文件

    This tool generates the WSDL interface and service and binding files required for accessing the OTMPSRules service.


  • 最后油田地震数据库开发介绍如何利用先进Delphi工具开发客户端应用程序访问服务器端的数据库。

    At last, taking the seismic database of some oilfield for example, the paper introduces how to use the advanced DELPHI tool to develop client applied program to visit server database.


  • 实现分布式协作开发环境工具数据共享,应当提供一致数据访问服务

    Under the distributed collaborative development environment, a kind of unified access service of data is required to fulfill data sharing among tools.


  • 实用工具循环访问服务更改帐户运行服务

    The utility iterates through the services and only changes those which run under the old account.


  • 测试工具服务性能指标用户访问状况多个参数综合起来分析系统性能。

    This testing tool will combine multiple parameters, for example server performance indicators and the user accessing state, to get an full analysis of the system performance.


  • 可能破解攻击者通过某种手段持续访问系统或者种植一些恶意软件(可能一个工具),骚扰服务

    You have likely been compromised through some means and the attacker has persistent access to your system, or has planted some malware (possibly a root-kit) that is molesting your server.


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