• 除了云端存储数据方面之外,服务可迁移性必须得到确保

    Next to the aspect of storage and data in the cloud, portability of Services must be ensured.


  • 一部分预测者认为竞争迅速地扩大个人云端服务市场

    Some forecasters reckon that competition will rapidly expand the market for personal cloud-based services.


  • 但是我们非常担心安全和带宽问题,所以我们通常允许在线插件(它会云端外部服务请求提供响应)。

    But because we're so serious about security and bandwidth availability, we generally don't approve Plugins for on Demand that make custom requests to outside services in the cloud.


  • 需要大量存储空间时,最好方法仍然使用外部存储器”说道,“人们始终害怕云端储存服务出现问题。”

    "When you need a lot of space, the best value is still going to be external storage," he said. "there's also a fear out there that the [cloud-based] service could go down."


  • 如果没有思科提供服务以及通过产品提供可能性业务移植云端像是纸上谈兵。

    Without the services that Cisco provides and has made possible through their products, the migration of business onto the cloud would be more of a notion than a reality.


  • 随着我们进入PC时代联网移动应用云端服务应用的转变迅速

    As we enter a "Post PC" era, there is a rapid shift toward connecting mobile applications to the cloud.


  • 一个SOA解决方案应当整合基于云端服务本地服务而且架构上提供自己服务应当很容易

    A SOA solution should be able to integrate cloud based services as well as on-site services, and it should easily be possible to provision your own service on a cloud infrastructure.


  • 云端LBS社交网络服务需求增长同样改变商业模型

    The increase in demand for cloud services, location-based services, and social networking is also altering the business model landscape.


  • 对于开发者架构师来说,平台即服务(PaaS,Platform Asa Service)优点就是可以直接开发出适合云端应用

    An advantage of a Platform-as-a-Service for developers and architects is the ability to directly develop applications for the cloud.


  • 作为一个服务平台Jambok允许企业、组织通过云端分享知识

    Jambok is a software as a service platform that enables companies and communities to share knowledge in the the cloud.


  • 服务Dropbox差不多,可以轻松你桌面文件和文件夹同步云端

    The service works just as well (if not better) than Dropbox, and will sync yourfiles and folders from your desktop to the cloud with ease.


  • 云端AmazonSQS服务提供应用程序之间队列服务即使它们没有连接网络

    On the cloud side, the Amazon SQS service provides a queuing service between applications, even when they are on unconnected networks.


  • 还有文件电子邮件-所有存储于别人服务云端东西

    And what about your documents and emails - all likewise stored in the cloud on someone else's server?


  • 款新软件人们谷歌网络服务或者云端”存储器的支持下进行资源共享

    The new software allows people to create shared content that is hosted on Google’s servers online, or “in the cloud”.


  • 应用系统迁移云端可以弹性基础服务中获益,云服务一种快速、廉价、高效策略方法

    Migrating applications to the cloud to benefit from its elastic infrastructure services is a quick, cost-effective, and tactical approach to reap the benefits of the cloud.


  • 这种新的云端播放器服务通过一个保存亚马逊云端磁盘按钮保存MP 3至云端磁盘,同样可以将本地音乐传到云端磁盘。

    The new cloud Player service adds a new "Save to Amazon cloud drive" button for saving MP3s to the cloud, as well as an option to upload music from a hard drive to a user's cloud drive.


  • 用户浏览器数据包括书签密码设置浏览历史活动标签页全都通过扩展加密然后传到位于云端Mozilla服务

    The user's browser data, including bookmarks, passwords, preferences, page history, and active tabs, are encrypted by the add-on and transmitted to Mozilla's servers in the cloud.


  • 亚马逊刚刚涉足流媒体音乐业务发布了一云端音乐播放器允许任何人通过网络或者Android系统上传音乐到亚马逊服务并且播放音乐。

    Amazon has just entered the streaming music business with the launch of Cloud player, a music player that lets anyone upload their music to Amazon's servers and play them via the web or Android.


  • Egnyte在2008年推出基于云端文件共享服务专注中小型企业用户

    It was in 2008 that Egnyte launched its cloud-based file sharing service, with a focus on small and medium-size businesses.


  • 为了方便很多小型企业自身服务托管云端依靠管理服务提供商(MSP)满足他们IT需求

    In order to facilitate the map, many small businesses will be hosting their own services in the cloud, and rely on management service providers (MSP) to meet their it needs.


  • 这种云端模型提升服务可用性以下分五个基本特征三个服务模式四种布署模型加以说明。

    This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.


  • 需要主选单启用并且登入云端服务才能使用功能

    You need to sign into cloud from the main menu to enable this feature.


  • 移动设备转移英特尔创造新的市场驱动储存的超大数据服务到了芯片大量的移动数据都储存在云端

    The shift to mobile has also created a new market for Intel: Its chips are in the huge data servers that power the cloud, where much mobile data is stored.


  • 本该5月6召开年会洲际酒店却正忙于一家Amadeus的公司联手推出一个全新云端预订系统提供个性化服务

    InterContinental, which was due to hold its annual meeting on May 6th, is partnering with a company called Amadeus to launch a new, cloud-based reservation system that gives more personalised service.


  • 南非现在云端运算趋势,通讯服务供应商(CSP)因收益串流而增长,提供可以使用的机会

    The current move in South Africa towards cloud computing represents an opportunity that Communication Service Providers (CSPs) can take advantage of in order to grow and protect their revenue streams.


  • 南非现在云端运算趋势,通讯服务供应商(CSP)因收益串流而增长,提供可以使用的机会

    The current move in South Africa towards cloud computing represents an opportunity that Communication Service Providers (CSPs) can take advantage of in order to grow and protect their revenue streams.


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