• 否则可以定位服务器存根创建Portlet项目

    Otherwise, you can target server stubs to create the portlet project.


  • 服务器存根解封输入参数请求本地过程调用服务器例程。

    The server stub unmarshals the input parameters and invokes the requested local procedure in the server routines.


  • cafsfuse_server代码进行链接服务器存根代码(代理代码)。

    Afsfuse.ss.c is the server stub code (proxy code) to be linked with your afsfuse_server code.


  • 服务器传输协议消息传送给服务器存根随后服务器存根请求消息调用对象真正函数

    At the server side, the transport protocol delivers the message to the server stub, which then unpacks the request message and calls the actual function on the object.


  • 服务器计算机内核中的网络例程接收到网络消息后,使用RPC运行消息发送服务器存根

    On the server machine side, as the network message is received by the network routines in the kernel, it's sent to the server stub by the use of RPC run time.


  • 存根域中计算机试图连接外部网络中的一台计算机,例如一台网络服务器

    A computer on the stub domain attempts to connect to a computer outside the network, such as a Web server.


  • 他们使用文档描述示例以及与描述符匹配服务器端的示例存根参考资料部分中给出

    An example of the document descriptor they used and an example stub on the server end that matches the descriptor is given in the Resources section.


  • 同样即使存根可能运行相同后端服务器服务进行对话典型JAX - RPC运行也分别每个单独存根维护会话数据

    As such, a typical JAX-RPC runtime maintains the session data separately for each individual stub even though stubs may talk with services running at the same back-end server.


  • 生成代码包括客户端的存根(实现必要接口)服务器端的基干

    The generated code includes the stubs on the client side (implementing the required interface), and the skeleton on the server side.


  • WSDL代码生成模块WSDL文件生成客户端存根服务器框架代码。

    WSDL and code generation: This module takes care of generating client stub and server skeleton code from the WSDL file.


  • 幕后存根对象实现远程服务器对象同样接口

    Under the hood, the stub object implements the same interface as the remote server object.


  • 使用RMI连接器时,会客户机被传递服务器端的存根创建远程对象

    When the RMI connector is used, a remote object is created on the client side and on the stub passed to the server side.


  • 合适WSDL服务定义使用取消包装操作时,生成客户机存根以及服务器代码框架将更为简单直接

    When unwrapping is used with a suitable WSDL service definition, the generated client stub (and also the server skeleton) is simpler and more direct.


  • 工具基于WSDL服务描述客户服务器消息接收者存根形式生成axis2连接代码

    This tool generates Axis2 linkage code based on a WSDL service description in the form of a stub for the client side or a message receiver for the server side.


  • 工作空间安装运行时中的WebSphereportal存根应该指向安装的portal服务器ute位置

    The WebSphere portal stub in the installed runtime of your workspace should point to the installed portal server UTE location.


  • jar文件clientstubs . jar包含需要与存储应用服务器中的远程ejb框架交互客户代理存根

    The jar file clientstubs.jar contains the client-side proxy stubs needed to interact with the remote skeleton of the EJB housed in the application server.


  • 存根代理所有方法调用,将组件、方法参数编排处理xml通过一个Ajax请求将xml有效负载传递服务器端组件。

    The stub proxies all method calls, marshaling the component name, method, and arguments into XML, and passes the XML payload over the wire to the server-side component using an Ajax request.


  • IBMWSDL 1.1工具包:IBMWeb服务描述语言工具包(请参阅参考资料)生成来自于WSDL的客户端服务器存根

    IBM WSDL 1.1 toolkit - The IBM Web Services Description Language toolkit (see Resources) generates client and server stubs from WSDL.


  • 正因为如此存根方法没有返回而不管匹配服务器方法是否有要返回的值。

    As such, the method on the stub does not have a value to return, regardless of whether the matching server-side method has one.


  • 每个远程方法调用都包括数据客户机ejb存根传送服务器,然后再传送产生网络流量客户机ejb存根

    Every remote method call involves transferring data from the client EJB stub to the server and back to the client EJB stub generating network traffic.


  • 然后存根调用参数打包一个请求消息调用传输协议消息传送到服务器

    The stub packs the call parameters into a request message, and invokes a transport protocol to ship the message to the server.


  • 负责本地化服务器对象(无论是否通过网络)然后存根调用发送服务器

    It's responsible for locating the server object (wherever it may be over the network) and then sending the stub's call to the server.


  • 包含存根服务器组件进行交互所需复杂类型

    It contains the remote stubs and complex types that are needed to interact with your server-side components.


  • 清单4中,应该注意存根方法服务器组件上的“实际”方法存在一个重要差异

    In Listing 4, you should notice that there is an important difference between the method on the stub and the "real" method on the server-side component.


  • RationalApplication DeveloperV7.5 中的一个主要特性就是WebSphereportalV6.1支持添加服务器运行时服务器类型存根的支持。

    One of the main new features in Rational Application Developer V7.5 is the addition of a new server runtime, server type, and stubs for WebSphere portal V6.1 support.


  • PortalToolkit构件主要特性NewServer向导添加新的服务器运行,一个服务器类型以及支持WebSphere Portal 7.0的存根

    One of the major features of the Portal Toolkit component is the addition to the new server wizard of a new server run time, a server type, and stubs for WebSphere Portal v7.0 support.


  • PortalToolkit构件主要特性NewServer向导添加新的服务器运行,一个服务器类型以及支持WebSphere Portal 7.0的存根

    One of the major features of the Portal Toolkit component is the addition to the new server wizard of a new server run time, a server type, and stubs for WebSphere Portal v7.0 support.


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