• 政府致力于改善公共服务事业尤其是教育

    The government aims to improve public services , especially education.


  • 一个广泛技术服务事业领域的;

    There is a wide range of technical service careers in areas such as;


  • 照顾老人的日托中心整个服务事业作出可贵的贡献

    Day centers for the elderly make a valuable contribution to the overall service.


  • 结果经营这样一家公众服务事业紧密相关企业,想象的要难以驾驭。

    As things turned out, running a company so closely tied to a mission of public service turned out to be far trickier than he thought.


  • 一旦意识到我可以赚钱绘画简直是去年底我国食品服务事业

    Once I realized that I could make money from drawing people, then that was the end of my food service career.


  • 里兹的做法是只雇用那些热爱服务事业员工然后利用技术管理增进客服工作效果。

    They hire employees who love service and then use technology to manage and enhance the customer service experience.


  • 虽然我国志愿服务事业取得很大成就但是西方发达国家相比起来还有许多差距

    Although the cause of China's volunteer service has made great achievements, but compared with the developed western countries and there are many gaps.


  • 第47 - 3条经营银行资金移转帐务清算金融资讯服务事业主管机关许可

    Article 47-3 a financial information service business which intends to engage in an inter-bank funds transfer clearing services shall obtain the Competent Authority's approval to do so.


  • 目前经济不景气私营部门一直人,转公益事业服务事业很大程度这些残酷现实有关。

    The shift toward careers in public service has had to do, in large part, with the hard facts of a bad economy and a private sector that hasn't been hiring.


  • 人文护理作为全新护理理念临终关怀适应社会需要的卫生服务事业核心理念上达到了一种契合。

    In the core idea, humanitarian nursing, a brand-new idea of nursing corresponds to hospice care, the career of medical service accommodating with the social need.


  • 介绍美国国立医学图书馆全国图书情报学委员会推进美国健康信息服务事业工作以及成功健康信息服务案例

    The author introduces the work which the NLM and NCLIS have done for improving the consumer health information service in America, as well as successful examples of the health information service.


  • 海外一些发达国家推动英特网服务事业方面积累了不少经验值得我们借鉴学习,通过交流,我们可以得到更多的信息体会

    Some overseas developed countries have accumulated much experience in promoting Internet service. And their experience deserves our reference and study.


  • 社会服务事业政府开支相当一部分。

    The social services account for a substantial part of public spending.


  • 银行其他地方可能会听到公用事业帐单这个——就是家庭服务有关账单电费、煤气费、水费电话费

    In the bank, and elsewhere, you may hear the term 'utility bill'—this simply refers to bills relating to the provision of services to your home, such as electricity, gas, water and telephone.


  • 即使一个人没有自己事业根本不用别人提供服务我们不断地自己给自己的追求不管追求什么。

    Even if one does not own a business or provide services to others, we are constantly selling ourselves into whatever it is that we want to pursue.


  • 考虑销售所占一定百分比,提供特定产品服务作为慈善公益事业捐赠

    Consider offering a percentage of the sale of particular products or services as a donation to your charitable cause.


  • 这些公司不断兜售接连不断产品服务但是,不合常理的是,“传统依然在为这项事业推波助澜。

    Companies are intent on peddling a constant stream of new products and services but, perversely, the concept of tradition still drives the business.


  • 放弃游戏事业主要原因不能再像从前那样很好地服务

    The main reason for my shift away from my games business was that it wasn’t a strong enough outlet for service for me.


  • 上帝整个事业服务的。

    All the works of God are made to serve love.


  • 也许很难知道一份事业是否成功但是人们总是需要大量商品以及服务

    Although it may be hard to know whether a business will succeed, there will always be a need for a variety of goods and services and businesses to supply them.


  • 计算成为新型的公共事业服务

    Cloud computing is poised to become the next mega-utility service.


  • 第十宫事业,第六宫主管工作服务表现

    Keep in mind that the career is the 10th house. The 6th rules the work or actual service performed.


  • Landis+Gyr销售智能电表网络系统服务产品公司在全球拥有超过8,000家公用事业单位客户

    Landis+Gyr, which also sells smart meters, networking systems and service products, boasts more than 8, 000 utility customers globally.


  • 本月初,宾夕法尼亚公共事业委员会裁定verizon客户服务涉嫌夸大”,要求改善客服

    Earlier this month the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission decided Verizon's customer service "stinks" and sought a settlement to improve customer service.


  • 然而其中的原理并不限于通信提供商可以应用所有类型服务提供商—银行、股票代理公用事业公司等等

    However, the ideas aren't restricted to communications providers: They apply to all types of service providers-banks, stock brokers, utility companies, and so on.


  • 然而其中的原理并不限于通信提供商可以应用所有类型服务提供商—银行、股票代理公用事业公司等等

    However, the ideas aren't restricted to communications providers: They apply to all types of service providers-banks, stock brokers, utility companies, and so on.


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