• 部门负责住宿照顾服务提供

    The department is responsible for the provision of residential care services.


  • 这种服务的提供可以使盗版音乐需求下降

    Such offerings may also succeed in reducing the demand for pirated music.


  • 这些服务提供地点急症室、非官方的艾滋病咨询检测站。

    These services were provided at casualty departments as well as through voluntary HIV counselling and testing sites.


  • 现在人们已经渐渐意识到,药品过期医疗服务提供构成威胁

    Awareness about the threat of expiry of medicines to the delivery of health services has increased.


  • 未来服务的提供上门提供更多数据存储地点保护方式选择

    In future, cloud providers will offer many more options for where data are kept and how they are protected.


  • 套系统方法提供技术支持扩大青少年高质量卫生服务提供使用

    It provides technical assistance to support a systematic approach to scaling up the provision and use of quality health services to adolescents.


  • 不过由于具有电话技术互联网服务提供网络所有权中分离出来。

    But as with telephony, the Internet is unpicking service delivery from network ownership.


  • 强烈认为两个关键问题必须解决,用于改进服务提供加强治疗效果

    I feel strongly that there are two key issues that must be addressed to improve service delivery and enhance treatment outcomes.


  • 和EveryDNS.net网站其他用户一样此项服务提供免费的。

    As with other users of the EveryDNS.net network, this service was provided for free.


  • WSDL文件中心Web服务提供程序定义了其他应用程序使用方法

    At the heart of a WSDL file, the Web service provider defines the methods that are available for consumption by other applications.


  • 清晰服务质量规范(根据业务远景确定的)有助于架构评估服务提供位置方式

    Clear quality of service specifications, stated from a business perspective, help the architect assess where and how to provide services.


  • 还有那些为了确保必要社会服务的提供不得不继续工作人们相信他们胜任他们的工作。

    There are some who must necessarily remain at work on these days to maintain essential services, and I am sure they can be relied upon to carry on.


  • 我们正在建立系统用于追踪调查蚊帐使用情况、疟疾治疗服务的提供情况、室内喷洒灭蚊药的情况。

    We are setting up a system to track the use of bed nets, access to anti-malarial treatment and indoor spraying.


  • 面向服务模型中,我们通常关注可供很多任意客户端”使用服务提供我们从“提供者到使用者”的角度看待问题。

    In the service oriented model we are typically focused on the provision of services that can be consumed by many and arbitrary 'clients'; that is, we take a provider-to-consumer view of the world.


  • 我们能够提供全城最好服务而自豪。

    We take great pride in offering the best service in town.


  • 只有承担风险雇员才能提供高效客户服务

    Taking risks is the only way employees can provide effective and efficient customer service.


  • 我们客户提供免费送货上门的服务

    We offer customers a free home delivery service.


  • 我们关心顾客提供优质服务

    Our main concern is to provide quality customer service.


  • 公司食品工业提供灵活包装服务

    His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry.


  • 邮寄来自另外提供类似服务公司的宣传单。

    I am sending you literature from two other companies that provide a similar service.


  • 这家医院承诺提供最好医疗服务

    The hospital has a commitment to provide the best possible medical care.


  • 雅虎提供网上目录检索服务最早知名的网站。

    Yahoo is the oldest and best-known Web directory service.


  • 这家银行提供贵重物品的安全保管服务

    The bank provides safe custody for valuables.


  • 服务公司提供自行车GPS蓝牙

    The bike that the service company provides has GPS or Bluetooth on it.


  • 条路显然为了给发现采石场提供服务而修建的。

    The road was clearly built to provide services for the newly discovered stone pit.


  • 他们无家可归动物提供照顾良好服务

    They provide care and good services for homeless animals.


  • 作为护士我们只有获准提供护理服务的执照

    As nurses, we are licensed to provide nursing care only.


  • 西尔税收的回落可能导致大幅缩减贫困人口提供基本服务

    Silber says the tax rollback would decimate basic services for the needy.


  • 我们提供最高标准服务而自豪。

    We take pride in offering you the highest standards.


  • 我们提供最高标准服务而自豪。

    We take pride in offering you the highest standards.


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