• 充分利用SOA建议企业建立采用经过验证体系结构标准治理流程设计管理服务资产

    To take full advantage of SOA, enterprises are advised to establish or adopt proven architecture standards and governance processes to design and manage service assets.


  • 现在亟待针对整个行业提出XML规范定义企业信息模型用于模型一起使用标准服务操作

    There is an industrywide push to come up with XML specifications that define the enterprise information model and a set of standard service operations to be used with the model.


  • 引导企业品牌标准服务效益重点健全质量管理体系强化社会责任

    We will guide enterprises to improve their quality management systems, focusing on brands, standards, service, and performance, and to enhance their sense of social responsibility.


  • 对于企业开发如何选购服务,许多人认为只需要标准J2EE好了这种说法从没有停止过。

    Saying to the manager of enterprise development shops "Oh yes just standardize on J2EE and everything will be fine" is not going to cut it.


  • 处理信用卡支付所有企业(换话说,只是金融服务部门)必须遵守这个标准,从而帮助避免信用卡欺诈。

    This compliance is to be followed by any business that processes card payments (in other words, not only by the financial services sector) to help prevent credit card fraud.


  • 由于SOA驱动因素(重用敏捷企业协调一致)促进因素(技术组件标准)性质随着时间的推移生产服务可能不断变化

    Given the nature of SOA drivers (reuse, agility, business alignment, etc) and enablers (technology components, standards), it is natural to expect changes to production services over time.


  • 组织边界服务遵循ACCORDHiPAA等行业标准进行企业数据共享访问吗?

    Do the organization's boundary services follow industry standards like ACCORD, HiPAA for enterprise data sharing and accessing?


  • 远程应用程序服务最佳例子就是GoogleApps通过一个标准Web浏览器提供了多个企业应用程序。

    Here the best example remote application service is Google Apps, which provides several enterprise applications through a standard Web browser.


  • 由于实现无缝服务集成Web服务J2EESCA标准提供了本地支持,所以WebSphereESB一种支持基于标准SOA策略性企业产品

    With its native support for Web services, J2EE, and SCA standards for seamless service integration, WebSphere ESB is a strategic enterprise product for enabling a standards-based SOA.


  • 企业OSGi规范JNDI客户机定义了标准机制获取 OSGi服务引用,在两种编程风格之间架起了一个天然桥梁

    The enterprise OSGi specification defines a standard mechanism for JNDI clients to obtain references to OSGi services, providing a natural bridge between two programming styles.


  • Office 365采用微软当前企业生产力在线标准而知名企业提供基于Web服务

    Office 365 takes the place of Microsoft's current web-based offering for firms known as the Business Productivity Online Standard Suite.


  • 提供用于访问主数据标准服务在整个企业企业都可以使用这些服务

    It also provides a set of standardized services for this data that can then be leveraged across and beyond the enterprise.


  • 使用一些标准数据转换工具企业服务总线消息代理能够大大简化消息数据转换为一种合理数据格式的过程。

    Using standard data transformation tools such as an enterprise service bus or message broker can greatly simplify the task of transforming messages and data streams into a well-defined data format.


  • 使用转换服务标准企业中的用户标识格式

    Standardizing user identity formats within the enterprise with the token transformation service.


  • 正是这个服务网关使得一种标准的、受控方式公开成熟企业服务成为了可能

    It is the service gateway that makes it possible to expose mature enterprise services in a standardized and governed fashion.


  • 还有一些辅助服务模式正在开发过程其中许多将计费计量模式标准,现在已受到企业认可

    Secondary service models are in progress, and many have standardized billing and metering models that have gained acceptance in all levels of business.


  • 每种类型企业信息系统都各自使用标准的、特定于供应商体系结构连接应用服务

    Each type of enterprise information system USES its own non-standard, vendor-specific architecture to connect to an application server.


  • 总之这种应用服务已经展现出J2EE标准健壮支持,以后一定中小型企业IT项目中占有一席之地

    Overall, the application server has demonstrated robust support for J2EE standards and will definitely find its place in small to medium enterprise it.


  • 今天标准来衡量,斯特的公司根本算不上企业企业应该那些机构经营范围雇佣成千工人,生产提供价值上亿美元货物服务

    Today Astor’s company would not register as a blip on the corporate horizon. Firms routinely employ thousands of workers and move billions of dollars-worth of goods and services within their borders.


  • 这些美国企业客户开发出自给自足高度标准设施服务,是一种全封闭结构。

    These U.S. companies developed completely self-contained and highly standardized facilities and services for customers.


  • 企业数据交换确定XML词汇一个伟大的开始保险业需要的是Web服务基础上进行标准

    While identifying an XML vocabulary for data exchange between businesses is a great start, what the insurance industry needs is to standardize on web services.


  • 允许企业标准角度指定消费Web服务提供Web服务业务流程

    It permits businesses to specify business processes that both consume and provide web services from a standardized viewpoint.


  • 使用Geronimo应用服务允许建立符合最新标准的安全企业基础设施

    Using the Geronimo application server lets you build a secure enterprise infrastructure conforming to the latest standards.


  • 企业服务总线ESB产品引入基于Web服务基于标准集成解决方案变得受欢迎

    The introduction of Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) products make Web services-based, standards-based integration solutions, even more popular.


  • 企业希望支持许多基于标准服务调用机制客户接触时,建议使用esbibmWebSphere ESB。

    When the enterprise wants to reach out to multiple clients that support a multitude of standards-based service invocation mechanisms, the recommended ESB is the IBM WebSphere ESB.


  • Web服务现已确立操作性标准使它们对于企业企业连接至关重要

    Web services are now established as an interoperability standard, which makes them vitally important for business-to-business connectivity.


  • J2EE连接器J2C体系结构规范使 J2EE 应用程序服务企业信息系统(enterprise information systems,EIS交互符合标准

    The J2EE Connector (J2C) Architecture specification standardizes the interaction of J2EE application servers and enterprise information systems (EIS).


  • 我们期待企业提供高品质标准专业化服务

    We look forward to your business to provide high-quality, high standards and professional services.


  • 文章强调,图书情报工作人员应当改进标准情报服务工作,帮助中国企业争夺国际市场

    It stresses librarian should improve standard information service to help China's enterprises scrambling for the markets of the world.


  • 文章强调,图书情报工作人员应当改进标准情报服务工作,帮助中国企业争夺国际市场

    It stresses librarian should improve standard information service to help China's enterprises scrambling for the markets of the world.


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